Armagh Songs

Started by Feckitt, May 13, 2009, 03:09:46 PM

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billy the kid

Quote from: Onion Bag on May 14, 2009, 10:18:27 AM
We are Orange we are white, we are f**king dynamite, la la la la, la la la la la

Again this is a 2002 song.

Rumour has it that this has been slightly altered to:

We are Orange we are white, we are a pile of f**king SH*TE, la la la la, la la la la la

But it may be only a Rumour   ;) ;)
If it moves hit it
If it doesnt hit it anyway!!


The Granemore whoore.

Or is it hare? Can't remember.


Right, so apart from the Republican songs like Fighting Men from Crossmaglen etc, this is all we have got

1. Boys of County Armagh
2. Bard of Armagh
3. Sweet Dromintee - Tommy Makem
4. Boys of Mullaghbawn - Christy Moore
5. Hills of South Armagh - Frances Black
6. The Granemore Hare - Len Graham
7. Flash the Lights - Aine Woods
8. Lizzy was only 17- Aine Wood
9. Transit Van
10. Smuggling Men

So much for Armagh being the land of song and story.  There are bound to be others.  Where is hardstation?  Anyone?


Southern Winds. Off the top of my head is that not about Camloch?
"If you want to box, say you want to box and we'll box"



Clohinne Winds - Niamh Parsons or something.


Quote from: Feckitt on May 15, 2009, 10:27:31 AM
Right, so apart from the Republican songs like Fighting Men from Crossmaglen etc, this is all we have got

1. Boys of County Armagh
2. Bard of Armagh
3. Sweet Dromintee - Tommy Makem
4. Boys of Mullaghbawn - Christy Moore
5. Hills of South Armagh - Frances Black
6. The Granemore Hare - Len Graham
7. Flash the Lights - Aine Woods
8. Lizzy was only 17- Aine Wood
9. Transit Van
10. Smuggling Men

So much for Armagh being the land of song and story.  There are bound to be others.  Where is hardstation?  Anyone?

Hills of south armagh was covered by frances black but its originally by a woman called murphy - as is clohinne winds. hills of south armagh is very good.



Old Armagh
Fields Around Armagh

both by The Mc Brides.....Yeeeow

JUst retired

Dobbins Flowery Vale, can`t remember who sang it.
Lovely Old Armagh (not the same song as Old Armagh). This one was written by Joe Mc Manus and recorded by Eileen King. ::)


Quote from: rolloutking on May 15, 2009, 11:56:03 PM
Old Armagh
Fields Around Armagh

both by The Mc Brides.....Yeeeow

If ye'd seen Dixie at a wedding I was at a few weeks ago you would have been in tears.... head first off the stool and landed in a heap of shite with microphone and guitar on top of him!!  :D

Trevor Hill

Quote from: corn02 on May 15, 2009, 11:05:24 AM
Briege Murphy.

Did she open for Luka Bloom in Armagh a couple of years ago? If it is her she sang a brilliant song that I think was called "Old Houses", she wrote it herself, its about the old houses she could see on Slieve Gullion. It was almost definitely someone named Murphy from Forkhill.

In all honesty, they should bring out an Armagh CD in memory of 2002. It will soon be 10 years, then 20 and 30. We know what its like, what is it you say about us living in the past?


Surprised no one has included 'Lurgan Town'

Oh Lurgan town's an altered town,
Since papish Hancock he came to it
If ye walk on the twelfth day of July,
Ye may depend he'll make you rue it,
And if you sing an Orange song,
Ye'll be jailed for eight and forty hours.
Fresh orders he has gave the police,
To make prisoners of none but ours.

cho: Whack fol la, Too rye ay
Whack fol right fol too rye addy

Lurgan hill is one high hill,
The devil's hill the truth I tell ye.
The Fenian master he lives there
Besides his name is Francis Kelly;
And every night the meeting's held,
About Repeal and Dan O'Connell;
And divil the man dare pass that way,
Unless his name is Pat or Donal.

We held a dance in ould Kilmore,
The Fenian bulldogs they came to it.
They danced our maids right round the floor,
And ordered Patrick's Day to play it
Garryowen and the White Cockade,
These were the tunes that they did want sirs,
As round the floor they danced our maids,
Sayin' "You never stood before such dancers."

The twelfth day of July came round,
We raised up thirty stand of colours;
And on that hill we raised an arch,
And on it printed "Here's no cowards,"
"Now," says Kelly, "If you come through
Your Orange blood we'll surely scatter."
We turned, shook hands, all we could do,
Was say, "Boys remember the Boyne Water."

