F.A.O. Lynchbhoy - The "Little Jack Horner" of the GAA Board

Started by Evil Genius, February 01, 2009, 09:20:09 PM

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Double Cross


Quote from: Double Cross on February 06, 2009, 02:04:44 AM
You really should see someone about that paranoia
Hmm yes, you still never answered me.  You wont/cant even face me on here but you call me a coward for not meeting someone for a fight.  I think you should go back to calling me fatty from behind your keyboard, that seems to be more in your league of toughness. 

Now I'm off to bed, night night sweet cheeks  :-*
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Double Cross

Indeed, but you can be a big fella on here, everyone knows you wont back up anything you say, you proved that a while back  ;)



Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Double Cross

As I said earlier slim, pot, kettle black.

You proved your manliness a while back, sure everyone knows how brave you are.


We're really going through the book of childish insults tonight arent we  ::)
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Double Cross


You could have left "hows your sister" in your last post you know, I dont think anyone could think any less of you for that ::)
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Double Cross

As I said in the previous post it was in the wrong post, it wasnt meant for you.

You are determined to get the last word.

Myles Na G.

Four pages of 'my da's bigger than your da.' Three hours of your lives you're never going to see again, fellas.

saffron sam2

I read this last night, but am only getting the chance to reply now., the inclement weather having stopped my young charges walking to school.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: saffron sam2 on February 05, 2009, 10:55:25 AM
Sad the way this thread has turned out and it says a lot about the person who started it with his pretty conclusive evidence, cleared off and allowed it to degenerate into a petty squabbling match. Although he got a couple of fairly childish digs in before he left.
Really? It was Sunday evening when I opened the thread, the replies didn't really start until Monday morning and in particular, Lynchbhoy didn't get back until sometime after that. Since his reply(s), I have been mostly otherwise engaged, though I did make time to make one considered post (#85). If in the meantime, I declined to get involved in contributions to the thread which didn't really concern and/or interest me, so what? Besides, it's only Thursday now, and I'm ready to give the thread further attention.

So you're basically agreeing with me. Start a post that is likely to be controversial and then let it fester for four full days, whilst declining to get involved. I would suggest that that is stereotypical WUMry.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: saffron sam2 on February 05, 2009, 10:55:25 AM
I don't know if EG and Myles are one and the same, but I won't be losing any sleep over it. Both have used a phrase that I have only ever seen or heard on this board - even then it has only be used by two posters, EG and Myles.
What is that phrase?

The phrase shall remain undisclosed for now. If I was to disclose the phrase it would simply give you another opportunity to demonstrate your ignorance in the art of googling.


When both of you use the phrase again, I may tell you.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: saffron sam2 on February 05, 2009, 10:55:25 AM
If they are one and the same fair enough, but it takes a particular class of poster to deliberately claim to be something he's not.
But I am not the one who is claiming anything.  I'd say it takes a "certain class of poster" to conjure up such a conspiracy theory on the flimsiest of evidence, loudly (and proudly) proclaim it for all to hear, then when challenged to back it up, refuse to do so on the grounds of "Guilty until proven Innocent". (That's Lynchbhoy I'm referring to, in case you're wondering  ::))

I was talking about someone who would deliberately create a false identity, for example someone who would be from a unionist background who would set himself up on here as a nationalist, Celtic supporting, GAA hating individual. Now if (and it's a big if) this is what the poster MnaG is all about, then yes my comment is correct. The rest of your point may seem like a clever jibe to you, but in the context of the point which you appear to be trying to make, it's actually irrelevant bollix.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: saffron sam2 on February 05, 2009, 10:55:25 AM
If they are two different posters, then fair enough as well, but something rings hollow about Myles's attitude to the GAA (for one whose family were involved).
I have never claimed that MNG is anything (other than not me). If you feel his professed attitude towards the GAA etc is suspect, then take it up with him. Either way, it does not mean that he is me, anymore than he might be e.g. nifan or ChrisOWC, for example.

I already have, via the PM facility.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: saffron sam2 on February 05, 2009, 10:55:25 AM
Should we leave it that EG and Myles are two different posters until it can be proved otherwise. And we certainly need more conclusive evidence that EG supplied here. It may have been enough to convict in one of his beloved Diplock courts, but not in the real world.
In so far as I can decipher your garbled syntax, the first two sentences appear contradictory (i.e. the normal "burden of proof" versus my need to exculpate myself). And the third sentence may seem like a clever jibe to you, but in the context of the point which you appear to be trying to make, it's actually irrelevant bollox.   

They do not appear contradictory in any way. I am simply saying that I am happy to leave it that EG and MnaG are two different posters. If anyone can produce conclusive evidence to the contrary then I will change my opinion. That evidence would need to be much stronger than that presented by yourself (and comprehensively debunked) on this thread. For example, I could provide conclusive evidence as to the poster wesaysanchez really was. Exculpate is an excellent word by the way.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: saffron sam2 on February 05, 2009, 10:55:25 AM
nifan should know better. Let EG continue the debate he started, you are the one who is looking bad in this thread. Even well known members of the cavalry like ChrisOWC are giving this one a bye ball.
Until Lynchbhoy and others started getting personal with him, nifan's contributions were merely of a technical nature (how one might disguise ones identity over the internet etc). Since I am a bit of a dud on such matters, I was quite happy to let him get on with dealing with that. As for the reasons behind ChrisOWC's non-participation, you'd need to ask him, since I'm not him either, strangely enough... ::)

