Obama - the BlackBush

Started by Main Street, January 08, 2010, 02:20:27 PM

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Quote from: Main Street on January 08, 2010, 09:56:38 PM
It was not the intention to offend anyones sensitivities  with the thread name.

Many people at the time  seemed to put significance in that Obama is Afro American, the first non white president of the USA. What is the big deal about a partially Afro-American... or even a female President? So the USA has not yet had a woman as head of state, whereas so many other countries have had. Israel had Golda Meir. India had Indira Gandhi. And England had Thatcher. Many countries - both developed and underdeveloped - have had women as their highest political leader, whereas the USA has not yet had a woman as President or even as Vice-President.
If there were a great significance to such matters, then we would have to conclude that in terms of women's rights, the United States is lagging behind India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, France, Germany, England,
Liberia, Siberia, Iceland, Chile, Philippines and Israel... just to mention a few... and I really doubt that.
The same logic applies with respect to a non-white President.

Come on - its only just over 40 years since George Wallace ran for president to end desegregation and the Republicans' took the south from the Democrats in the aftermath of the Civil Rights Act. For most of the history of the country, blacks, as you well know, were an extremely persecuted minority, for much of it legally so. To deny that Obama's election was significant in terms of being the first black president is ridiculous given America's racial history (and even present - some of the rhetoric and so-called humour coming out of the more extreme elements of the right wing were utterly racist). And living in NYC, I work with loads of African Americans - their joy was very real and heartfelt, particularly among the older ones, who'd felt they'd never see the day. Was very choked up myself on election night!


Quote from: stew on January 08, 2010, 06:54:02 PM
Quote from: magpie seanie on January 08, 2010, 05:34:26 PM
If Obama gets 8 years America will be in a far better state than now or when he took it over. I hope and pray that enough encouraging signs will be in place to make sure he is re-elected. Then in the second term the US peope will reap the benefits.

I don't think a lot of people realise exactly how big a hole the USA was in when Obamam took over. The guy is good but it'll take more than 1 year to reverse the effects of 8 years of hat clown Bush.

To refer to Obama as in the thread title is patently ridiculous.

What makes you think the Country will be in a much better state 8 years down the road if he gets re-elected than it was when he took over? what has he done to make you think he can improve the situation to that extent?

From what I can see all he has done is to add to americas incredible debt problems, which by the way will be paid of  by future generations not us and also to prance around the world, showing up to influence this or influence that without accomplishing much of anything.

He was dealt a terrible hand to beging with, all he has done so far is pick up an award he had no business even being considered for and he has further burdened a weakened economy with this health reform bill.

Oh yeah, he is sending tens of thousands of troops to the middle east, so much for the man of peace and for the man who said he was going to get the troops out of there. :o

The only thing that I can see that he has done that he said he would do is health reform, everything else he has failed miserably.

One last thing, I agree with Seany, the title on here is ridiculous and wrong.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but did Obama not run on Afghanistan being the correct and just war? It was always on the cards that he was going to rachet things up there, given that he campaigned on the fact that Bush/Cheney had neglected it in favour of Iraq. From what I remember, anyone who is shocked by the fact that he has increased the involvement in Afghanistan simply wasn't listening during the campaign.

As for other broken promises, did he not also run on the promise of a huge stimulus package? Wasn't that passed very quickly? Did he not push for the cap and trade legislation in congress? Yes, it hasn't passed, but that is not the same as saying he promised it and then forgot about it - he's president, not king. Did he not promise to rescue the Detroit car companies? You may think all those things were terrible policies, but he did what he said he was going to do. Maybe he erred in placing too much of the power over his initiatives in the hands of congress and being far too passive, which is certainly a legitimate criticism.

If I were a believer however, I would still get down on my knees every day and thank the gods that the Republicans aren't in power. The Democrats are certainly a mess, but that right wing rabble are just terrifying!

Tyrones own

Quotedid he not also run on the promise of a huge stimulus package? Wasn't that passed very quickly?

