Why is the 'Cadet' thread locked?

Started by Maguire01, November 30, 2011, 08:35:04 PM

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Bit over the top there from Jude Collins, though I think as a society (in NI) we should certainly aim to be less militaristic in our ways and for that reason I wouldn't encourage either of my kids to join the Cadets.

Nally Stand

Sweet f**k the BBC are really trying to make a major story out of this rubbish. Wendy Austin on Radio Uladh has obviously been listening to Bingo on gaaboard... "what if a Unionist mayor refused to shake the hands of a young GAA player".  >:(  Unacceptable that the GAA are effectively being described as the Irish equivalent of the British Army Cadets.
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore


f**k the british army...that's all I have to say

Nally Stand

"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore


Quote from: nifan on December 02, 2011, 09:15:27 AM
Quote from: haranguerer on December 02, 2011, 08:56:48 AM
ffs - read. Leaving aside whether they actually are or not, where does Jude Collins say they are??

This child has barely reached the age of puberty, yet she has been enlisted in an organization where people are taught to kill other people – with guns, with grenades, with tanks, with rockets, with bombs.

Its a sponsored wing of the british army, I think we all know thats what hes referring to


Quote from: Nally Stand on December 02, 2011, 12:49:39 PM
Quote from: sheamy on December 02, 2011, 12:39:36 PM
f**k the british army


It's understandable you feel that way, considering the absolute defeat they handed down to you boys.
Sinn Fein delivers -

British rule


Tout it would be refreshing to see you make a positive comment on something for a change, rather than your usual wind ups.


Quote from: Trout on December 02, 2011, 02:17:43 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on December 02, 2011, 12:49:39 PM
Quote from: sheamy on December 02, 2011, 12:39:36 PM
f**k the british army


It's understandable you feel that way, considering the absolute defeat they handed down to you boys.

Famine was their most devastating weapon.
MWWSI 2017

Fear ón Srath Bán

Quote from: Trout on December 02, 2011, 02:17:43 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on December 02, 2011, 12:49:39 PM
Quote from: sheamy on December 02, 2011, 12:39:36 PM
f**k the british army


It's understandable you feel that way, considering the absolute defeat they handed down to you boys.

Is that a fact now?...

Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...

Evil Genius

Well I suppose there's a sort of consistency in O'Donnghaille...

He made the following observation in his Blog in March 2009:
Ó Donnghaile condemns Short Strand British Army recruitment drive

Sinn Féin's East Belfast Representative Niall Ó Donnghaile has branded the decision to distribute recruitment literature for the British Army in the Short Strand area as both 'inappropriate' and 'deeply offensive'.
Speaking today Mr Ó Donnghaile said, "Yesterday like many other residents in the Short Strand I was surprised to find glossy recruitment literature for the British 'Territorial Army' in my letter box. I have been contacted by a number of residents highlighting their offence at this move since then.
The Short Strand is an area that has suffered greatly at the hands of numerous British Army regiments over a long number of years.
I spoke with one resident today, whose brother was gunned down by the British Army on the streets of this Parish while going about his daily business; understandably he is deeply hurt and angry that this literature would be directed at trying to recruit his sons into that same Army, I share his anger at the move.
Society in the North is moving on; even Hugh Orde accepts that there is no need for the British Army to return to our streets. There is also no need for this inappropriate and offensive attempt by the British TA to recruit young Irish people from this community under false promises of some sort of worthwhile career." CRÍOCH

Of course, if he wasn't so prone to take offence in the blink of an eye, further enquiry might have revealed that it was a simple delivery error by the (ahem) Royal Mail, as 'Level Headed Nationalist' pointed out:
This campaign was not targetted directly at Short Strand residents. In fact, the Army went out of it's way to exclude 'contentious' areas from the campaign. I know this for a fact. Parts of The Short Strand share the same postcode sector as the Albertbridge Road. Any overspill into The Short Strand was unintentional.
For those young men and women who are willing to take a broader look outside their immediate surroundings (that, in the case of the Short Strand has been turned into something of a ghetto by the selfish interests of particular groups) the Army provides a worthwhile and very well paid career option. In fact, 20% of all applicants in NI are from the Republic of Ireland because vacancies in the Irish Army are so limited.
Grow up. Northern Ireland has indeed moved on. The Army are not on the streets in this country any more. The war in Iraq has ended (we can all agree it was illegal) and they are off fighting a worthier cause in Afghanistan (trying to stop religous nuts from making the lives of ordinary people a misery and making sure northern Pakistan doesn't go the same way.) Sounds vaguely familiar eh....?
Northern Ireland has moved on, the British Army has moved on (quite literally.) If only you you could do the same.

P.S. I quite liked this comment on another site: "I dont know why Mayor Niall O'Donalhsag@#*&^%&* is getting so worked up about a wee girl in the army cadets. Both his parents were in the Provos. The chances are fairly high that at least one of them was also working for the British security services in one form or other."
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"

Nally Stand

Quote from: Fear ón Srath Bán on December 02, 2011, 02:40:11 PM
Quote from: Trout on December 02, 2011, 02:17:43 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on December 02, 2011, 12:49:39 PM
Quote from: sheamy on December 02, 2011, 12:39:36 PM
f**k the british army


It's understandable you feel that way, considering the absolute defeat they handed down to you boys.

Is that a fact now?...


Yes is that a fact Trout?? Cos the British Army have publically disgreed with that assertion:

Army paper says IRA not defeated
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore


"This guy is not a dick, far from it. Lets's look at the facts. He agreed to present Duke of Edinburgh Awards to my mind a step forward. During the course of the organisation some one pointed out that one of the award winners was in the Army Cadets. Given his constituency and the still raw sensitivities in some nationalist areas regarding the behaviour of the army during the conflict he quietly arranged for the presentation to be shared with the Chairman of the organisers. The girl was unaware that this was not the original intention. The real dick here is Mike Nesbitt and the UUP who brought this to the media's attention thus singling this girl out. Now personally it wouldn't bother me if he had presented her with her award but it does to the people he represents and would give further ammo if you'll pardon the pun to the dissidents. I have watched this guy closely and he is continuously stretching out the hand of friendship... what do the Unionist's do? they attack him disingeniously. He recent visited the cenotaph with a VIP, I can't remember the exact circumstances, the response from unionists was to pillory him for not attending remembrance Sunday. The Unionist parties only want a shared future on their terms...no Irish need apply, croppies lie down, take your pick."

This post my apples is the most sensible I have read on this matter and it would be difficult for anyone, even the the gifted word smiths on here to counter it.


So tell me then how did that work out about unifying Ireland, ah I forgot that was never the aim it was only so we could have houses and jobs and smash the orange state. What was it a score draw ? I would say the Brits were a lot happier with how things concluded. Union intact and the IRA bogeymen doing their bidding in Stormont.

Not defeated? You couldn't make it up. As for the YouTube link, do you think he would hold that opinion now?
Sinn Fein delivers -

British rule


Quote from: haranguerer on December 02, 2011, 01:37:44 PM
Quote from: nifan on December 02, 2011, 09:15:27 AM
Quote from: haranguerer on December 02, 2011, 08:56:48 AM
ffs - read. Leaving aside whether they actually are or not, where does Jude Collins say they are??

This child has barely reached the age of puberty, yet she has been enlisted in an organization where people are taught to kill other people – with guns, with grenades, with tanks, with rockets, with bombs.

Its a sponsored wing of the british army, I think we all know thats what hes referring to
He was being sensationalist and disingenuous to say the least. It's not part of the British Armed Forces.