The Apprentice 2010-2011

Started by Square Ball, October 06, 2010, 10:00:11 PM

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Jimbo will be fine for the final five at least. Plenty of numpties like Susan and Edna to plough through before the axe falls near him. This next task looks perfect for him too.


Jim's clever enough all right, but he sure p'eed off LAS last night, especially with his last comment asking to be the next PM. For a minute, I thought he was asking LAS if he could be the next Prime Minister!!

From what I saw last night tho', what were the perfume/skincare seller and the black girl doing? Nothing, I reckon one of them (at least) is due for the chop very soon.
Anyone travelling to Leeds to work/study are welcome to join St. Benedicts Harps GAA in Leeds.


I think the shine has worn off Jim the last two weeks.  Every dog has his day?? ;D

Tony Baloney

Jim might be clever but he made a tactical error last night when he went from fighting his corner to back-chatting Alan and Karren. His card is marked but plenty worse than him.

Radda bout yeee

I knew there would come a time when Jim would do something stupid to hinder his chances!
It has happened so often before on the show.
Due to his previous record being alot better than the rest he should of had manners sat back and said yeah it was my name and i got it wrong i thought it was a good concept and it turned out it wasn't but I put in alot of work compared to some! He surely couldn't have been fired after all he has done and it being his first visit to the boardroom even if he had of been brought in. Plus Sugar would of respected him admitting his mistake more than being a jumped up brat about it! (Typical Cookstown man lol)
I don't think he can win now but I reckon he'll survive another couple of weeks!

Agree would love to see all the no hopers going soon! Hate seeing the people doing nothing getting through.

Final thought: Could Tom the nutty professor be a dark horse? I think he may well be.


The Every Dog thing was of course a big mistake. However it could have been targetted at smaller retailers who dont have space to stack every type of dog food. Or to cater for those who panic buyers who e.g. are on holiday and forgot dog food for their pet.

Btw, dry dog food is very good for you. It is full of vitamins and the wife and kids never notice when it is mixed in with their breakfast cereal.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians



Wat did Pete Snodhead say about Jim on his radio show on thurs does anyone know?


Quote from: AFS on June 02, 2011, 02:36:51 AM
Jimbo will be fine for the final five at least. Plenty of numpties like Susan and Edna to plough through before the axe falls near him. This next task looks perfect for him too.

Shown up to be not so bright. Has no chance of winning the competition the way its structured after last weeks calamity.

The team leader of the winning task last week looks like the outright favourite now.


Quote from: INDIANA on June 04, 2011, 05:51:26 PM
Quote from: AFS on June 02, 2011, 02:36:51 AM
Jimbo will be fine for the final five at least. Plenty of numpties like Susan and Edna to plough through before the axe falls near him. This next task looks perfect for him too.

Shown up to be not so bright. Has no chance of winning the competition the way its structured after last weeks calamity.

The team leader of the winning task last week looks like the outright favourite now.

I thought he came across as a numpty too. Only Logics product was slated Glenn would have been gone as he did not have the backing of any of his team.


Quote from: Radda bout yeee on June 02, 2011, 09:30:09 AM
I knew there would come a time when Jim would do something stupid to hinder his chances!
It has happened so often before on the show.
Due to his previous record being alot better than the rest he should of had manners sat back and said yeah it was my name and i got it wrong i thought it was a good concept and it turned out it wasn't but I put in alot of work compared to some! He surely couldn't have been fired after all he has done and it being his first visit to the boardroom even if he had of been brought in. Plus Sugar would of respected him admitting his mistake more than being a jumped up brat about it! (Typical Cookstown man lol)
I don't think he can win now but I reckon he'll survive another couple of weeks!

Agree would love to see all the no hopers going soon! Hate seeing the people doing nothing getting through.

Final thought: Could Tom the nutty professor be a dark horse? I think he may well be.
Tom seems to be the smartest one left. Seems likeable enough but has a bit of a crazy look in his eye, like he could go postal very easily!

Jim has slipped a bit in past few weeks but with no o/s candidates 1 good week would keep him in contention.

Best bit about the Apprentice this year has been the You're Fired show with Daire O'Brian. Witty and sarcastic in right measures.


Glad Dara picked up on Vincent constantly fixing his tie--was doin my head in!!

Like someone said if Jim has one good week he can turn it round. He's head and shoulders above ther rest for me altho he messed up last wk coming accross as being too big for his boots

As for the rest: The black woman has to go she's useless. I think melody and the asian girl may last till the end. Tom appears very nutty/eccentric but could do well also.

None of the rest stand out
"Cheeky Charlie McKenna..."


I think Sugar / Karen / Nick talking about Jim's card being marked is just bluffing to keep it interesting. I think he's pretty safe for a while yet.


How long ago was this all recorded, probably well before Christmas 2010?

Has anyone seen the bould Jim around home lately?

Smokin Joe

Quote from: balladmaker on June 06, 2011, 12:33:02 AM
How long ago was this all recorded, probably well before Christmas 2010?

Has anyone seen the bould Jim around home lately?

He is back home working for W&G Baird again.