Thug who beat thug freed

Started by longrunsthefox, January 20, 2010, 11:24:59 AM

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Premier Emperor

Quote from: Hardy on January 20, 2010, 08:29:56 PM
Quote from: Premier Emperor on January 20, 2010, 08:26:10 PM
A burglar should be fair game for all forms of rough treatment once he crosses the threshold of your house!

We're about to amend the law here to that effect. It still won't allow you to form a posse and bate his brains out at some later time in some other place, though. We're expected to leave retribution to the law, unfortunately or not, however you see it.
I have little faith in the law to dish out retribution.
You're better off resolving matters yourself on the spot.

Tony Baloney

Quote from: AFS on January 20, 2010, 06:53:14 PM
Quote from: A Quinn Martin Production on January 20, 2010, 06:02:10 PM
I seem to be in the minority here so here goes.  The sentence of two years was probably harsh but this was not a man using "reasonable" force to protect himself, his family or his possessions.  The man is a thug.  This was an act of revenge.  A punishment beating if you will.  The amount of force needed to break a cricket bat over someone's head is extreme, not reasonable.  The perpetrator (of the robbery) did not go to jail because he was unfit to face trial due to the injuries he received.

Had he attacked the robber while he was inside the house, no problem, in fact it's unlikely he would have been charged.  Interesting that some posters consider burglary to be a capital crime.

I'm with this. The description of events on the news don't sound too pretty. It seems he two brothers armed themselves, chased the thief, knocked him to the ground, and while he lay there unarmed, they tried to smash his head in with a bat. Regardless of what went on beforehand, I don't understand how anyone can see this as acceptable behaviour.
Agreed. If it was a choice of giving some boy a hammering with a bat or letting him harm my family or steal my gear it and easy choice.  However, to chase him and smash a cricket bat over his head is crossing the line. This wasn't done to subdue him until the police arrived. This was done to cause maximum damage and there is no excuse imo.


I keep reading in the papers about how scum like these people attack, beat and regularily murder innocent law abiding people who want to just live their lives as best they can. The sentences they get are often laughable, the case of that guy in Galway who murdered that poor Swiss girl after he had beaten to death a guy some years previously. I'd be more liberal than most in many respects but when it comes to these vermin I have no tolerance for them at all. What happened that mans family wasn't simply a break in, people often can't live in their homes anymore after such incidents, their right to live a peaceful life was violated by these scum and I wouldn't worry one second if that man chased them all down the street and shot each of them in the back of the head. They'd be no loss to society and we'd all be a lot better off. 


Quote from: Zulu on January 20, 2010, 09:38:42 PM
I keep reading in the papers about how scum like these people attack, beat and regularily murder innocent law abiding people who want to just live their lives as best they can. The sentences they get are often laughable, the case of that guy in Galway who murdered that poor Swiss girl after he had beaten to death a guy some years previously. I'd be more liberal than most in many respects but when it comes to these vermin I have no tolerance for them at all. What happened that mans family wasn't simply a break in, people often can't live in their homes anymore after such incidents, their right to live a peaceful life was violated by these scum and I wouldn't worry one second if that man chased them all down the street and shot each of them in the back of the head. They'd be no loss to society and we'd all be a lot better off.

No we wouldn't. If everyone behaved like that we'd still be living in the dark ages.


I'm not saying that law abiding citizens shooting people with impunity is the way forward, it obviously isn't as in reality chaos would result. But whenever a sc**bag does get his comeupance, whether it's a cricket bat to the head or a bullet to the head I won't shed any tears and I'll be delight if the home owner gets away with it. They deserve nothing else and until our law makers get some balls and throw these guys into serbian type camps for 10 or 20 years with f**k all except water and bread I couldn't care less how many of them are killed. Oh and the 10 or 20 years is for breaking and entering, kicking a guy to death on a street or raping a woman (or man) is a lifetime of hard labour with no chance of parole. A proper deterent is needed for these scumbags and if you still commit violent crime then pack them off to some hell hole and never let them see a day of freedom again.


I know it sounds harsh longrunsthefox, well it is harsh I suppose, but violent crime shouldn't be tolerated in society and a minority of vermin shouldn't have the rest of us wondering when the day will come when it's me or someone close to me that has to deal with the repercussions of their actions. The type of sentences and the type of jails we have are no deterrent to these people and they don't give two fucks about your life or mine so I certainly won't care about theirs.


Has this not been debated (loosely) to death on the board so many time already  ::)

It doesn't quite add up IMO as it takes a certain type of person to smash a persons skull in, whether or not they deserved itn ::) I wouldn't be able to do it (and I have been in a similar situation, not just as bad though), yeah hurt them and restrain them but smash a persons skull in while they are on the ground?

Bing Crosby .

Plain and simple  , it's a case of attempted murder as far as I'm concerned, this Hussain fellow is due another fifteen years in jail if you ask me . Someone said earlier that this was not premeditated unlike the burglary . I'm sorry but it was , he went and got his brother with a cricket bat to crack this guys skull open . Whatever the circumstances it was wrong to try to kill the guy .


Suppose you didn't want to kill him just severely brain damage him and then his mother could look after him for the rest of his/her dying days.

Bing Crosby .

Quote from: ludermor on January 21, 2010, 08:52:06 AM
Suppose you didn't want to kill him just severely brain damage him and then his mother could look after him for the rest of his/her dying days.

So supposing that..............    What ?????????


Look at the murder or mercy thread

Master Yoda

Good enough for the f**ker. Heard them talking about this on 5live yesterday and your man must not be that badly brain damaged as he has continued his criminal career since the incident.

The amount of PC ass wipes on here makes me sick, someone breaks into your house and ties your wife and children up and says they are going to kill them, f**k me i'd would have beat the bastard to a pulp at the first opportunity whether it was in the house during the robbery, down the street 5 minutes after the robbery or 6 months after robbery in a shop if i recognised him.
As for people saying leave it to the police, thats bullshit this boy had over 50 convictions and was still free to terrorise this family and how many of his mates did the cops get? NONE as usual.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering

Bing Crosby .

Quote from: Master Yoda on January 21, 2010, 09:31:11 AM
Good enough for the f**ker. Heard them talking about this on 5live yesterday and your man must not be that badly brain damaged as he has continued his criminal career since the incident.

The amount of PC ass wipes on here makes me sick, someone breaks into your house and ties your wife and children up and says they are going to kill them, f**k me i'd would have beat the b**tard to a pulp at the first opportunity whether it was in the house during the robbery, down the street 5 minutes after the robbery or 6 months after robbery in a shop if i recognised him.
As for people saying leave it to the police, thats bullshit this boy had over 50 convictions and was still free to terrorise this family and how many of his mates did the cops get? NONE as usual.

If you're lumping me in with the P C asswipes here Yoda you couldn't be further from the truth let me tell you that .  You sound like some sort of a voilent mad man the way you're going on about it .

This Hussain chap tried to kill that man so as far as I'm concerned he should be in jail for attempted murder . No two ways about it .

Master Yoda

I am not a violent man at all Bing but if someone broke into my house and scared the life out of my family and I caught them they would be very sorry boys.

How do you know he tried to kill him?

As far as i concerned if you terrorise people in their own home you deserve everything you get.
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering

full back

Quote from: Master Yoda on January 21, 2010, 10:15:36 AM
As far as i concerned if you terrorise people in their own home you deserve everything you get.

The most sensible thing posted hear

The fcuker who terrorised the family had numerous previous convictions and after this incident he has had further convictions.

WTF, how can you leave it to the justice system to deal with him?