Started by funtime frankie, November 19, 2010, 04:33:17 PM

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Mike Sheehy

For me the terms "West brit", "partitionist" and "free stater" are as insulting to me as the term "brit" is to you  and until you accept that and behave yourseleves then I will continue to give as good as I get. You fascist republicans are as bad as the tea party with their constant hijacking of what it means to be American.  You use all the same tactics , in fact, I often wonder if they didnt steal some of ye're methods.


Quote from: Mike Sheehy on November 21, 2010, 10:24:44 PM
For me the terms "West brit", "partitionist" and "free stater" are as insulting to me as the term "brit" is to you  and until you accept that and behave yourseleves then I will continue to give as good as I get. You fascist republicans are as bad as the tea party with their constant hijacking of what it means to be American.  You use all the same tactics , in fact, I often wonder if they didnt steal some of ye're methods.
So basically "you're being an idiot, so i'll be one too".


Quote from: Mike Sheehy on November 21, 2010, 10:24:44 PM
For me the terms "West brit", "partitionist" and "free stater" are as insulting to me as the term "brit" is to you  and until you accept that and behave yourseleves then I will continue to give as good as I get. You fascist republicans are as bad as the tea party with their constant hijacking of what it means to be American.  You use all the same tactics , in fact, I often wonder if they didnt steal some of ye're methods.
Ok Mike, thanks for the clarification. Though I stopped reading after the second line. f**king idiot.


I am an active gaa member and would class myself a republican(not a shinner) i would be on for some sort of commemoration to mark what happened in 1920 though not to be hi jacked by any political party full stop.

Mike Sheehy

Typical response from the Nordies. resorting to personal insults.


I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


There have been many more recent attacks on people for their connection to the GAA yet we seems to allow these to brush by. Perhaps we should be more concerned with highlighting the injustices against surviving victims?

Nally Stand

Mike, nobody gave you any personal abuse. You were the first one to direct personal abuse to someone on the thread. If you are insulted by the title of a partitionist, why behave like one by calling a fellow Irishman a "brit"?
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore


I don't see the issue here . What has this got to do with were you come from? This thread was started to discuss the opinions on what should be done if anything to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Massacre at Croke in 1920. These north south debates are poison and always seem to turn a proper debate into a childrens playground slaggin match. Numerous decent threads have went down this road so we have heard all this shite before, we probably all have issues on that topic so Mikey start a new thread for it and continue to talk shite I would say it will be like my duplicate thread for this.  postless.
I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.

Bud Wiser

Can someone riddle me this ?  What is the difference between the Fianna Fail Government going down to Bodenstown Churchyard every year and hijacking the name of Wolfe Tone and then suggesting that Sinn Fein are trying to hijack the Bloody Sunday anniversary?  The Fine Gaelers go to Beal Na Blaith every year and celebrate Michael Collins who was shot by our own but as soon as it is mentioned that we should remember the murderous bastards that came into Croke Park, and by the way, not happy with that, they kicked in doors on Clonliffe Road and shot a 14 year old young lad, I think Sheppard was his name, dead, there is almost a fear of a new uprising in the country.  If the GAA were any good they would have had a Tipperary Selection play a Dublin selection in Croke Park yesterday in a kind of Charity Shield game even if they only gave half the gate to Pieta House & the Cormack Trust instead of us trying to raise a few bob on a golf outing.
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"


hold on lads, we as gaa members elect reps to croke park every year, people steeped in gaa culture and tradition and none of them did jack shit about this anniversary. the question is did they forget about it or was it swept aside or quietly ignored. if it was forgot about then it is simply not important and we've moved on. but if it was quietly ignored for some political reason like shining a light on British atrocities at a time when they are giving 'us' a digout then we have a reason to be alarmed because then we would clearly see political interference in the affairs of the gaa.  :o the folk that were murdered were not republicans or otherwise they were Gaels attending a match- innocent people that is the reason if any they should or shouldn't be remembered.

PS on that digout point the facts are that British banks are owed 149billion by Irish banks/folk and while the British chancellor spouts about helping his neighbour out its just a different way of indirectly propping up British banks but not making the British taxpayer aware of it. its not an Irish digout at all. it just shows that British bankers are as dumb/greedy as Irish ones :-[

before i forget Mikey you are simply blinkered and an poor excuse for Irish man. you attack your fellow Gaels on this board when they express their concerns about the way our association is being run and never fail to produce your nordie trump card like it was something that northerners should be ashamed of or like we shouldn't have an opinion we are in a situation not of our making. i don't see you highlight the fact that US troops 225000/annum of them are using Shannon as a piss stop on their way to Afghanistan where the ratio of civilian to troop deaths is 9-1. or the fact that Irish troops/rangers are out there helping the Brits in a combatant role not working for the UN.. yet ireland claims neutrality. the truth is that it is only a matter of time until ireland becomes a member of NATO the debt accrued over the last 10 years is just the leverage Britain and America need but it will be all nicely packaged like its for the good of the Irish people and guys like you Mikey will swallow whatever your government tell you whether its fine gael/labour or fianna fail that is in "power" and if someone here says otherwise sure they'll just be a stupid nordie or a shinner   
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once


Mike i think you must just be on the the wind, but as someone already pointed out, you have shown your poor grasp of politics with the term republican fascist.  Now the irsh government have taken the "soup" that we and our children north and south of the border will pay back through our entire life time, but its a mere mention of ones dsgust that innocent victims are not remembered that gets your back up?  I cannot see how you can conclude that funtime franky must be a republican, would non republicans not want innocent victims remembered?  Or is it that they would but you suggest that they shouldn mention it? very confusing!!


Quote from: Mike Sheehy on November 20, 2010, 09:21:08 PM
Quote from: funtime frankie on November 20, 2010, 11:39:03 AM
Mike, I note that you failed to answer any of my questions and furthermore you will note that I was lecturing anybody on nationalism, republicanism or any ism. In fact I wasn't lecturing anybody on anything. Again, I will invite you to read the initial post and point out where I was lecturing.

It really is a shame that you feel the necessity to turn this event into a political football - pardon the pun. As I pointed out, it says more about the sad and twisted individual you are.

As for the brit remark - if you going to insult me at least make it funny.

What I detest about people like you is that you have no interest in commemorating these men. You are only interested in hijacking such events to spout your politics. If you were genuine you would not start your efforts with a post that , basically, was  an attempt to goad anyone to disagree with you so that you could get on your high republican horse and lecture to us , quoting Pearse and wrapping yourself in the flag so spare me the innocent act.

I think the Republic has enough problems.  The last thing anyone needs to be lectured by someone who is probably quite happy to take whatever handouts the British state will give him while telling everyone down south what a shower of west brits they are.

irony at its best
