Started by funtime frankie, November 19, 2010, 04:33:17 PM

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Mike Sheehy

Quote from: funtime frankie on November 20, 2010, 11:39:03 AM
Mike, I note that you failed to answer any of my questions and furthermore you will note that I was lecturing anybody on nationalism, republicanism or any ism. In fact I wasn't lecturing anybody on anything. Again, I will invite you to read the initial post and point out where I was lecturing.

It really is a shame that you feel the necessity to turn this event into a political football - pardon the pun. As I pointed out, it says more about the sad and twisted individual you are.

As for the brit remark - if you going to insult me at least make it funny.

What I detest about people like you is that you have no interest in commemorating these men. You are only interested in hijacking such events to spout your politics. If you were genuine you would not start your efforts with a post that , basically, was  an attempt to goad anyone to disagree with you so that you could get on your high republican horse and lecture to us , quoting Pearse and wrapping yourself in the flag so spare me the innocent act.

I think the Republic has enough problems.  The last thing anyone needs to be lectured by someone who is probably quite happy to take whatever handouts the British state will give him while telling everyone down south what a shower of west brits they are.


QuoteI think the Republic has enough problems

Indeed they've been having problems with people coming from places like Germany and even worse America, telling them what to do.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


I just received a text message there in a sort of protest on this issue. The text states,

Today , the 21st of Nov, is the 90th anniversary of the Croke park massacre, when british soldiers shot player Michael Hogan and 13 spectators during a football match betwenn Dublin and tipperary. The coorporate GAA won't be marking this anniversary so forward this text to remember those murdered gaels.

I know some of the issues have already been slimmed over but and i went and started a new thread on it like a dick. But i would like more opinions on the following

Should this issue be remembered?

Are the Gaa, in an event to move forward trying to phase out important historical issue that could possibly be viewed as the Gaa overlapping with politics.?

Is this text completely wrong and the Gaa has infact marked this anniversary with some sort of service?

I am of the opinion that this should be marked every year  as an important event within GAA circles, I feel every member of the GAA community should be made aware of this event and therefore it shouldn't be creeping up on us in the form of a text message. It doesn't have to take centre stage to every thing else but something as simple as laying wreaths in maybe each county with a small service like the club masses for the dead and having a minutes silence. Glad to see that Tipperary are still keeping the tradition alive and i would nearly say there is something in Dublin to commemorate it will be taking place. But to simply name a stand after one of the victims and then wash your hands of it is not acceptable. I think issues like this have become less and less important to the GAA over the years and to me this issues should always be remembered within GAA circles. A grassroots organisation should always be close to such issues.
I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.

red hander

Quote from: Mike Sheehy on November 20, 2010, 03:10:47 AM
Quote from: funtime frankie on November 19, 2010, 08:51:00 PM
Mike, I fail to see how I lectured anybody and I merely said that it would be a decent thing to do to commemorate the memory of those people who were murdered.

If you care to read my post you will see that there isn't even a hint of 'do it or else' and I do resent the facist label.

If suggesting that we should remember those poor people makes me an arsehole in your eyes then that is a title I will be happy to bear.

Clearly, I have upset you but I fail to see how such an innocuous message could cause you to insult me. What was it that annoyed you to launch such a tirade?

Might I invite to sit down with an open mind and re-read my initial message and kindly point out where I said, 'do or else you are a brit,' or where I lectured anybody.

It is fairly disgusting that you could find offence in my SUGGESTION that these people be remembered at GAA events on Sunday. The fact that you are annoyed by such a notion really does say a lot about how sad and twisted you are.

Its very unfortunate that you cannot even surpress your anti-republican rants when discussing such a seminal event in our history. It really is very sad to think that somebody would get upset by the suggestion that those who were murdered in Croke Park should be remembered and your reaction shows you up for what you are.

I will not allow myself to be lectured to on Irish nationalism by a brit....

Maybe you'll allow yourself to be called an utter p***k by this 'brit'...

Nally Stand

Mike S. I doubt whether, pre-partition, your parent/grandparents (age depending) would have appreciated being termed as "brits" by a fellow Irishman.

You are a disease on the idea of 32 county Irishness. Partitionist a**holes like you are a blight on society.
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore

Mike Sheehy

It never fails to amaze me how hypocritical you nordies are. You constantly question our nationalism yet get so worked up when you get a taste of your own medicine.

Long may it continue. I enjoy nothing more that bursting your pompous, republican superiority.

Nally Stand

Quote from: Mike Sheehy on November 21, 2010, 07:16:23 PM
It never fails to amaze me how hypocritical you nordies are. You constantly question our nationalism yet get so worked up when you get a taste of your own medicine.

Long may it continue. I enjoy nothing more that bursting your pompous, republican superiority.

Mike, anyone who accepts the division of their country and chooses to abuse those who have suffered most from it deserves (at the very least) to have their "nationalism" questioned.
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore

Milltown Row2

In ten years i think that the Gaa will have a commemorative ceremony but it has to be the Gaa, not political parties. Majority of the Shinners (high profile) don't play or are they associated with clubs.

Only the latest MLA for West Belfast is a know player/Gaa member  that i know of. (i stand to be corrected of course)

I believe we (Nordies) want to commerate everything and like the kick the pope bands, remind everyone one of our past, which then brings out the worst. Its very boring and if we stayed at school long enough we'd know our history and don't need reminding.

Some atrocities carried out in the name of Ireland are best forgotten
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea

Bud Wiser

I raised this question on the old board back in 2000 and I raised it with Croke Park as to why there was not going to be an 80th Anniversary that year, or if there would be. Danny Lynch was PRO for Croke Park at the time and as far as I can remember the answer I got at the time was a nugget, not even Brian Cowen could pull it off.  I was told, there will be no anniversary commeration this year because we had a 75th Anniversary commemoration.  When I said I heard nought about it I was told that it was a private small cermony inside Croke Park. I would like to see one every ten years anyway.  I would not object to a celebration of the demise of the Cairo Gang every ten years either.
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"


For the first time ever I'm with Mikey Sheehy on this one.

If it would be possible for the GAA to commemorate this event in a tasteful, respectful way, then I'd be all for it.

But as sure as Gerry will say 'the reality of the situation is' in his next interview, any official commemoration would be hijacked by tub thumping republicans.

We need another excuse for tub thumping like we need another massacre.


Quote from: Mike Sheehy on November 20, 2010, 09:21:08 PM
Quote from: funtime frankie on November 20, 2010, 11:39:03 AM
Mike, I note that you failed to answer any of my questions and furthermore you will note that I was lecturing anybody on nationalism, republicanism or any ism. In fact I wasn't lecturing anybody on anything. Again, I will invite you to read the initial post and point out where I was lecturing.

It really is a shame that you feel the necessity to turn this event into a political football - pardon the pun. As I pointed out, it says more about the sad and twisted individual you are.

As for the brit remark - if you going to insult me at least make it funny.

What I detest about people like you is that you have no interest in commemorating these men. You are only interested in hijacking such events to spout your politics. If you were genuine you would not start your efforts with a post that , basically, was  an attempt to goad anyone to disagree with you so that you could get on your high republican horse and lecture to us , quoting Pearse and wrapping yourself in the flag so spare me the innocent act.

I think the Republic has enough problems.  The last thing anyone needs to be lectured by someone who is probably quite happy to take whatever handouts the British state will give him while telling everyone down south what a shower of west brits they are.

And what was your reponse to that Mike -  to call an Irishman a Brit. You my friend are a gombeen Kerry bollix.


Quote from: mylestheslasher on November 21, 2010, 08:28:20 PM
Quote from: Mike Sheehy on November 20, 2010, 09:21:08 PM
Quote from: funtime frankie on November 20, 2010, 11:39:03 AM
Mike, I note that you failed to answer any of my questions and furthermore you will note that I was lecturing anybody on nationalism, republicanism or any ism. In fact I wasn't lecturing anybody on anything. Again, I will invite you to read the initial post and point out where I was lecturing.

It really is a shame that you feel the necessity to turn this event into a political football - pardon the pun. As I pointed out, it says more about the sad and twisted individual you are.

