Get ready to wave them flegs - Lily Windsor's coming

Started by Fiodoir Ard Mhacha, June 23, 2010, 06:57:58 PM

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MGHU i reckon a name change is in order. I don't think I've ever seen someone so wrapped up in circles on this board!! It'll save you having to answer that question!!
Grammar: the difference between knowing your shit


Quote from: Tubberman on May 22, 2011, 09:41:54 AM
I know most people (if not all) on this board have a healthy disregard for the Sindo, but today is worse than normal.
I just went on to the website and these are the headlines. What gushing, nauseating shite:

A new path to a Common Wealth
Poll shows how Queen was taken to Irish hearts
Dashing Army captain who left all of us ladies green with envy
Paddy has passed a milestone on the long road to adulthood
Old enemy has turned out to be our most valued and trusted ally
Friends and equals don't need to ask for apologies
Her head bowed and 'the whole of Ireland missed a heartbeat'
Footprint of monarchy stamped on our history

Heard a sneak preview of the headlines on the radio this morning. When I heard 'New path to Common Wealth' I couldn't believe it. From any rag even the Sindo...
Inaugural Football Championship Prediction Winner.


Quote from: mylestheslasher on May 22, 2011, 10:54:02 AM
Quote from: Nally Stand on May 22, 2011, 10:41:21 AM
Mayo, Post #963 - any chance of an answer?

I'd leave it nally. He has talked himself into a corner and will now ignore direct questions and hope everyone forgets his stupidity on this issue.

As for todays Sunday indo, what a shit heap of a paper.
agree with that, what a complete tube he is, spouting all this nonsense for months and months and when challenged to explain his views he is found wanting.  As I said before he's like the drunk in the corner of the bar shouting about nonsense that everyone ignores. 

As for the Sindo, give me a bucket.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


QuoteA new path to a Common Wealth

It better be about sharing the Corrib Gas!
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: Tubberman on May 22, 2011, 09:41:54 AM
I know most people (if not all) on this board have a healthy disregard for the Sindo, but today is worse than normal.
I just went on to the website and these are the headlines. What gushing, nauseating shite:

A new path to a Common Wealth
Poll shows how Queen was taken to Irish hearts
Dashing Army captain who left all of us ladies green with envy
Paddy has passed a milestone on the long road to adulthood
Old enemy has turned out to be our most valued and trusted ally
Friends and equals don't need to ask for apologies
Her head bowed and 'the whole of Ireland missed a heartbeat'
Footprint of monarchy stamped on our history

You beat me to it, was about to post that. Pertectly sums up the propagandist bullshit that the whole country has been subjected to on all week.


Quote from: haze on May 22, 2011, 12:29:34 PM
Quote from: Tubberman on May 22, 2011, 09:41:54 AM
I know most people (if not all) on this board have a healthy disregard for the Sindo, but today is worse than normal.
I just went on to the website and these are the headlines. What gushing, nauseating shite:

A new path to a Common Wealth
Poll shows how Queen was taken to Irish hearts
Dashing Army captain who left all of us ladies green with envy
Paddy has passed a milestone on the long road to adulthood
Old enemy has turned out to be our most valued and trusted ally
Friends and equals don't need to ask for apologies
Her head bowed and 'the whole of Ireland missed a heartbeat'
Footprint of monarchy stamped on our history

You beat me to it, was about to post that. Pertectly sums up the propagandist bullshit that the whole country has been subjected to on all week.

What a shitbag of a rag
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM

I am happy with my answers, I don't have to justify myself any further at people who shout and demand I answer their questions. I gave answers if your not happy with them, well tough.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.

Quote from: Rossfan on May 22, 2011, 02:50:23 PM
Quote from: haze on May 22, 2011, 12:29:34 PM
Quote from: Tubberman on May 22, 2011, 09:41:54 AM
I know most people (if not all) on this board have a healthy disregard for the Sindo, but today is worse than normal.
I just went on to the website and these are the headlines. What gushing, nauseating shite:

A new path to a Common Wealth
Poll shows how Queen was taken to Irish hearts
Dashing Army captain who left all of us ladies green with envy
Paddy has passed a milestone on the long road to adulthood
Old enemy has turned out to be our most valued and trusted ally
Friends and equals don't need to ask for apologies
Her head bowed and 'the whole of Ireland missed a heartbeat'
Footprint of monarchy stamped on our history

You beat me to it, was about to post that. Pertectly sums up the propagandist bullshit that the whole country has been subjected to on all week.