This post appears contradictory. You profess to being a dud, yet you start a thread with the swagger of a technological genius.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: saffron sam2 on February 05, 2009, 10:55:25 AM
I would also propose that the term Evil Myles becomes part of the gaaboard vocabulary, to describe someone with no interest in or knowledege of the GAA, but who tries to pass himself / herself off as an expert on everything. It would be great if, in reality, they are one and the same, but an Evil Myles persona is not a great step.
I have never claimed any knowledge of the GAA, and have rarely posted in the GAA section (although browsing it from time-to-time has increased my knowledge). As for the Non-GAA section, I don't think I'm quite alone in being someone who confines himself to this part of the Board. As for being an "expert", that's for others to determine (I don't expect I'll be too surprised - or upset - by their verdict, btw  ;)), but I do consider I know more about what Unionist thinking may be on a range of political topics than most others hereabouts. Which is ironic, considering certain hardline Republicans never hold back from telling everyone what "Themmuns" believe, even when one of "Ussuns" declares otherwise!

As you introduce new words like conflating and exculpate to the board, I feel (and you should agree) that the board would benefit from the introduction of a new verb / noun evil myles. There are a multitude of your posts when you do indeed attempt to pass yourself off as an expert (or certainly more expert than those you are debating with) on a particular topic, yet it is quite clear you aren't.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: saffron sam2 on February 05, 2009, 10:55:25 AM
I also hate the way EG uses onesmallstep as his main motivation for joining this site. It is quite clear that he has no idea of the concept behind that campaign.
Perhaps I should repeat that www.onesmallstep.org is only one of the reasons I joined this Board. In that regard, there was one particular aspect of OSS which particularly intrigued me, namely the suggestion that we should try to get out of our normal "comfort zone" and into those of the 'other' community in NI. One way they proposed to achieve this was by occasionally buying a different newspaper from the one you normally do. As a variation on this, I joined a different website, that's all.
Anyhow, with respect to OSS, would you like to back up your assertion about my having "no idea" of the concept behind it? For I suspect that the real reason why you and others have derided me when I've cited it previously, is that it makes it that much harder to dismiss me as a mere stirrer, and so tell me to "Feck off back where you came from".
Bit of a bummer that one, eh?  :D

I would suggest that getting out of your comfort zone and registering on a site such as this is indeed in keeping with the spirit of OSS. However it is your behaviour since you registered that would suggest you have no idea. As well as registering, you should try to understand the ethos and the reality of the GAA through involving yourself in debate on both sides of the board. The fact that your posts re. the GAA are almost exclusively negative would sugest you are neither interested in the GAA, furthering your knowledge of the GAA nor the OSS campaign.

Nor will you see me tell you (or any other poster) to feck off back where you came from. There are a number of different types of poster who have come from owc. There are those whose sole interest is in soccer and demonstrate this through posting in a wide range of topics, there are those who were drawn to this site by the ramblings of Fearon and who are trying to right wrongs and yes, there are those here to simply stir shit. My view is that you fall into the latter category. Over two thousand posts later, for example, and we still don't know what club team you support. I won't ask any poster to feck off, I will do my best (through garbled syntax) to debate openly with them before I make up my mind about the type of poster they are. You will no doubt be interested to know that via a PM go-between, there is a standing invitation from me for Michael Boyd to come to our school to talk about FFA. I could show you other PMs from and to a range of owc posters that would make your assertion appear even more ridiculous than it does.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: saffron sam2 on February 05, 2009, 10:55:25 AM
Do us all a favour and begin to realise that there are people (themmuns if you like) who have a modicum of intelligence and then you have a chance of being taken somewhat more seriously by the discerning gaaboard poster.
I wasn't aware I owed you, never mind anyone else, a "favour", for so long as I comply with the Rules of the Board, I have every bit as much right to be here as everyone else. And I have my own opinions as to which are the intelligent and discerning posters whom I would like to take me seriously, thank you very much.
Speaking of which, I wouldn't like you to be under any illusions of your own inclusion within that (select) group - I'm actually replying at length to your post in the hope that one or two others might be interested.  :D

It says a lot of a person in that they will only do a favour if they feel they owe somebody one. What sort of world would we live in then?

You also make an assumptions about me, erroneously as it happens. I neither seek nor crave inclusion within your (select) group. I slept very soundly last night, the possibility of not being taken seriously by you being insufficient to keep me awake.

I will leave with a few excerpts from your posts on this thread to show the true level of debate of which you are capable. I have never seen so much personal abuse in one thread.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:30:18 PM
Just because it took you an hour to read*, don't assume the rest of us move at your pace... ;)

* - Is the tip of your finger getting sore?  :D

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:19:57 PM
I didn't think it was a very hard distinction to grasp, but I'll spell it out for slow-learners like yourself.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 06:08:24 PM
In so far as I can decipher your garbled syntax,

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 05:02:08 PM
P.S. If by "essay" you are referring to that post (#85), then I'd suggest if you can only handle short words and the simplest of grammatical constructions, you'd be better off with the Beano.

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 05, 2009, 04:31:18 PM
Not even I could be bothered to reply to this inarticulate, ungrammatical rant, for it's pretty much total (ahem) carp,

Quote from: Evil Genius on February 04, 2009, 01:38:55 PM
P.S. If you must quote from Shakespeare, at least try to spell it correctly.  ::)

the breathing of the vanished lies in acres round my feet