As for the brit remark - if you going to insult me at least make it funny.

What I detest about people like you is that you have no interest in commemorating these men. You are only interested in hijacking such events to spout your politics. If you were genuine you would not start your efforts with a post that , basically, was  an attempt to goad anyone to disagree with you so that you could get on your high republican horse and lecture to us , quoting Pearse and wrapping yourself in the flag so spare me the innocent act.

I think the Republic has enough problems.  The last thing anyone needs to be lectured by someone who is probably quite happy to take whatever handouts the British state will give him while telling everyone down south what a shower of west brits they are.

And what was your reponse to that Mike -  to call an Irishman a Brit. You my friend are a gombeen Kerry bollix.

Disgraceful effort that Mike and I second your censure, it is of course more accurate to call an Irishman a German in the week that's in it.
Undefeated at the Polo Grounds


Quote from: anglocelt39 on November 21, 2010, 09:11:57 PM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on November 21, 2010, 08:28:20 PM
Quote from: Mike Sheehy on November 20, 2010, 09:21:08 PM
Quote from: funtime frankie on November 20, 2010, 11:39:03 AM
Mike, I note that you failed to answer any of my questions and furthermore you will note that I was lecturing anybody on nationalism, republicanism or any ism. In fact I wasn't lecturing anybody on anything. Again, I will invite you to read the initial post and point out where I was lecturing.

It really is a shame that you feel the necessity to turn this event into a political football - pardon the pun. As I pointed out, it says more about the sad and twisted individual you are.

As for the brit remark - if you going to insult me at least make it funny.

What I detest about people like you is that you have no interest in commemorating these men. You are only interested in hijacking such events to spout your politics. If you were genuine you would not start your efforts with a post that , basically, was  an attempt to goad anyone to disagree with you so that you could get on your high republican horse and lecture to us , quoting Pearse and wrapping yourself in the flag so spare me the innocent act.

I think the Republic has enough problems.  The last thing anyone needs to be lectured by someone who is probably quite happy to take whatever handouts the British state will give him while telling everyone down south what a shower of west brits they are.

And what was your reponse to that Mike -  to call an Irishman a Brit. You my friend are a gombeen Kerry bollix.

Disgraceful effort that Mike and I second your censure, it is of course more accurate to call an Irishman a German in the week that's in it.

:D :D :D Because all previous attempts over the centuries to invade us have failed and we're all pure bred Irishmen, can trace our bloodlines back to the dawn of time ;D ;D


Quote from: thewobbler on November 21, 2010, 08:23:58 PM
For the first time ever I'm with Mikey Sheehy on this one.

If it would be possible for the GAA to commemorate this event in a tasteful, respectful way, then I'd be all for it.

But as sure as Gerry will say 'the reality of the situation is' in his next interview, any official commemoration would be hijacked by tub thumping republicans.

We need another excuse for tub thumping like we need another massacre.

Of course it is possible to commemorate it in a tasteful and respectful way and it should never be done any other way.

It is not the responsibility of the GAA to worry about outside organisations and how they react to issues that have been central to their history. So what are we supposed to do with divisive issues,ignore them and hope they go away?
I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.


Quote from: thewobbler on November 21, 2010, 08:23:58 PM
For the first time ever I'm with Mikey Sheehy on this one.
Would you also consider yourself a "brit" as Mike called another Northern poster?
Quote from: thewobbler on November 21, 2010, 08:23:58 PM
If it would be possible for the GAA to commemorate this event in a tasteful, respectful way, then I'd be all for it.
Why exactly wouldn't it be?
Quote from: thewobbler on November 21, 2010, 08:23:58 PM
But as sure as Gerry will say 'the reality of the situation is' in his next interview, any official commemoration would be hijacked by tub thumping republicans.
We need another excuse for tub thumping like we need another massacre.
Not even a fortnight ago the leader of the SDLP wore a poppy in memory of the very army who carried out this attack. I presume you will likewise be viciously opposed to any comment from her or her party on this issue? Because personally that would sicken me more than any Shinner "hijacking".