Have you ever..........................................

Started by stew, January 22, 2009, 07:06:12 PM

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Quote from: The Real Laoislad on January 22, 2009, 10:02:26 PM
Quote from: RedandGreenSniper on January 22, 2009, 09:59:14 PM
So you were fucked out of it by an employee so? ;)

Nope not at all,I just hate lazy f**kers who winge all day about having to work........at work!
Then blame the boss for making them work!

You might want to have a word with your personnel dept.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: stew on January 22, 2009, 07:06:12 PM
Told your boss exactly what you think of him and given him stick during a meeting?

I just resigned my position and will be leaving a job I have had for eight years, my last day is the first of June, yer man was a mate of mine but turned into a corporate arsehole and he has been abusing his position for 18 months, what came out of my mouth was unreal but I meant every word and he cried ffs!

I feel great about getting it off my chest however I need to find a job in the next four and a half months but I am glad I did it.

Have any of you had the opportunity to tell the boss a few home truths about what you think of him or her?????

Was he the type to fire people for stuff they get up to in the pub outside of work???

Fear ón Srath Bán

Man stew, fcuk the boss... wait a minute... I'm my own boss... fcuk him too!
Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...


Quote from: tyssam5 on January 23, 2009, 12:02:31 AM
Quote from: stew on January 22, 2009, 07:06:12 PM
Told your boss exactly what you think of him and given him stick during a meeting?

I just resigned my position and will be leaving a job I have had for eight years, my last day is the first of June, yer man was a mate of mine but turned into a corporate arsehole and he has been abusing his position for 18 months, what came out of my mouth was unreal but I meant every word and he cried ffs!

I feel great about getting it off my chest however I need to find a job in the next four and a half months but I am glad I did it.

Have any of you had the opportunity to tell the boss a few home truths about what you think of him or her?????

Was he the type to fire people for stuff they get up to in the pub outside of work???

I wondered who'd be the first to bring it up


Quote from: stephenite on January 22, 2009, 11:49:22 PM
Quote from: thebigfella on January 22, 2009, 11:43:29 PM
Quote from: stephenite on January 22, 2009, 10:25:11 PM
I find that nowadays everything is so quantifiable, KPI's etc, there is no excuse for not getting assigned work done.

You would think that but you couldn't be farther from the truth. There some right bulls****ers who can get away with not producing anything.

IT projects are the worst, you get 1 person in contracting and then its jobs for the boys. I worked on a project in Dublin for a telecommunication company where most of the contractors got recruited without interviews or references being checked. People lie on their cv's all the time in IT, you eventually catch these boys out but by then they're onto another contract and more bucks for doing f**k all. Don't get me started on IT projects in finance and s**te project managers  >:(

That's just bad management - if you can't recruit someone to do a specific role and ensure they are the right the person for the job and keep control of the project by ensuring that those in charge are recruiting sensibly then you deserve everything that's coming to you.
If as a manager you allow people to take advantage, they will, nothing more certain in life

True but when the project/programme managers are hopelessly out of their depth, it impacts everyone else.....

I'm completely f***ed off as I've just spent 4 hours of my own time tonight producing a resourcing plan for a project that has no brief, no requirements, timescales or even been approved. All because some little crawler of a project manager wants to impress his boss by promising stuff he cant deliver. He needs it for a weekly programme board meeting in the morning, could have told before hometime yesterday you little p***k  >:(


Quote from: imtommygunn on January 23, 2009, 12:00:31 AM
I've encountered the same bigfella - must be large IT companies.

Boys who have done no IT and just lied on their CV got in - for 3 month contracts! Honestly - it has o be seen to be believed.

One of the boys was an awful freeloader - got a free carpet at some thing one day. Put it in the back seat of his car and it didn't fit so he drove upthe M2 with teh car doors open - up the fecking motorway! He was an eejit - the police stopped him that day too. Same boy was lifted ~70k a year(well equivalent for 3 months) and getting accomodation paid for!

You can end up working for some awful plonkers and it causes me great problems. I have big issues working for people who are either bullshitters or who have no idea what they're doing. I'm still undecided on current boss but he's moving the way of the latter an he's not long of being told!