Oh He sure did....but here tell me, what the fcuk has it done bar dig an even deeper hole with unprecedented
wasteful spending, and passing it very quickly would be an understatement...for fear there'd be time to look in to
it and what it would mean to the country should it fail..... Remember the "unemployment would reach 10% if we didn't act quickly"
fear mongering horse shit!
Quotehe's president, not king
Fcuk... finally!...... He just bows to them :o
QuoteDid he not promise to rescue the Detroit car companies? You may think all those things were terrible policies, but he did what he said he was going to do.
Yes he sure did..... A complete march towards socialism with a massive power grab..."Never let a good crisis go to waste" and all that :o
If I were a believer however, I would still get down on my knees every day and thank the gods that the Republicans aren't in power. The Democrats are certainly a mess, but that right wing rabble are just terrifying!
See that right there is the type of mind numbed, blinkered hatred of America and all she stands for that validates the fact
that Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder..... How the Fcuk anyone could listen to thon auld despicable cnut Pelosi ranting and raving and honestly
believe that what she represents is whats best for America is beyond me.... But then nothing you say surprises me anymore ::)

To give him credit though, he has decided to Air the Health care debate on Cspan ..........................for all of one hour,
Wasn't that another of his promises J ::)
Ah sure keep throwing it up there..we'll keep on wading through the lipstick and perfume for ye.....those blinkers have got to slip here at some point
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Oliver Stone warns that the same military industrial complex forces that he's explored in movies such as "JFK" and in "Secret History," are now corrupting Barack Obama. 

"You can understand why Obama is following in Bush's footsteps in Afghanistan," he said.
Testing Accessibility


Quote from: Tyrones own on January 09, 2010, 11:28:51 PM
Quotedid he not also run on the promise of a huge stimulus package? Wasn't that passed very quickly?

Oh He sure did....but here tell me, what the fcuk has it done bar dig an even deeper hole with unprecedented
wasteful spending, and passing it very quickly would be an understatement...for fear there'd be time to look in to
it and what it would mean to the country should it fail..... Remember the "unemployment would reach 10% if we didn't act quickly"
fear mongering horse shit!

Yes, always the evil, ulterior motives for the Democrats. Passing it quickly was all about hiding shit, not about not wasting time. As for fear mongering, that is rather ironic coming from someone from the right after the past decade.

Quote from: Tyrones own on January 09, 2010, 11:28:51 PM
Quotehe's president, not king
Fcuk... finally!

Er... yes, whatever... ::)

Quote from: Tyrones own on January 09, 2010, 11:28:51 PM
QuoteDid he not promise to rescue the Detroit car companies? You may think all those things were terrible policies, but he did what he said he was going to do.
Yes he sure did..... A complete march towards socialism with a massive power grab..."Never let a good crisis go to waste" and all that :o

Yes, you better watch out TO, soon his evil forces are going to be coming to stick you in a government re-education camp.

Quote from: Tyrones own on January 09, 2010, 11:28:51 PM

If I were a believer however, I would still get down on my knees every day and thank the gods that the Republicans aren't in power. The Democrats are certainly a mess, but that right wing rabble are just terrifying!
See that right there is the type of mind numbed, blinkered hatred of America and all she stands for that validates the fact
that Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder..... How the Fcuk anyone could listen to thon auld despicable cnut Pelosi ranting and raving and honestly
believe that what she represents is whats best for America is beyond me.... But then nothing you say surprises me anymore ::)

Says the boy who only ever crawls out of the woodwork when there's some abuse to be thrown at Obama.

I didn't say I like or admire Pelosi. I just fear and abhorr the bitter bigotry of much of the right wing more. If the likes of Palin, Bachmann, Coburn, DeMint and the rest of their ilk on the Republican right represent your vision of what America should be, you're just as deluded as you arrogantly proclaim liberals to be.

Quote from: Tyrones own on January 09, 2010, 11:28:51 PM
To give him credit though, he has decided to Air the Health care debate on Cspan ..........................for all of one hour,
Wasn't that another of his promises J ::)
Ah sure keep throwing it up there..we'll keep on wading through the lipstick and perfume for ye.....those blinkers have got to slip here at some point

I did not comment on whether or not Obama has been successful or not to date (I have found him quite underwhelming). I was merely replying to Stew about whether he was doing what he said he would do in the campaign. No doubt he isn't doing everything he said he was, but what politician ever does? (Cue the ridiculous messiah argument)

And you accusing others of being blinkered! If only we were all so enlightened as you TO. I have yet to see you ever make a positive argument about why we should vote like you do. All you ever give is arrogant, snide, condescending commentary about Democrats, choosing to cast everything in the worst possible light. I vote Democrat because I agree with some of what they represent, and the stuff I dislike about them is far less distasteful to me than the bad points of the Republican agenda. If that means I am one of your hero Savage's mentaly disordered liberals, I am perfectly fine with that.