What a shitbag of a rag

Agreed, but we always knew that.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.

Quote from: pintsofguinness on May 21, 2011, 09:12:34 PM
Quote from: on May 21, 2011, 08:49:23 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on May 21, 2011, 08:46:27 PM
Quote from: on May 21, 2011, 08:43:20 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on May 21, 2011, 08:41:39 PM
MGHU - it's a simple question, do you view the men of 1916 (inc Collins) the same way you do the Provisional IRA? i.e. Criminal Murdering Thugs.

NO, the Provisional I.R.A. went far beyond the Pale when they started bombing pubs, city streets full of civilian, murdering GardaĆ­ and punishment beatings, robbing banks and disappearances of innocents.
You do know more innocent civillans where killed in 1916 than British forces don't you?

Yes I do, however it wasn't 30 years+ of hate flled genocide like the Provisional IRA campaign. Again I never boasted about 1916.
Who said you boasted about anything? I'm trying to understand your views...
So far we have - PIRA - murdering thugs  Yes in my opinion they are/were. They became thugs when they went from the intial defence of the Nationalist community to the outright terror campagin. If I had been around at the time I probably would have supported their earlier defensive actions but not their bombings, punishment beatings and shootings. Put it into the context of Libya, while the rebels are defending themselves I support their action, when terrorist bombs start going off in Tripoli they will lose my support. (The U.N. bombings and the importance of my support are different issues).
Collins - after 1918 - He's ok because he was given authority by some people like him who classed themselves as the government of Ireland yet who weren't recognised by any government in the world.  And this from someone who is constantly talking about the legitimacy of the "republic". They had the 1918 electorate behind them. Also, the promises of Home Rule were never realised.
Collins and co - before 1916 - you have a "luke warm" attitude to them because they should have tried to get the Brits to surrender via the ballot box (they couldn't even get home rule from the ballot box never mind independence you know) - btw, why didn't the cabinet of 1918 stick to the ballot box? Why was it ok for them to decide to pick up arms but not ok for Connolly and co to do the same? Same answer as above
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


You've no shame...
Yes in my opinion they are/were. They became thugs when they went from the intial defence of the Nationalist community to the outright terror campagin. If I had been around at the time I probably would have supported their earlier defensive actions but not their bombings, punishment beatings and shootings. Put it into the context of Libya, while the rebels are defending themselves I support their action, when terrorist bombs start going off in Tripoli they will lose my support. (The U.N. bombings and the importance of my support are different issues).
The War of Independence or 1916 or any rebellion before then wasn't about defending anyone.  They were offensive actions.  So again, I fail to understand the differences.  The men of that era robbed, shot informers, shot fellow Irishmen working for the crown, blew up people etc just like the PIRA.
Btw, the punishment beatings? You have no idea what it's like to live in a community where there is no police force therefore someone had to police things. 

As for the war of independence and 1916...
For such a self proclaimed proud Irish man I'm shocked that you would have a "luke warm" attitude to the men and women of 1916 (which included your heroes Mick Collins and Richard Mulcahy) because without 1916 there would have been no Sinn Fein landslide in 1918, no war of independence and I wonder how things would have worked out for Ireland. 
The cabinet of 1918 had no legitimacy and no right to declare war on England...but that was your argument last night, now you suggest that because they had the electorate behind them they could do what they want, no doubt that now Sinn Fein have the electorate in the North behind them the PIRA could start killing people again with your approval? Or maybe the Scottish Independence Party could start shooting G men police men as they now have their electorate behind them....
You're a bit confused.