Financial institutions are the worst as they hardly ever have centralised IT departments now. It's all off-shored or contractors/consultancies who have their own little agendas. Impossible to get anything done or anybody to commit themselves.


Quote from: stephenite on January 22, 2009, 10:25:11 PM
I find that nowadays everything is so quantifiable, KPI's etc, there is no excuse for not getting assigned work done. If you not getting the work done then get out the door.

Most issues between management and staff nowadays are generally down to personality clashes. A good manager will avoid these clashes and 'manage' the difficult staff out the door


A good leader will take the time to listen to what his staff have to say and make decisions from there, running people out the door is easy to do, helping people become better at what they do is a tougher road to hoe but it is the right thing to do.....................unless they are useless hewers and you have it out with them and tell them to hit the bricks.

That passive shite sickens my hole. :-\

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: tyssam5 on January 23, 2009, 12:02:31 AM
Quote from: stew on January 22, 2009, 07:06:12 PM
Told your boss exactly what you think of him and given him stick during a meeting?

I just resigned my position and will be leaving a job I have had for eight years, my last day is the first of June, yer man was a mate of mine but turned into a corporate arsehole and he has been abusing his position for 18 months, what came out of my mouth was unreal but I meant every word and he cried ffs!

I feel great about getting it off my chest however I need to find a job in the next four and a half months but I am glad I did it.

Have any of you had the opportunity to tell the boss a few home truths about what you think of him or her?????

Was he the type to fire people for stuff they get up to in the pub outside of work???

I can't help you if you dont get that they put me in a position where I could have been fired, I had done nothing wrong and they did it to themselves, I had brought both of them into the company and they made me out to be a liar because they had fcuked up and so tried to go after me, that didnt sit well with me strangely enough so I proved them to be the liars they were.

Oh yeah, there were complaints sent to HR by other feckers that were there, they wanted heads to roll, but you would expect me to sit on my hands and do feck all and lose my own job just so these two arse clowns can stay in theirs, great logic that. :-\
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.

red hander

I'd like to shoot my boss but I'd have to aim for his arse, because if the bullet went into his head it wouldn't hit a vital organ


Anyhow, I have an interview today at 4:00 PM. The CV has been professionally done and I will have a job inside a month, I am not worried about that, I have taken care of enough people over the years that I am getting leads on new work every day.

Being happy and not working like a dog 13 hours a day is importannt to me, I could sit on my hole for a couple of years and be alright but I would rather do something else. A mate owns a golf course and offered me a third of what I make now, but I would only work half the year. I wont be taking it but at least I know that I now have something.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


A brave move Stew and I think you told us last year what a jerk your boss was, and how he behaved at a party or something like that. So its a wise move. Pity you dont have a communication channel with your boss's boss.

Good luck with the job search.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


QuoteDon't get me started on IT projects in finance and s**te project managers  Angry

Chuckled at that one - Just done my annual review and in the  "any negative comments" I made reference to same type of characters!!!

Best of luck with the interview stew -

Never lost the head completely with any bosses of mine over the years but have had plenty of rows.


In a less dramatic situation that Stew outlines, I also told a boss to shove it.  I started to type the full story here but ye'd be asleep by the time I'd get to the end of it, so in summary this boss apparently thought I was about to leave (which I wasn't) and advertised for my replacement - without telling me.  The first I knew of it was a call from an applicant asking me what the job consisted of!!  To make a long story short, she ended up pleading with me to stay, but I walked.  Not having a clue where you're going to go is a bit scary but it feels good to do the dramatic exit all the same!!


Quote from: Treasurer on January 23, 2009, 04:05:29 PM
In a less dramatic situation that Stew outlines, I also told a boss to shove it.  I started to type the full story here but ye'd be asleep by the time I'd get to the end of it, so in summary this boss apparently thought I was about to leave (which I wasn't) and advertised for my replacement - without telling me.  The first I knew of it was a call from an applicant asking me what the job consisted of!!  To make a long story short, she ended up pleading with me to stay, but I walked.  Not having a clue where you're going to go is a bit scary but it feels good to do the dramatic exit all the same!!

That bollocks was a coward, imagine not having it in you to inquire if you were leaving and placing an ad on the assumption you were. That man is not fit to be minding pigs.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Stew any chance of a loan of 20K? you're obviously loaded  :P