Fat, sick and nearly dead

Started by The Iceman, September 13, 2011, 04:50:10 PM

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The Iceman

The majority of people in the developed world (I guess Ireland can be included in that list) would seem to have health problems. There is increasing obesity, more fat people than ever. I myself, although I am not overweight, have very high cholesterol and triglycerides which could lead to a heart attack.

From what I understand this is a result of our lifestyles changing and getting easier but our diets remaining the same. Our fathers and grandfathers probably ate as much as us but they did a days hard work in the fields or wherever, whereas most of us our sitting on our arses most of the time.

I watched a documentary recently called Fat Sick and Nearly Dead about an Australian guy who consumes only Juice for 60 days. He juices large quantities of fruit and vegetables, getting calories and nutrients. No solid food allowed.

Has anyone seen it? Any thoughts on it?

He proposes a 10 day Juice fast/feast for a reboot of your system. I'm currently on Day 2.
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight


Can you not think for yourself Iceman. You only have one life on this planet. I say live it and dont get sucked in to what you eat how u live etc. You pay ur taxes so its up to the government to look after you.


Our fathers and grandfathers.............

.....are all fat, sick and nearly dead too.

Sure maybe its for the best if we all kick it a bit early, our young ones wont be able to pay our pensions anyway.  :P
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


What the happened the guy on the 60 juice thingy though?

I only only imagine the state of his shites  ;D


Quote from: Bingo on September 13, 2011, 05:20:54 PM
What the happened the guy on the 60 juice thingy though?

I only only imagine the state of his shites  ;D
Eye of the needle job no doubt...... :D


There's no quick fix.

However, train your bowels to go to the toilet at least 6 times a day. I lost 1 stone in 3 years with that routine and swear by it.

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I watched the documentary a few months back iceman. Found it very interesting, and the results spoke for themselves.

I've been doing periodic juice cleanses for about a year now (once a quarter) and I feel great after them - although somedays you ride the juice truck and some days it runs right over you and you feel like shit. I try and replace 7 meals a week with just juice - or just fruits and vegetables if I am hungry. I tried to go vegetarian for a week - struggled with it. I also try to eat raw as much as possible - but that is an aquired lifestyle that I don't think I can get the hang of fully.

I completely agree that a huge percentage of health problems in the western world are rooted in the poorness of our nutrition. What we are eating and how much of it we are eating is slowly killing us. People are literally eating themselves to death - and its not just the morbidly obese. I used to be very hung up on the numbers, but now I am more focused on just trying to be healthy. Juicing regularly is a good start.

The Iceman

Good man Puck. We have been juicing regularly up until now and doing vegetarian meals at least 3-4 times a week but never attempted a juice cleanse before now.
I brought the cholesterol down about 60 points just by changing our salads from lettuce to spinach. My goal is to get the blood done at the end of this and see what the Doc has to say.

To answer Bingo: The guy who did the 60 day juice fast lost a fair amount of weight, dropped his cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure to the normal numbers and cured himself of a skin condition that he has suffered from for decades (basically his histamines were on overdrive and he could break out in huge hives just from shaking hands with someone). He now juices regularly but this whole experience helped him kick start a much more balanced diet and lifestyle.

I know I don't have the time to get exercising as much as i would need to do to keep things right so I have been focusing hard on what I can control  -the diet.
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight

Milltown Row2

Was never over weight but have stopped playing for the club (will continue with the beer belly team) and I have just started the DW gym for 6 months. I have cut out all white bread (I'm not a racist) and only eat 2 rounds of wholemeal bread a day.

Our dinners are slimming world type and I allow myself a small chocolate with a cup of tea. No beer/wine during the week and the chippy is a no go area!!

I was in Dublin for hurling weekend and stayed away from the fast food joints, had plenty of beer though ;)

I head to the gym and hit the running machine first then a circuit of weights followed by the bike for 15 minutes. After that into the pool for 8 lengths (only 20 meters) followed by the sauna and then hot tub!! Bliss

Usually takes about a hour and a half, but i head round about 8 at night so there is loads of machines available.

Don't know how long I'll stick at this, I've shifted 6 pounds in (I was 11 stone 8) 2 weeks without suffering.

None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea


Any one who drinks even remotely like the average Irish man is going to have to work very hard at staying slim. Unless you're one of these bastards who has the metabolism of a 16 year old - it's hard to keep the beer weight off without major concessions in other areas.


Has anyone used kettle bells before? Thinking of getting one or two as it seems to be a good workout, I can't be arsed with the hassle of the gym.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

Milltown Row2

Mate uses them. says they are great. I always hated the gym but i have a routine now and get it done. I try and better my times/speed and weights each time. Plenty of distractions though!!
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea


Everything in moderation. 
I think living off Juice is just as unhealthy as living off burgers and chips out of McDonalds.

Anyway, this is what the world is coming too
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Fear ón Srath Bán

Quote from: The Iceman on September 13, 2011, 04:50:10 PM
From what I understand this is a result of our lifestyles changing and getting easier but our diets remaining the same. Our fathers and grandfathers probably ate as much as us but they did a days hard work in the fields or wherever, whereas most of us our sitting on our arses most of the time.

Not true, the diet for the vast majority of people in the western world has changed immeasurably over the last two or three generations, with refined foods amost totally supplanting the previously relatively natural diets.

I'd be very wary of any 'detox'/fast that promoted 'juice' alone in that, for example, an orange juice isn't much better than a coca cola for the body given the overwhelming amounts of easily absorbed sugar involved; the difference between an orange (or more) and orange juice being that the pulp of the fruit acts as a slow release mechanism for the constituent sugar, so the blood sugars aren't elevated to crazy levels in a very short space of time (with all the concomitant pressure that that places on the body's organs).

A mix of fruit and vegetable juice wouldn't be quite as taxing on the body, but it would still need fruit and vegetable pulp in order to reduce the load on the body sufficiently, i.e., a pure 'smoothie' wouldn't be any more demanding than the constituent fruits themselves.

Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...


Quote from: pintsofguinness on September 13, 2011, 06:27:12 PM
Everything in moderation. 
I think living off Juice is just as unhealthy as living off burgers and chips out of McDonalds.

I agree with pints.
These crash diets are ridiculous. Drinking nothing but juice for ten days me hole.
Yourself and the wife should try working your way through every position in the kama sutra,that should burn off plenty of calories.
When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.