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Messages - realrebel

looks like we were both wrong about brian murphys reasons for retiring.
it wasnt his migranes after all it
im sure it will come public soon enough
ya im looking forward to fintan and seein cronin back playing
i still want to see another keeper in goal after donal ogs mess ups against kilkenny
im glad barry johnson is getting a game i think he could really improve playing alongside the others
feck it i have to read some papers or something in the middle of moving house so not reading anything at the moment
jesus he might do well alright just what they need a big strong forward
why isnt he playing sunday he should drop hero
are u talking football? reillers
sorry i have no interest in football sorry ;D
well if you dont believe me thats ok, i have no problem with that but its true
lets just get back talking about whats happening now shall we
speaking of one of the ogs, i saw sean og in bandon yesterday and he had a punture in his wheel and he actually went away looking for someone to put the spare wheel one
i couldnt believe it he wouldnt put the wheel on himself ;D
i know the cell bit of what teddy was talking about is true because i saw one of the texts that was sent by a player
the players had to deny it reillers they were hardly going to say they were doing it
in fact one of your club mates was at it
speaking of the truth the players have never come out to deny the statement made by the management that players were stopped going to the funeral
why because its true thats why
also brian murphy was one of the players who told donal og get fucked for asking them to stay away from the removal
and funny enough joe was another

but thats the last time i want to bring this up as its only going over old ground
i have to back reillers up on what he says about brian murphy on why he retired
it is true brian was one of the players who wanted to play under gerald but this wasnt the reason he retired
i wish brian brian and joe the best of luck in the future they served cork very well and should be proud of themselves
why are you surprised reillers
is it because you didnt believe the story in the first place?
they traced the call that how they tracked him down
was talking to geralds family yesterday and they say the gardai have arrested a man over the death threats
and he confessed to it too
im not been pety reillers
you stated a few posts back that most scores were made against the 09 team
that isnt true thats why i brought it up
i never even mentioned gerald in this ? why bring him up again
we all know he is gone and he shouldnt be brought up again
reillers all we can go on is by the results
we all know kilkenny would have hammered the 09 team but im going on the results
so it goes both ways in fact 08 team are lucky to have won the games they did
fact is reillers the 09 team have conceded less scores than the 08 team
now you were on here shouting off bout the high scores against the 09 team, and yet when you compare the 3 games the 08 team are worse off
i know ya im thinking that too
if we could produce as many players as managers we be flying ;D