Adams' brother sought over alleged abuse

Started by Denn Forever, December 18, 2009, 09:42:37 PM

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Yeah, nasty people. 

Btw eg would you mind telling me exactly what Gerry Adams should have done, about his brother and his father. Bear in mind the wishes of their victims. 
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Quote from: ardmhachaabu on December 20, 2009, 05:02:12 PM
Adams might not have known about his brother but he knew about other paedophiles and rapists in Sinn Fein and the IRA.  On at least one occasion he knew that the perpetrator of such abuse had been shipped off to Donegal (where he still remains) so that he couldn't face prosecution or even charges.  This happened under orders from the local OC.  Before anyone says Gerry knew nothing, I happen to know for a fact he knew the full facts on that occasion.

Agenda?  ::)

You make alot of allegations in one post, care to expand on your sources or is it just a good reason to get a dig/kick in when a man is down.
God forbid you ever had to sufffer what that family suffered.
Personally I think Adams is being very open here and I hope thay catch the cnut Liam and try him for what he has done.


Quote from: Evil Genius on December 20, 2009, 05:38:55 PM
Quote from: orangeman on December 20, 2009, 01:28:50 PM

Mr Adams said that he had tried to have his brother 'kicked out' of Sinn Féin.

He said that perhaps he should have taken more personal initiative in dealing with the issues but as all the victims were adults now, it was for them to decide to take legal action.

Never mind the poor girl (and others?) who were raped and sexually assaulted etc in this matter, you gotta feel sorry for the real victim in all this - aye, that's right, Gerry Adams himself.

You see, it turns out that not only is he the brother of a sc**bag, but he's the son of a sc**bag, too. Worse still, there's not anything he could have done, no nothing whatever.

For not only did he have no influence over his brother, but he had no influence over Sinn Fein either, eg to get his brother expelled from the party, since he (Gerry) was merely President of that organisation.

And, of course, he could never trust the RUC, nor could he even approach any members of any "community organisation" which might have been addressing such "anti-social behaviour" as child abuse, since there was no such organisation in existence and even if there had, Gerry wouldn't even have known anyone in it, never mind have had any sort of influence over them.

Of course, there were cases where publicly-spirited individuals would occasionally become so outraged by anti-social elements
in their area that they could not prevent themselves from spontaneously picking up guns, going to the flat of a 79 year old "paedophile" in the New Lodge and shooting him in both ankles and knees, so that he'd never be able to walk again, never mind abuse children.

But no doubt Gerry had no idea who was behind that, since it occurred in May 1998, therefore cannot have been eg the IRA, since they were on "ceasefire" at the time. Besides, as we all know, Gerry was never in the IRA. Unlike his father, Gerry. And his brother, Liam. And his uncle, Dominic. And half the other male member of the Adams (and Hannaway) families in Belfast at one time or another...

Indeed even if he had somehow had some sort of means of contacting these defenders of public morality administered their unique brand of "restorative justice", this would still have presented poor Gerry with a terrible dilemma. For on the one hand, the political party over which he had no real influence (SF) refused to condemn the gunmen. On the other, you couldn't even trust them to go the right flat, so that an entirely innocent man* might end up getting maimed and terrorised for what remained of his years on this earth....

Worst of all, there might even be people out there who conclude - entirely unfairly, of course - that if you are suspected in hardline Republican areas of being involved in what entirely unelected, faceless men deem to be "anti-social behaviour" like child rape, then you risk getting kneecapped (or worse) unless, of course, your surname is Adams...

P.S. POG stated in an eartlier post  that "nasty" people will use this as an excuse "to sink the boot in" on Gerry Adams. to which I would reply: "Too f**king right!"

After all, it's not as if he can send round a "punishment squad" from an organisation of which he was never a member, to deal with us anymore... ::)

* - To save people the bother of Googling, I refer to John Brown: )

Adams cannot be blamed for the sins of is father and brother, what he can be blamed for is not having the animals locked up when he knew what the were up to, if that was one of my brothers i would shop the fcuker so fast his head would spin.

fair play to Adams for coming forward however shame on him for not having the balls to get that cnut of a brother off the streets, he shold have been in a body bag or at least jail for his raping of a child.

As for his da, I am sure he taught his deviant son well, I hope he rots in hell and the thought of a cnut like that having the Tri Colour draped over his coffin gives me chills.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Stew adams couldn't get them locked up - adams' fathers victims didn't want to report it and his niece had reported it to the police but then didn't want to pursue it. Adams couldn't do anything if the victims didnt want to go down that road.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Main Street

Listening to that interview, it's pretty clear everybody in that family was a victim of the father's abuse. In Gerry Adam's case,  even if he was not actually sexually abused by his father, his account was of a prolonged pattern of mental/emotional, physical and sexual abuse in the family as instigated by the Father.

His duty is to support the other abused members in what they want to do. His chilling account of the abuse is so evocative of other family abuse scenarios.

Trevor Hill

Quote from: pintsofguinness on December 20, 2009, 07:21:31 PM
Btw he's only started making statements now as his niece has gone public, use your brain man!

Dont you mean he only started making statements to cover his own arse? He has known about his brother and his father for years, yet only came out with a public statement when it was about to hit the headlines. Typical politican, trying to cover his own arse. If he had any interest in the welfare of his niece or anyone else who was abused for that matter he would have gone to the police a long time ago, but dont let the truth get in the way of your argment pog.


Quote from: Trevor Hill on December 20, 2009, 07:42:08 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on December 20, 2009, 07:21:31 PM
Btw he's only started making statements now as his niece has gone public, use your brain man!

Dont you mean he only started making statements to cover his own arse? He has known about his brother and his father for years, yet only came out with a public statement when it was about to hit the headlines. Typical politican, trying to cover his own arse. If he had any interest in the welfare of his niece or anyone else who was abused for that matter he would have gone to the police a long time ago, but dont let the truth get in the way of your argment pog.
Don't let the truth get in the way of an argument? Why don't you look at the facts, do you even know what they are?

His niece and her mother went to the police, made statements etc and as the police were more interested in Liam's republican activities they deceided not to proceed.
They then told Gerry.

WHY THE f**k WOULD GERRY THEN GO TO THE POLICE? To tell them something they already knew? and when his niece didn't want to pursue the case. Now that his niece has decided to go down that route he has gone to the police and made a statement and has said he will appear as a witness for the prosecution.  What do you want the man to do?

It seems that UTV's sensational headlines like "gerry adams knew for 20 years" have done the trick when people like you are mouthing when you clearly haven't bothered to watch the interviews or read the reports on the subject.

Why would Gerry Adams go to the police about his father when his father's victims did not want that?  Why would he cause that hurt to his brothers and sisters when it's something they didn't want? If he did go to the police it would mean nothing without the victim's support anyway.

and of course he came out with statements when it hit the headlines, maybe you'd want him to start making statements when he first learned about his brother and his father? I'm sure that's something the victims would have wanted.   ::)

btw you've a lot of interest in the welfare of his niece or the other victims when you're making jokes about them.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: pintsofguinness on December 20, 2009, 08:01:49 PM
Quote from: Trevor Hill on December 20, 2009, 07:42:08 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on December 20, 2009, 07:21:31 PM
Btw he's only started making statements now as his niece has gone public, use your brain man!

Dont you mean he only started making statements to cover his own arse? He has known about his brother and his father for years, yet only came out with a public statement when it was about to hit the headlines. Typical politican, trying to cover his own arse. If he had any interest in the welfare of his niece or anyone else who was abused for that matter he would have gone to the police a long time ago, but dont let the truth get in the way of your argment pog.
Don't let the truth get in the way of an argument? Why don't you look at the facts, do you even know what they are?

His niece and her mother went to the police, made statements etc and as the police were more interested in Liam's republican activities they deceided not to proceed.
They then told Gerry.

WHY THE f**k WOULD GERRY THEN GO TO THE POLICE? To tell them something they already knew? and when his niece didn't want to pursue the case. Now that his niece has decided to go down that route he has gone to the police and made a statement and has said he will appear as a witness for the prosecution.  What do you want the man to do?

It seems that UTV's sensational headlines like "gerry adams knew for 20 years" have done the trick when people like you are mouthing when you clearly haven't bothered to watch the interviews or read the reports on the subject.

Why would Gerry Adams go to the police about his father when his father's victims did not want that?  Why would he cause that hurt to his brothers and sisters when it's something they didn't want? If he did go to the police it would mean nothing without the victim's support anyway.

and of course he came out with statements when it hit the headlines, maybe you'd want him to start making statements when he first learned about his brother and his father? I'm sure that's something the victims would have wanted.   ::)

btw you've a lot of interest in the welfare of his niece or the other victims when you're making jokes about them.

In fact the RUC only wanted to talk about recruiting her as a agent and had little interest in child abuse.


Exactly Myles, and where's the criticism of them from EG or from Tervor Hill etc? 

Seems Gerry's more open to criticism because he didn't go against the wishes of the victims or didn't start releasing statements.

I know if I was sexually abused and told my uncle or brother in confidence the first thing I'd want them to do is to release a statement to the media  ::)
Then I'd want him to break my confidence and go to the police and try and force me in to something I didn't want to do.  That would be a big help I'm sure.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Trevor Hill

pog why are you jumping to Adams defence? Do you know something that the rest of us don't?

Adams and his cohorts in Sinn Fein were very quick to have people punished for anti social behaviour, including child molesting, yet he has turned a blind eye to the abuse of his own niece. It seems to me that he has been acting in the interests of his brother for the last 20 years and is only now appearing to help his niece because she has gone public.
It was the same when one of Martin Meehans family was discovered to be an informer. Instead of giving the informer their usual treatment he was allowed to go on his merry way, because of his family connections. With Sinn Fein it appears to be don't do as we do, do as we say and they are not exactly moral guardians now are they?

The police and social services have serious questions to answer as well, but why was this kept quiet until now by everyone concerned. Where the police protecting someone?


Quote from: Trevor Hill on December 20, 2009, 09:14:33 PM
pog why are you jumping to Adams defence? Do you know something that the rest of us don't?

Adams and his cohorts in Sinn Fein were very quick to have people punished for anti social behaviour, including child molesting, yet he has turned a blind eye to the abuse of his own niece. It seems to me that he has been acting in the interests of his brother for the last 20 years and is only now appearing to help his niece because she has gone public.
It was the same when one of Martin Meehans family was discovered to be an informer. Instead of giving the informer their usual treatment he was allowed to go on his merry way, because of his family connections. With Sinn Fein it appears to be don't do as we do, do as we say and they are not exactly moral guardians now are they?

The police and social services have serious questions to answer as well, but why was this kept quiet until now by everyone concerned. Where the police protecting someone?
I'm defending him because he's done nothing wrong and people spouting bullshit is a pet hate of mine. 

YOu haven't answered any of the points in my last post.  He didnt turn a blind eye to the abuse, did you watch the programme, if you did you'd see what he done, in line with his niece's wishes.

It was kept quiet until now like every other incident of child abuse we've been hearing about for months - the victim has only now made herself public.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Unbelievable how even this thread is turning into an attack on Gerry Adams, whereas the alleged offender is hardly being mentioned at all.  Liam Adams is the culprit here, allegedly.  Gerry Adams is not. 
'To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal, light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle.'

tyrone girl

Exactly Nrico, reading the whole thread is pissing me off. I have no great thoughts here nor there on Gerry Adams in general but the fact is that show was supposed to be about exposing a bloody paedophile and it turned into a circus of trying to show up Gerry Adams. I dont see what he did wrong - hes only human and from what i can see did all he could in the circumstances he found himself - who are we to be judge and jury as to what he did wrong? And what about the rest of his family? Why is he the only one in his family to be held accountable? None of them should be in my opinion but because of his profile hes hung drawn and quartered.
Angry that even commented on this thread cos now i turned as bad and talking about adams when it shouldnt be about him!!!!

Doogie Browser

People on here don't seem to grasp the difficulty catholics had in going to the RUC in the 70's-90's either.  I know of someone who lost a family member in a tragic accident 20 odd years ago and all the RUC were interested in at the time was trying to recruit some touts.


I can't believe some of the posts here criticising Gerry Adams and I'm no apologist for him. How people can berate him in this case for what he has done defies belief. The man is in a terrible position, he could not have betrayed the wishes of his family members who were abused, he has said he wanted to expose his father prior to his funeral but they didn't want to, as far as I'm concerned that wish had to be respected.

As for this politician covering his ass sh*t, how would you have felt if he stonewalled this and recused go comment, he would be slaughtered twice as much as he is now. Go out and go through what his family are going through then you will be in a position to pass your comments.