Tyrones own

QuoteAs for fear mongering, that is rather ironic coming from someone from the right after the past decade.
So if I have this right..... you have suddenly become Ok with what has gone on the last eight years ... ;D
could the blinkers be slipping?
QuoteYes, you better watch out TO, soon his evil forces are going to be coming to stick you in a government re-education camp.
You mean like the ignorance factories otherwise known here as schools?
QuoteSays the boy who only ever crawls out of the woodwork when there's some abuse to be thrown at Obama.
FFS I left you all to it here for a couple of months and not surprisingly it went awfully quiet ::) .... might I add, it's not like there wasn't
shit to throw at him in that time :o
QuoteIf the likes of Palin, Bachmann, Coburn, DeMint and the rest of their ilk on the Republican right represent your vision of what America should be, you're just as deluded as you arrogantly proclaim liberals to be.
Yes heaven's forbid I might lean in the direction of people who would be seen to value the importance of the Constitution....
you should google it sometime !
QuoteI didn't say I like or admire Pelosi
Wha?..... FFS sure she epitomizes what the Democrats stand for, after all she is the spokes mouth for your "Ilk"
QuoteIf that means I am one of your hero Savage's mentaly disordered liberals, I am perfectly fine with that.
Ach sure I know you are... it was more for the others to understand where I'm coming from when I use the Term
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on January 10, 2010, 06:48:24 PM
QuoteAs for fear mongering, that is rather ironic coming from someone from the right after the past decade.
So if I have this right..... you have suddenly become Ok with what has gone on the last eight years ... ;D
could the blinkers be slipping?
QuoteYes, you better watch out TO, soon his evil forces are going to be coming to stick you in a government re-education camp.
You mean like the ignorance factories otherwise known here as schools?
QuoteSays the boy who only ever crawls out of the woodwork when there's some abuse to be thrown at Obama.
FFS I left you all to it here for a couple of months and not surprisingly it went awfully quiet ::) .... might I add, it's not like there wasn't
shit to throw at him in that time :o
QuoteIf the likes of Palin, Bachmann, Coburn, DeMint and the rest of their ilk on the Republican right represent your vision of what America should be, you're just as deluded as you arrogantly proclaim liberals to be.
Yes heaven's forbid I might lean in the direction of people who would be seen to value the importance of the Constitution....
you should google it sometime !
QuoteI didn't say I like or admire Pelosi
Wha?..... FFS sure she epitomizes what the Democrats stand for, after all she is the spokes mouth for your "Ilk"
QuoteIf that means I am one of your hero Savage's mentaly disordered liberals, I am perfectly fine with that.
Ach sure I know you are... it was more for the others to understand where I'm coming from when I use the Term

We obviously have very different ideas about what "valuing the importance of the constitution" means.

But anyway, I am not particularly interested in another endless back and forth with you that achieves nothing, unless you have something to offer other than insults and "Obama/Pelosi/Democrats/Liberals are evil/idiots/mentally disordered".

Tyrones own

QuoteWe obviously have very different ideas about what "valuing the importance of the constitution" means.
Nothing would make me happier than to hear your ideas of it sometime... ::) in fact i was unaware it even existed in your circles,
if by how it's thrashed and completely disregarded on a daily basis by Liberal America is anything to go by :-\
QuoteBut anyway, I am not particularly interested in another endless back and forth with you that achieves nothing
Sure it does...drawing you out with your support of ruinous ideas and doomed policies from crooked politicians highlights perfectly
to the neutral here all that is wrong with this Country.
Quoteunless you have something to offer other than insults and "Obama/Pelosi/Democrats/Liberals are evil/idiots/mentally disordered".
When they start to act like they work for and care to listen to the people and not ram destructive polices down our throats, I'll stop with the
insults and calling them on it.... it really is very simple!
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann

Tyrones own

QuoteCome on - its only just over 40 years since George Wallace ran for president to end desegregation and the Republicans' took the south from the Democrats in the aftermath of the Civil Rights Act. For most of the history of the country, blacks, as you well know, were an extremely persecuted minority, for much of it legally so. To deny that Obama's election was significant in terms of being the first black president is ridiculous given America's racial history (and even present - some of the rhetoric and so-called humour coming out of the more extreme elements of the right wing were utterly racist). And living in NYC, I work with loads of African Americans - their joy was very real and heartfelt, particularly among the older ones, who'd felt they'd never see the day. Was very choked up myself on election night!


