Computer Help

Started by Armagh Cúchulainns, January 11, 2009, 01:20:58 PM

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Mhic Easmuint

Quote from: Norf Tyrone on March 19, 2013, 10:09:14 AM
Quote from: Mhic Easmuint on March 19, 2013, 10:04:29 AM
Quote from: Norf Tyrone on March 19, 2013, 09:58:38 AM
How hard would it be to set up a website, where all I want it to do is redirect.

For example if the website was and when you went to that site it auto directed you to a site that's already established.

Depends on what exactly you want it to do.
At the simplest level you can register a domain and have it just redirect to the website you want and in the browser address bar it will display the url of the original website.

If you have access to the hosting of the new website it may be possible to set the new registered domain up as an alias and have the new website display with your new domain name in the address bar.

Basically my friend has launched a petition through one of this petition sites but the address is not memorable I would like to create a memorable site name, that you can tell people about, so when they type it in, it redirects straight to the petition site.

Yep just a matter of registering a domain name you want then and have it redirect to that url. You won't need hosting or anything.
For a .com your talking £20 - £25 for 2 years and maybe about half that for a
I have recently been using for registering most of my domain names. 

Norf Tyrone

That's great. Thanks mate.

Owen Roe O'Neills GAC, Leckpatrick, Tyrone

Norf Tyrone

Sorry- Another question. Can I purchase the domain name, and do what I want to do without forking out for hosting which is an extra E50 a year?

If I do, can I utiliise the server that our Club uses for it's website, and still keep the domain name.

Does this make sense?
Owen Roe O'Neills GAC, Leckpatrick, Tyrone

Mhic Easmuint

Quote from: Norf Tyrone on March 19, 2013, 04:58:54 PM
Sorry- Another question. Can I purchase the domain name, and do what I want to do without forking out for hosting which is an extra E50 a year?

If I do, can I utiliise the server that our Club uses for it's website, and still keep the domain name.

Does this make sense?

Yes you can simply purchase the domain without hosting.
You do not need any hosting.

Not sure what you mean re the Clubs Server.


QuoteIf I do, can I utiliise the server that our Club uses for it's website, and still keep the domain name.

You can direct the domain name to the IP number of your club server, if that is what you mean.
MAGA Make Armagh Great Again

Norf Tyrone

I am not sure exactly what I mean to be honest!

However if I can purchase the URL and get it to redirect to another site, that's job done!

Thanks for your help lads.
Owen Roe O'Neills GAC, Leckpatrick, Tyrone


One of the CHILDER spilt juice on the macbook.

There are aLl kinDS of random THinGS hAPPENING. CAPITALS AND SMALL CASES OUT OF YOUr conTrOl. THe numbeRS ONLY WORK SporADICALLY _ !@£$%^&*())))))))!!!!@@@@@@@ _ OR nOT AT ALl> THIS IS NOT A JOKE. if YOu trY to log in to someTHing it starts up the 'read ;ater' opTIOn>

I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Quote from: ONeill on March 22, 2013, 03:31:36 PM
One of the CHILDER spilt juice on the macbook.

There are aLl kinDS of random THinGS hAPPENING. CAPITALS AND SMALL CASES OUT OF YOUr conTrOl. THe numbeRS ONLY WORK SporADICALLY _ !@£$%^&*())))))))!!!!@@@@@@@ _ OR nOT AT ALl> THIS IS NOT A JOKE. if YOu trY to log in to someTHing it starts up the 'read ;ater' opTIOn>


I'd say the juice is cooked alright.
MWWSI 2017

Bud Wiser

Quote from: ONeill on March 22, 2013, 03:31:36 PM
One of the CHILDER spilt juice on the macbook.

There are aLl kinDS of random THinGS hAPPENING. CAPITALS AND SMALL CASES OUT OF YOUr conTrOl. THe numbeRS ONLY WORK SporADICALLY _ !@£$%^&*())))))))!!!!@@@@@@@ _ OR nOT AT ALl> THIS IS NOT A JOKE. if YOu trY to log in to someTHing it starts up the 'read ;ater' opTIOn>


My Toshiba drank a ful mug of Barry's tea and I bought a replacement keyboard. Go to You Tube and type in how to change keyboard on.........
If the macbook belongs to Olly then for the sake of this board it is well worth salvaging.
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"

Bud Wiser

On an aside issue to above, I have two phones with Vodafone, Samsung Galaxy and a HTC.  Both of them have apps that I spent a lot of money on like Co-Pilot, Restaurant P.O.S.  and other bits and bobs.  I want to give one of the phones to a friend but am I wrong in saying that in order to leave the apps installed I have to leave my G-Mail account as well, or, put another way, if I delete my Gmail account on the phone I am giving away will it end on all devices like my laptop and other phone. Stupid question I know but....
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"


Guys need your help asap. I'll decide junior reset my nieces password on her I phone and he doesn't know what he changed it too, she is going back to Scotland in the morning and I've to try and get it sorted tonight.... Is there a way to unblock the phone? I would imagine you could reset the actual phone but don't wanna do that but if its the only way then I suppose I have to do it...and if that is the case how do I reset the phone?

Your help is appreciated...
I can swim a little but i can't fly an inch



As far as I know you have to reset and so lose all data, unless u can power up the phone and try a backup to iTunes first.

Main Street

Quote from: muppet on March 23, 2013, 12:20:38 PM
Quote from: ONeill on March 22, 2013, 03:31:36 PM
One of the CHILDER spilt juice on the macbook.

There are aLl kinDS of random THinGS hAPPENING. CAPITALS AND SMALL CASES OUT OF YOUr conTrOl. THe numbeRS ONLY WORK SporADICALLY _ !@£$%^&*())))))))!!!!@@@@@@@ _ OR nOT AT ALl> THIS IS NOT A JOKE. if YOu trY to log in to someTHing it starts up the 'read ;ater' opTIOn>


I'd say the juice is cooked alright.
I'd say more legible than usual.
New keyboard needed, needs a bit of precision and patience to replace it, there are guides available online. Not cheap afair.
Depends on the macbook model. These type of parts are usually much cheaper with ebay in USA.
Cheap alternative, use an external usb keyboard.  There are some nice tidy small ones available.
My daughter's Macbook is missing the letter a, after a precise spillage knocked that key out of operation, I convinced her that copy and paste is easier than fixing it.

Milltown Row2

My 9 year old daughter has it in her head that she is going to make a game that kids can play, similar to Club Penguin!! Now anyone familiar with this game its basically a kids game that they play wee games chat to others and collect things buy things and you can see what I'm talking about.

Are their websites that can help build this? She has made a story book, which incorporates everything that the game should have, right down to the membership rules and fees. so anyone who knows a bit about building something like this give me a shout
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea


Quote from: Milltown Row2 on March 30, 2013, 06:37:15 PM
My 9 year old daughter has it in her head that she is going to make a game that kids can play, similar to Club Penguin!! Now anyone familiar with this game its basically a kids game that they play wee games chat to others and collect things buy things and you can see what I'm talking about.

Are their websites that can help build this? She has made a story book, which incorporates everything that the game should have, right down to the membership rules and fees. so anyone who knows a bit about building something like this give me a shout

Not sure on the ins and outs but it is very difficult to create game when you have create. You can go to a website called elance - you pay a person a one off fee to create the app.