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Messages - themac_23

is there a way to upload your booster to the App? I can only see where it asks for 1st and 2nd dose
General discussion / Re: TV Show recommendations
November 25, 2021, 12:38:27 PM
Anyone checked out the new series of Dexter? my Mrs never watched the original series so dont think she's any intention of checking this out but I loved the initial series but looks like il have to fly solo on it, worth a go?
Quote from: general_lee on November 25, 2021, 12:01:32 PM
It begs the questions
1. Why would Lurgan Celtic enquire about tannaghmore, knowing full well Seán Treacy's have been using it for the last 5 years?
2. Why would ABC council even consider it, knowing full well Seán Treacy's have been using it for the last 5 years
3. Why did ABC council not think to tell Seán Treacy's another party was enquiring about the lease, at the same time there was a tender out to erect goalposts and catch-nets?

I dont really think there is an issue with point 1, I dont understand how ya can get annoyed at them making an enquiry, they have to look after their own interests, the fact another club has been using the facility for 5 years isnt their concern.

2 & 3 are very valid, on 2, they should be clearly thinking about the fact that GAA pitches are already over subscribed in the area, and if anything should be putting wheels in motion for more.

Point 3 would be my biggest thing, surely if there is a chance that they are going to lease the pitch out to LC then it would be a total waste of taxpayers money to get catch nets and Gaelic posts.

I am in no way saying this should be happening, my point is that the anger shouldn't be towards Lurgan Celtic, it should be towards the council. Making it out that this is LC basically evicting Sean Traceys will just add to bad blood between soccer and GAA.
Quote from: armaghniac on November 25, 2021, 10:46:34 AM
Quote from: themac_23 on November 25, 2021, 08:48:57 AM
Quote from: lurganblue on November 24, 2021, 08:35:30 PM
Yes Lurgan Celtic approached the council with regards to the lease of the pitch and instigated this. That's my understanding having spoken with Traceys ones. Open to being corrected...

I dont see how it would be Lurgan Celtics fault, they asked about leasing the facility if it was fit for their purpose, to be fit for their purpose and for the league they're gonna be playing in it has to meet certain criteria, so I assume LC approached the council said they would take the lease of the facility if X,Y,Z is met. The ball is then in the councils court, LC are looking out for their interests. this isnt anything to do with them

So it is OK if GAA club identifies two soccer pitches somewhere, in use by someone else, and goes to the council and say give us those pitches?

Yes, if they are proposing to take over a lease of the facility then yeah of course they can ask the question, again that facility would be no use to the GAA team as it stands so would have to be changed, so it would be up to the council to make that call, but the GAA club would have zero fault in that scenario.
Quote from: lurganblue on November 25, 2021, 11:19:56 AM
Quote from: themac_23 on November 25, 2021, 08:48:57 AM
Quote from: lurganblue on November 24, 2021, 08:35:30 PM
Yes Lurgan Celtic approached the council with regards to the lease of the pitch and instigated this. That's my understanding having spoken with Traceys ones. Open to being corrected...

I dont see how it would be Lurgan Celtics fault, they asked about leasing the facility if it was fit for their purpose, to be fit for their purpose and for the league they're gonna be playing in it has to meet certain criteria, so I assume LC approached the council said they would take the lease of the facility if X,Y,Z is met. The ball is then in the councils court, LC are looking out for their interests. this isnt anything to do with them

How is this the case if they made the approach for the change?  They set the wheels in motion.

Lurgan isnt short of community soccer pitches either.  For once, they finally had 1 community GAA pitch.

But if they take the lease then they are funding it themselves? its about them looking for somewhere they can call their own, im sure they have a business plan in place and have approached the council, if it is viable and they accept it then it will be up to the council to try and accommodate a GAA facility elsewhere, its nothing to do with Lurgan Celtic, to make it viable for them they need certain criteria to be met. if that means it cant host GAA then thats on the council to make that decision, its nothing to do with Lurgan Celtic.

Example, if you're renting a house and the landlord decides to sell and someone buys it, is it the buyers fault you're out of your house or is it the landlord who sold it?
Quote from: lurganblue on November 24, 2021, 08:35:30 PM
Yes Lurgan Celtic approached the council with regards to the lease of the pitch and instigated this. That's my understanding having spoken with Traceys ones. Open to being corrected...

I dont see how it would be Lurgan Celtics fault, they asked about leasing the facility if it was fit for their purpose, to be fit for their purpose and for the league they're gonna be playing in it has to meet certain criteria, so I assume LC approached the council said they would take the lease of the facility if X,Y,Z is met. The ball is then in the councils court, LC are looking out for their interests. this isnt anything to do with them
Quote from: lenny on November 22, 2021, 11:13:33 AM
Quote from: Armagh18 on November 22, 2021, 09:18:35 AM
To be perfectly honest I think anyone pushing for a vaccine mandate is worse than any of the anti everything loons. In fact vaccine passports and mandates are exactly what the loons and plenty of sensible people predicted at the start of the vaccine rollout. You are making the loons argument for them.

It should be absolutely no one elses business who is vaccinated or not. If you are happy to take the vaccine by all means take it, it seems to be very effective at reducing symptoms at least and keeping you out of hospital, I've had both jabs and would encourage anyone to get jabbed. None of my business however who does or doesn't get it, totally personal choice and should have no consequences whatsoever if you chose not to be vaccinated.

Get your vaccine, get your booster if you want and if you're still worried about covid stay at home.