:D :D  Don't let the truth get in way of a good opportunity to sling mud there J
Hypocrisy anyone? :-[
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on January 10, 2010, 08:03:33 PM
QuoteWe obviously have very different ideas about what "valuing the importance of the constitution" means.
Nothing would make me happier than to hear your ideas of it sometime... ::) in fact i was unaware it even existed in your circles,
if by how it's thrashed and completely disregarded on a daily basis by Liberal America is anything to go by :-\
QuoteBut anyway, I am not particularly interested in another endless back and forth with you that achieves nothing
Sure it does...drawing you out with your support of ruinous ideas and doomed policies from crooked politicians highlights perfectly
to the neutral here all that is wrong with this Country.
Quoteunless you have something to offer other than insults and "Obama/Pelosi/Democrats/Liberals are evil/idiots/mentally disordered".
When they start to act like they work for and care to listen to the people and not ram destructive polices down our throats, I'll stop with the
insults and calling them on it.... it really is very simple!

Yes TO, you and the US right wing are the paragon to everyone on the board here of all this is right and just.


Quote from: Tyrones own on January 10, 2010, 08:37:49 PM
QuoteCome on - its only just over 40 years since George Wallace ran for president to end desegregation and the Republicans' took the south from the Democrats in the aftermath of the Civil Rights Act. For most of the history of the country, blacks, as you well know, were an extremely persecuted minority, for much of it legally so. To deny that Obama's election was significant in terms of being the first black president is ridiculous given America's racial history (and even present - some of the rhetoric and so-called humour coming out of the more extreme elements of the right wing were utterly racist). And living in NYC, I work with loads of African Americans - their joy was very real and heartfelt, particularly among the older ones, who'd felt they'd never see the day. Was very choked up myself on election night!


:D :D  Don't let the truth get in way of a good opportunity to sling mud there J
Hypocrisy anyone? :-[

If anyone here quoted Blagovich as a witness to something like this against Republicans, you'd be dismissing it as nonsense given his alleged character. But regardless, if Reid is guilty as the former governor says, then he should be finished. But if you think that the Democrats are somehow more racist than the party who built their success of recent decades on their embracement of southern white conservatives, including men like Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, and who still have little support among minorities, particularly African Americans, suit yourself. I doubt if many others agree. Maybe the textbook accusations of class warfare and welfare queens driving cadillacs around Harlem will convince people though.

Tyrones own

Yes TO, you and the US right wing are the paragon to everyone on the board here of all this is right and just.
Thank you..even if you did lay it on a bit thick  ;)
Na, merely have an expectation whether they're Demican or Republicrat to simply adhere to the constitution and not look as though they're doing all in their power to collapse the country, with policies that are absolutely unsustainable not to mention being done while giving the majority the finger and doing it all with a smile  >:(
There is an undeniable disconnect on the hill with the American people ....how anyone that's paying any attention isn't pissed
with these crooks is beyond me!!!!
Roll on November!!
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann

Tyrones own


Green job initiative to cost the tax payer $135,294 per job created..... now even with this willingness to spend massive amounts of money to create jobs...unemployment remains at 10% ( actually closer to 17% if truth be told)
WTF incentive is there out there for business' to hire anybody when we've no idea what it's going to cost to keep
an employee with all this crap he's pushing, health care and cap and trade to name a couple that is solely designed
to fcuk small business  >:(
Yep, way to go Barrack.....Genius  ::)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Obama did not bail out anyone..the Chinese did.  America is borrowing heavily from them.
To find his equal an Irishman is forced to talk to God!

Tyrones own

Exactly and that's why this inept fraud has got to be stopped!
This madness he's ramming through cannot be sustained,
we simply can't afford it...FFS how hard is this to understand >:(

p.s..... The double standards on the wire today on Racism is some craic  :D
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann