RIP Michaela McAreavey

Started by MR99, January 10, 2011, 05:03:56 PM

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Just in and couldn't believe the news when I heard the news. Tragic and my deepest sympathies to her family. RIP


A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once



Dreadfully sad. A shocking loss to a great Gaelic family. May she rest in peace and may God give strength to those she leaves.


Unbelievably sad news about Michaela.  My condolences to all concerned.  I met Mickey at the All Ireland final this year.  He is a true gentleman. Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam.


Tragic altogether, obviously my thoughs and prayers will go to her husband and the Harte family, they seem like an exceptional family and I have nothing but sympathy for them at this time.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.

Tyrone Dreamer

Terrible news. God help her husband and family. RIP.


I cant imagine what the Harte and McAreavey families are going through right now.

the derg

totally shocked. one of those deaths that really rock you feel so sorry for both families but especially john isolated in a foreign land with no family or friends to help him through this nightmare may god bless both families.


terrible news!! RIP


You need to edit that post football-4-life. Show a bit of respect and consideration.
Not the time or place for speculation like that
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


Tragic news God help all concerned...My thoughts and prayers are with both the Hartes and Mc Greavy's at this absolutely terrible time.

May she rest in peace


Best not to speculate until confirmation of the cause of death.

Ball Hopper

What a tragedy.

May she rest in peace.


Quote from: football-4-life on January 10, 2011, 10:21:23 PM
terrible news!! i have just heard that she was murdered! please tell me this isnt true!

This is getting out of hand. Can people leave the speculation until after the post mortem. 5am our time tomorrow morning. Show some sense and respect.
"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin."
H. L. Mencken