3 Reception in the North

Started by Karl Kennedy, September 11, 2011, 11:44:36 PM

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Karl Kennedy


Thinking of getting a 3 network Dongle for internet use in the North. Are any of youse aware what the reception is like?

I am leaning towards 3 as their download limit deal offered is much better than the others.

JUst retired

I would imagine it should be ok,as it is going to be on your phone line. In answer to your previous question ref freeveiw, I think you would need an outside aerial for good recption.


It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


I use the 3 dongle and it's 100%. I'm in Armagh area. Not sure what its got to do with your phoneline thou ??? Your technically given a mobile phone set-up, u can text etc... from your laptop/pc. The signal is full 5 bars all the time.


There is feck all Three in Tyrone or Fermanagh or footballing parts of Armagh.
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