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Messages - screenmachine

General discussion / Re: Love Libya March
October 20, 2011, 10:59:45 PM
I'd say he took a fair trimming to be fair.  He didn't end up in that state by falling of his bicycle.  Who's to say we won't see similar pictures in the future when the 'good guys' that the US, UK and Nato have installed turn bad.  They'd be better of left to their own devices to an extent as the people who ultimately decide who goes into power has no real grasp of the country, traditions and volatile nature of the population.
General discussion / Love Libya March
October 20, 2011, 09:36:07 PM
As someone pointed out earlier, would Geoffery and his cohorts be so obliging and willing to put their weight behind compensation claims for victims who were killed by weapons supplied by the UDR, British Army or South African regimes? I'd imagine not. Sickens my hole listening to dickheads with selective memory. Yes the victims of the IRA who were killed by Gadaffi's semtex deserve compensation but so does all the other victims of state collusion, etc.
General discussion / Thieves
October 14, 2011, 06:12:09 AM
It's all fun and games until someone gets robbed and then there's a crying match on here. I thought it was a sensible enough post and would do no harm to spread the word round the local area...
General discussion / FAI thread
October 11, 2011, 08:19:49 PM
Can anyone explain what Houghton means when he says that you have to be mentally strong enough to hold onto the ball? If you really believe that you will keep the ball will the Armenians not tackle you? What a ballbag...
There would be some craic if the FAI ran a soccer academy in the north.  You would have every eejit who ever wore a Norn Iron jersey running in a crusade led by Gerry Armstrong to dismantle the academy.  Somehow if the FAI setup an academy in the north I would imagine that the IFA argument would change from stealing 'our players' at 16-17 to stealing 'our players' at 11-12...
Quote from: nifan on October 11, 2011, 09:03:49 AM
At the end of the day all the talk of tapping up and poaching is irrelevant.
the rules are there and the FAI are going to make use of them.

It is up to NI football to make it attractive to all players and to try and encourage these players to represent us.

Personally I do wish those who wish to play for ROI for reasons of identity would explicitly make their choice at 16/17 and not hedge their bets until later, taking the place of a player who does want to play (I am aware however that the quality of player who will take up this spot is unlikely to ever play senior football so perhaps its an irrelevance)
we are always told in these cases that the player has never wanted to represent NI etc so the must know.

I can totally understand your point about declaring at an earlier age but if a 14-15 year old lives in Belfast/Derry/etc. they are more likely to be noticed by an IFA representitive at this stage of their career.  If they are offered the opportunity to play for NI at this stage, they aren't going to miss out on their opportunity to be put in the shop window and get potentially noticed by English clubs.  Added to this the fact that it would be a massive ask for parents to travel with kids to Dublin, or wherever the FAI Centre of Excellence is, on a regular basis for trials/training/etc. I can see why some kids choose to play for NI at underage and then swap over later..  When they get a bit older and have perhaps joined a professional club they can make their own minds up without any travel issues, looking for a club, etc. to contend with.

It's not as if the FAI take these young fella's into a room and hold a gun to their heads and say you must play for us or else.  It would be an easy enough sell to be honest if the youngster supported the Republic as a kid.  Firstly, the Republic are better than NI, with more chance of qualifying for a major tournament in the near future. Secondly, the stadium and other facilities are vastly superior.  Thirdly, Gerry Armstorng is a gobshite.  If he came looking for me to play for NI I would go all the quicker to the Republic.  You only have to listen to the man's commentary on Sky to get a grasp of what he's like.  A NI player could literally be 10 yards offside, elbow an opposition player in the face or generally make a blatant foul/mistake and Armstrong would be calling it farcical, feeling like they've been hard done by.  What a career the man has made out of scoring one goal against Spain and fair play to him but he's very hard to listen to at times.
General discussion / Time to amalgamate...
October 10, 2011, 03:19:09 PM
There's more chance of City and United amalgamating as there is Norn Iron and the Republic.  On one side, there's too many Sectarian bigots around Windsor and the other point is that they are shite and would struggle to add any real benefit to the Republic side. Perhaps Steve Davis and Johnny Evans would be there or there abouts but after that I don't think anyone else would make the squad never mind the team...
General discussion / Rugby World Cup 2011
October 08, 2011, 07:14:48 PM
That Dinny hoor has a lot to answer for. He was pitching himself as an Irish William Wallace during the week, it was only a matter of turning up. Turns out we weren't really as good as he thought and Wales were much, much better.
If TG thinks a child killer is 'fair game for whatever retribution comes their way' surely this is her basing her own opinion on the situation rather than trying to justify vigilante justice. 