and why don't you answer nallystand's question, what help would Francis Hughes have got from the garda or Irish Army??
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Quote from: pintsofguinness on May 22, 2011, 03:50:22 PM
You've no shame...
Yes in my opinion they are/were. They became thugs when they went from the intial defence of the Nationalist community to the outright terror campagin. If I had been around at the time I probably would have supported their earlier defensive actions but not their bombings, punishment beatings and shootings. Put it into the context of Libya, while the rebels are defending themselves I support their action, when terrorist bombs start going off in Tripoli they will lose my support. (The U.N. bombings and the importance of my support are different issues).
The War of Independence or 1916 or any rebellion before then wasn't about defending anyone.  They were offensive actions.  So again, I fail to understand the differences.  The men of that era robbed, shot informers, shot fellow Irishmen working for the crown, blew up people etc just like the PIRA.
Btw, the punishment beatings? You have no idea what it's like to live in a community where there is no police force therefore someone had to police things. 

As for the war of independence and 1916...
For such a self proclaimed proud Irish man I'm shocked that you would have a "luke warm" attitude to the men and women of 1916 (which included your heroes Mick Collins and Richard Mulcahy) because without 1916 there would have been no Sinn Fein landslide in 1918, no war of independence and I wonder how things would have worked out for Ireland. 
The cabinet of 1918 had no legitimacy and no right to declare war on England...but that was your argument last night, now you suggest that because they had the electorate behind them they could do what they want, no doubt that now Sinn Fein have the electorate in the North behind them the PIRA could start killing people again with your approval? Or maybe the Scottish Independence Party could start shooting G men police men as they now have their electorate behind them....
You're a bit confused.

and why don't you answer nallystand's question, what help would Francis Hughes have got from the garda or Irish Army??

f**k sake, either way you have your mind made up. First I will get to your last point, when I made comment about the Gardai and the Irish Army I was talking about the 26 counties, yet the Provos for a long time never recognised them and openly attacked them.

Punishment beatings are not right, simple as. I don't need to live in a particular type of community to understand that.

I am a proud Irishman, you don't define what an Irishman or a Proud Irishman is any bit more than me.

We have the GFA. I know this will get people screaming down at me, but there is an element of historical timing, does not make it right but it is the way it is.

I know you and alot of people on here don't like me or most of my posts and having a great time with the oulde lynch mob right now. I am a proud Irishmand, a Republican and an Nationalist. I am happy with my opinion of what those are for me (I have explained more than enough times).

I'm sorry if it offends you or others if I don't have any time for the hunger strikers and believe their actions could have been avoided (again this has been talked to death). It is my opinion and I have a funny feeling with you Pints an opinion is only valid if it agrees with your world view.

I would like to ask all those posters who regularly label me a West Brit, Free Stater, Unionist, Traitor, Paritionist etc. what gives them the right to do so. I am none of those. I don't throw around the equivalent slanders or insults which have been directed by others at the people living or from the 6 counties. My posts testify to this.

Why are people from the 6 counties allowed to give their opinion no matter how unpalatable it may be on what happens in the Republic, its history and its governance. Yet views from the 26 counties are only acceptable if they rubberstamp an SF agenda, otherwise its the old "you weren't there" or "you wouldn't understand" line, and we must accept that as fact.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


Rule 17a - when your views are unacceptable to the majority, they may call you whatever they like.  The personal abuse rule has been abused with impunity in this thread. Obviously very few believe in the principle "I disagree with what you say, but I defend your right to say it".


Interesting article in the papers over here about the visit to Croke Park.

They actually did a really good background article on the significance of historical events in Croke park and Lizzie's need to respect it.

They continued on with a great article about GAA in general.

Then talked about how forward looking the GAA is as they have recently lifted the ban on Protestants and British armed forces playing the sports.
Part of the last sentence really miffed me.


Quote from: ardal on May 22, 2011, 09:27:08 PM
Interesting article in the papers over here about the visit to Croke Park.

They actually did a really good background article on the significance of historical events in Croke park and Lizzie's need to respect it.

They continued on with a great article about GAA in general.

Then talked about how forward looking the GAA is as they have recently lifted the ban on Protestants and British armed forces playing the sports.
Part of the last sentence really miffed me.

What's that now???
Grammar: the difference between knowing your shit


I'm presuming your comment was tongue in cheek, unless my own stupidity even surpasses what my mother thinks >:(