Annual Memorial Competition

Started by lemon125, December 01, 2008, 07:23:25 PM

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Hi all,
I got a call tonight from a friend who wants to try start up an Annual Memorial Competition for a friend of our who died at 25yrs of age three years ago. He's kinda feeling that maybe his passing is going out of our minds slightly.
So he was asking for ideas, our club had a charity hurling match every year which started off great but died off after abour 5/6 years. And to start that up again, we might not get the numbers.
Anyone any ideas of events we might try? The only thing I could think of on the spot was a long puck comp from one end of teh parish to the other, but would we need permission to close off the road etc for that?

Anyone got ideas of what we could try of have seen somewhere else?


Im not good on the idea front but best of luck with it. How about a panel night - Gaa discussion. Bredagh run a very successful one annually and it would be something people would want to go to.


Just googled the Bredagh panel night and I thinkit looks liek a great idea, lots of organising but it would look like a very good night. I'll add that one to the list. We will have to decide whetehr we want an activity based one or not.


Best bet is to have a challenge game for a trophy involving the poor lad's club and a neighbouring club EARLY on in the new year when there is a hunger and need for such games......preferably early February or early January. Nothing worse imo than to start something off and to see it ebb away over the years. Must be awful for the family involved. My advice would be to restrict it to one game. Alternatively, name a trophy after the lad and award it to the most improved/committed juvenile in the club every year. At least you will be guaranteed to see a young face beaming when the family presents the award every year.