Gaelic Tag

Started by Mayo4Sam, June 25, 2009, 11:47:12 PM

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So the website is up and running, with a full copy of the rules for those interested
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Why have ye got 2 ballet dancers as yer logo  :o


Typical, Mayo trying to promote a nancy boy version of Gaelic Football - It sounds like Conor Mortimer's cup of tea!!

Only messing, sounds like a good idea, tag rugby is massive and the GAA needs to tap into that market. I've always said that there's not a 'recreational' level of GAA, most reserve sides train with the Seniors, so similar commitment is involved (down the country anyway). Best of luck.


It was more to roll it out in dublin we had to dub it down, sure u know well we have great lady footballers!
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The GAA do not need to stoop to fanny versions of their sport, as seen in other codes, simply to accomodate twats who want to run around giggling without any physical conact.

Stop now before people called Alisdair start phoning you.


Any positive promotion of GAA is good in my books. Good luck.


Have you had any contact with HQ? You'd imagine they'd throw some support your way


Thanks for the input Galls. We've had great feedback so far, it was picked up by the 2fm sports this morning.
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Lads for those of u on facebook check out Plenty of county lads on there & the female friends are definitely worth the visit
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Looks good M4S. How many teams have signed up?


9 so far in less than a wk, way ahead of what we expected. We have a limit of 16 so we'll have it full long before we thought we would, so happy enough
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Quote from: Mayo4Sam on June 25, 2009, 11:47:12 PM
Hi guys,
I'm in the process of setting up a Gaelic Tag league in the Iveagh Grounds in Crumlin. Its due to begin when the Tag Rugby finishes, end of July.

The idea is the same as tag rugby, mixed team, tags instead of tackling, no contact, we've taken out kick passing for lads, and goals and points are worth more for girls, 5 points for a goal, which can only be scored by girls, 2 points for a girls point and one for a lads point. 7 Players on a team, 4 lads & 3 girls, in pitches played on the width of the pitch.

We're hoping to make a big deal of the social side of it as well, table quiz, bands, BBQ, speed dating etc.
We're launching it next week, fingers corssed the website is up and running, and we'll be having 1 or 2 open nights so people can see whats involved and try it out before signing up.

I'll post again with details of the website and of the open night.

All comments/suggestions welcome.


Might put a maximum number of goals/points that each person can score. If a couple of lads are quite good they will soon hit their quota and have to start passing. Keeps it interesting in co-ed soccer.


lads the open night for this is on this evening in the iveagh grounds in crumlin, map can be found at Anyone interested in playing should come down & give it a go, we'll be having 5 min games so people can see what it like to play
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Best of luck with it M4S, it sounds like a great idea and it's exactly the type of thing we should be trying.


I forgot to mention there is also a Ballina league starting in August for any of the locals interested. We are just updating the website to reflect this but you'll see it in the local papers in the next few weeks
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