Others of note from the area:

The Lurgan Tarry
Dreams of Home
The Francis Street Maiden
Lurgan Braes
Going To The Dogs
The Ducks of Magheralin
The Lurgan Ambush

The Derrymacash Meeting (to the air of 'The Wearing of the Green')

Oh Ireland you may well feel proud of Derrymacash this day
For in your ranks there can't be found more manly men than they
They love you with their Irish hearts, as all your sons should do
And with their sagart at their head, would strike a blow for you

When persecution, years ago, was raging o'er the land
When Catholics got no law at all, these brave men made a stand,
To save their little chapel being wrecked and knocked to smash
And warmed the orange and purple hides in style at Derrymacash

They made the wreckers rue that they had had the luck to come
And some down Raughlan Avenue made speedy tracks for home
Of course when things became too hot all rear-cuts were in
So those Orange bloods must be excused for running hard to win

Last Sunday at McGreavy's Hill, that old historic ground
The gallant men of North Armagh in thousands gathered round
Their loyalty to pledge anew to Ireland's holy cause
And to denounce in language strong proud England's cruel laws

God bless brave Farther McCartan, who came and took the chair
And our brilliant patriotic priest, young Father Frank O'Hare
Long may they both be o'er us spared to be our guide we pray
And share our joys and troubles too, along life's weary way

The orange magistrates of Lurgan town, a couple of weeks before
Did loudly bark and show their teeth and raise a great uproar
They thought our meetings to suppress to frighten us with bosh
But we showed them we were Irishmen that live at Derrymacash

The lamp of patriotism is burning brightly still
In Saunderson's constituency, against these bigots' will
And there it shall remain and burn, a light that never dies
Nor cannot be extinguished by orange bigotry nor lies

Brave men were there from Maghery, Aghagallon, Lurgan town
Ballinary, Derrytrasna too and orange Portadown
With pretty girls in blouses white to brighten up the scene
For they are Irish too you know and love the flag of green

Green banners floated in the breeze, green arches spanned the ways
Hibernian bands played Irish airs to poor ould Granu's praise
That day the green was raised on high, it looked both bright and fresh
'Tis a nasty pill for Saunderson - such work in Derrymacash

That brilliant Irish orator, Joe Devlin, from Belfast
And Dick McGhee, who served so well his country in the past
Were there that day and told us all in language clear and plain
That soon we'd have our country, boys, a nation once again

For near at hand upon the waves a tiny spark is seen
With the precious cargo of Home Rule for Erin's Isle so green
Oh, Irishmen, one final stand - unite, be firm and true
And God will soon that little barque, steer safely o'er to you

And when that happy day comes round how glad we all shall feel
To know we lent a helping hand, our country's wounds to heal
That when she, bruised and bleeding, lay beneath the tyrant's lash
None treated her more friendly than the sons of Derrymacash

The Master McGrath

Eighteen sixty-nine being the date of the year
Those Waterloo sportsmen and more did appear
To gain the great prizes and to bear them awa'
Never counting on Ireland and Master McGrath

On the twelfth of November that day of renown
McGrath and his trainer they left Lurgan Town
A gale in the channel, it soon drove them o'er
On the thirteenth they landed on England's fair shore

And when they arrived there in big London town
Those great English sportsmen they all gathered round
One of the gentlemen standing nearby
Said "Is that the great dog you call Master McGrath?"

Oh well one of those gentlemen standing around
Says "I don't care a damn for your Irish greyhound."
And another he sneered with a scornful "Ha! Ha!
We'll soon humble the pride of your Master McGrath"

Lord Lurgan stepped forward and he said, "Gentlemen,
If there's any among you has money to spend,
For you nobles of England I don't care a straw.
Here's five thousand to one upon Master McGrath."

Oh McGrath he looked up and he wagged his oul' tail
Informing His Lordship, "Sure I know what you mane
Don't fear, noble Brownlow, don't fear them a grath
We'll soon tarnish their laurels" said Master McGrath

White Rose stood uncovered, the great English pride -
Her master and keeper were close by her side.
They let them away and the crowd cried, "Hurrah!"
For the pride of all England and Master McGrath.

As Rose and the Master, they both ran along,
"I wonder," said Rose, "What took you from your home.
You should have stayed there in your Irish domain
And not come to gain laurels on Albion's plains."

"I know," said McGrath, "We have wild heather bogs,
But you'll find in old Ireland we have good men and dogs.
Lead on, bold Britannia, give none of your jaw;
Snuff that up your nostrils," said Master McCrath.

The hare she led on, just as swift as the wind
He was sometimes before her and sometimes behind
He jumped on her back and he held up his paw;
"Long Live The Republic," said Master McGrath.