To be honest this whole discussion could be put down to differences of opinion, I don't think anyone is trying to (or is going to) convince anyone else that vigilante justice is right/wrong.
This thread just seems to be running in circles every few hours.  I don't think anyone is trying to say vigilante justice is right but in the real world it does happen and will continue to do so.  Like TG said I would think Huntley got what he deserved if he was done in.  On a similar note, I would not be upgrading his killer to hero status.  He would still be a sc**bag and if he was already in prison for a serious offence then I would imagine he has been a sc**bag for quite some time already and would not be too bothered with the results of his actions or the opinions of a few more people thinking he was a sc**bag.

I would imagine this guy carried out the attempted murder as he dislikes child killers/rapists, seen an oppurtunity and went for him.  I'm sure he didn't go in with the idea to impress people on the outside world or gain a few more disgruntled followers who now think he is a bigger sc**bag than before.  He probably done it for the sake of doing it to be honest.  Sometimes it's as simple as that and doesn't need an in-depth look into the psychology of the perpetrator.
General discussion / Re: Rugby World Cup 2011
October 06, 2011, 10:49:46 AM
Is it true Francie Bellew once played a match two days after dislocating both shoulders?
General discussion / Re: Rugby World Cup 2011
October 06, 2011, 10:01:53 AM
Your a great man for inspiring confidence!  Hopefully everything goes as swimmingly as you have suggested.

They've named Best but I can't see how he can start if he has done his AC joint.  It will be rightly tested in a scrum/tackle anyway so if he does start he may not last that long.  Hope he pulls through though as he has been immense thus far to be fair.
Every case is different.  I think there is quite a difference when a child kills a child rather than an adult killing a child.  In the case of Venables, was he not recently reconvicted of possession of child pornography or something along those lines.  Clearly a sick individual who's childhood traits have carried on into his adult life and yet the system still tries to protect him by masking his identity and letting him move freely in a community (up until his recent re-arrest anyway.)  If someone was to dispose of Venables, in prison or elsewhere, I wouldn't lose too much sleep.  The world would be a better place without him in my opinion.

Suicide is definitely a grey area which very few people fully understand and why this man jumped of a balcony with his child is a question I can't answer.  I would still look upon it very differently from someone who abducts and murders a child.
General discussion / Ian Huntley attempted murder
October 05, 2011, 11:57:16 PM
In my opinion the child murder is still worse, maybe I'm wrong for looking at it like that but it is just my opinion.  In my earlier posts I was generally referring to comparisons between a child killer and a person who killed someone in an act of revenge. Fair enough there's not massive difference in the murder of an innocent child or an adult but I still believe the child murder is worse. The extra press coverage that a child murder would receive would lead me to believe that this would generally be the status quo. If you see things differently, then that's your opinion and fair enough. By the way, if I end up getting done in for a hypothetical murder someone on here is going to pay...Hypothetically speaking of course. ;)
I'll try and make this as simple as possible.

All murder is wrong.   However, in my own opinion, killing a child is pretty much the bottom of the barrel. 

My hypothetical murder has nothing to do with it, I was merely using this 'murder or serving any length of sentence' as a possible situation as to why I would be in prison in the first place to stage this attack on a child killer.  For argument's sake let's make this 'any length of a sentence' be down to a spate of violent bank robberies rather than murder.

To answer your other question, is killing a child more vile than killing an adult?

In my opinion, yes.