Now this would test your nerves I bet.

Started by Aerlik, August 23, 2010, 01:06:33 PM

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And I thought a 10 minute hold up in  Maghera Street in Kilrea on a wet Wednesday afternoon when some clown decides to do a u-turn at Donaghy's on his MF35 with cattle trailer in tow was an issue...

A 100km long traffic jam in China has entered its ninth day and drivers are being warned the bottleneck could continue for a month. Skip related content
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Related Hot Topic: China
Have your say: China
Hundreds of trucks heading for Beijing on the Beijing-Tibet Expressway have been at a standstill because of roadworks in the capital.

Small traffic accidents or broken-down cars are aggravating the congestion which started on August 14.

But those affected have been taking the disruption in their stride.

Drivers have been playing chess or cards, with some joking "concerts should be held at each congested area every weekend, to alleviate drivers' homesickness".

And local residents have been benefiting from the queue too by setting up temporary stalls selling food and drink to the car owners.

There has been anger that some vendors have been making a small fortune by overcharging drivers for items including noodles and hot water.

Around 400 police officers are at the scene 24 hours a day to make sure the situation stays calm.

It is hoped the roadworks will be completed by the end of September but congestion and road safety are a huge concern for Chinese motorists.

Traffic jams have been frequent since May due to the rapid increase of trucks to a daily peak of about 17,000.

Niu Fengrui, director of the Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences told the Global Times poor road planning was part of the problem: "If there's no traffic jam in the city, that would be news.

"Our government should pick up the pace of urban infrastructure construction and spend some of its budget."
To find his equal an Irishman is forced to talk to God!

quit yo jibbajabba

Aerlik, you'll be glad to know we now operate parking on the Bells/Martins side of the street only during work hours; tho that doesnt stop them Donaghys hallions parking their vans outside the shops at times, causing minutes of delays for us poor kilrea folk :P

no, the main problem area is now bridge st, with parkin on both sides of the street still apparent, so any combination of tractors/vans/lorries meeting means the Diamond grinds to a halt within seconds.....


Quote from: Aerlik on August 23, 2010, 01:06:33 PM
And I thought a 10 minute hold up in  Maghera Street in Kilrea on a wet Wednesday afternoon when some clown decides to do a u-turn at Donaghy's on his MF35 with cattle trailer in tow was an issue...

A 100km long traffic jam in China has entered its ninth day and drivers are being warned the bottleneck could continue for a month. Skip related content
Related photos / videos
Going Nowhere: Traffic Jam Enters Ninth Day
Enlarge photo .Related content
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Giant Baby Is Weight Of A Six-Year-Old
China may scrap death penalty for some crimes
Related Hot Topic: China
Have your say: China
Hundreds of trucks heading for Beijing on the Beijing-Tibet Expressway have been at a standstill because of roadworks in the capital.

Small traffic accidents or broken-down cars are aggravating the congestion which started on August 14.

But those affected have been taking the disruption in their stride.

Drivers have been playing chess or cards, with some joking "concerts should be held at each congested area every weekend, to alleviate drivers' homesickness".

And local residents have been benefiting from the queue too by setting up temporary stalls selling food and drink to the car owners.

There has been anger that some vendors have been making a small fortune by overcharging drivers for items including noodles and hot water.

Around 400 police officers are at the scene 24 hours a day to make sure the situation stays calm.

It is hoped the roadworks will be completed by the end of September but congestion and road safety are a huge concern for Chinese motorists.

Traffic jams have been frequent since May due to the rapid increase of trucks to a daily peak of about 17,000.

Niu Fengrui, director of the Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences told the Global Times poor road planning was part of the problem: "If there's no traffic jam in the city, that would be news.

"Our government should pick up the pace of urban infrastructure construction and spend some of its budget."

I'd say the Bould Fengrui will be first in line with a pickaxe in hand when the Government read that comment :D


Quote from: quit yo jibbajabba on August 23, 2010, 01:17:01 PM
Aerlik, you'll be glad to know we now operate parking on the Bells/Martins side of the street only during work hours; tho that doesnt stop them Donaghys hallions parking their vans outside the shops at times, causing minutes of delays for us poor kilrea folk :P

no, the main problem area is now bridge st, with parkin on both sides of the street still apparent, so any combination of tractors/vans/lorries meeting means the Diamond grinds to a halt within seconds.....

Notice I didn't mention whose MF35!  Saying nothing ;)
To find his equal an Irishman is forced to talk to God!