I respectfully disagree. If I'm going to a restaurant or to a concert I'd like to know that the people sitting around me have been fully vaccinated or at the least have properly done a test to prove they haven't got Covid. I'd consider it my business to know that. If I'm working in an office or inside environment I'd like to know the people sitting in the same office all day have taken all precautions ie they've been vaccinated. That is absolutely my business because I'm in the business of trying to keep myself healthy.

I actually disagree, ive had my 2 jabs and had my booster last week. I see it as my duty for my loved ones and people who are affected by my actions. I dont know the medical status of every person I interact with, some things are private. I want everyone to be vaccinated but if they aren't I dont think they should be excluded from society. There also needs to be a distinction made between being anti vax and being against a Covid passport. I am 100% for passports but honestly think introducing the Covid pass is too far. Now, going on holiday in sept I used a Covid pass, I am not saying if it comes in to force I won't play ball but I just think its too far.
GAA Discussion / Re: 2022 Fixtures - anyone?
November 17, 2021, 08:59:27 AM
Quote from: Blowitupref on November 17, 2021, 08:25:59 AM
Quote from: seafoid on November 17, 2021, 08:12:56 AM
Quote from: themac_23 on November 17, 2021, 08:09:44 AM
Quote from: Armagh18 on November 15, 2021, 05:54:26 PM
Quote from: Itchy on November 15, 2021, 04:26:34 PM
Quote from: seafoid on November 15, 2021, 04:15:01 PM
The way Covid is going it must be hard to predict when any League match will be played.
Last year's league didn't feature Delta .

90% + vaccinated, We have to get on with life. There is nothing else to do unless we want to spend your remaining days living in a cave. Life must go on at this stage.
Wrong thread but absolutely. Wear a mask and get your booster or whatever if you want but time to live with it.

100% Seafoid has been the biggest doom and gloom merchant on this board regards Covid, what will he post about when covid isnt a talking point anymore? the world has to go on, if you dont want to go dont go but dont try and stop others going. Ive family members who are elderly and going to football again has give them a massive shot in the arm after the tough time they've had over the lockdowns etc.
Why were there no qualifiers in the football for the last 2 seasons? 
You can ignore Covid if you want but it won't make any difference.
A tight schedule to work from that had to fit in club and county matches. Its a set split season in place for 2022 and qualifiers can be accommodated.

is the correct answer, we didnt get the green light to get things moving in time to have a split season so unfortunately the qualifiers weren't practical.
GAA Discussion / Re: 2022 Fixtures - anyone?
November 17, 2021, 08:09:44 AM
Quote from: Armagh18 on November 15, 2021, 05:54:26 PM
Quote from: Itchy on November 15, 2021, 04:26:34 PM
Quote from: seafoid on November 15, 2021, 04:15:01 PM
The way Covid is going it must be hard to predict when any League match will be played.
Last year's league didn't feature Delta .

90% + vaccinated, We have to get on with life. There is nothing else to do unless we want to spend your remaining days living in a cave. Life must go on at this stage.
Wrong thread but absolutely. Wear a mask and get your booster or whatever if you want but time to live with it.

100% Seafoid has been the biggest doom and gloom merchant on this board regards Covid, what will he post about when covid isnt a talking point anymore? the world has to go on, if you dont want to go dont go but dont try and stop others going. Ive family members who are elderly and going to football again has give them a massive shot in the arm after the tough time they've had over the lockdowns etc.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
November 13, 2021, 10:29:55 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 13, 2021, 10:23:25 AM
Quote from: themac_23 on November 13, 2021, 10:08:01 AM
For the sanity of the country they should stop publishing positive cases. People get so caught up in the positive cases and automatically assume its a problem. I would say if we tested every person who had flu symptoms at this time of year to the extent we do for Covid then people would say we have a flu pandemic. we vaccinate for flu we now vaccinate for Covid, the case numbers really shouldn't be relevant if we are doing the vaccine roll out properly, if people get their boosters then really there's not a massive issue. if you're double jabbed within 6 months then the likelihood is covid will not have a big effect on you, there will always be exceptions to the rule unfortunately. it really is as simple as get jabbed and stop reading about case numbers, your life will be much much better.

Getting the booster next week, surgery are running a walkin type session like they did for the flu jab a few weeks previously. I really don't see the issue in not getting it, if not to protect yourself from getting it bad should you catch it but reducing the strain of the virus if passing it on to someone else.

thats it like, my opinion is get the jab and try get on with life I really dont see the issue with that at all, soon as im able to get the booster il get it. again not just for myself but for my parents and other elderly people I come into contact with, people need to accept Covid is here and we just need to do our best to live with it.
The fact our main striking threat is a player who can hardly get a kick for WBA says a lot. listen we played well the other night, but its easy to play against a top team when the result is irrelevant and already eliminated the 'go and give it a lash' mentality. for me the big tests for Kenny so far have been failed, im willing to give him the next qualifying campaign but id much rather beat lesser teams when the game means something than draw with 1 of the big teams when it means F all
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
November 13, 2021, 10:08:01 AM
For the sanity of the country they should stop publishing positive cases. People get so caught up in the positive cases and automatically assume its a problem. I would say if we tested every person who had flu symptoms at this time of year to the extent we do for Covid then people would say we have a flu pandemic. we vaccinate for flu we now vaccinate for Covid, the case numbers really shouldn't be relevant if we are doing the vaccine roll out properly, if people get their boosters then really there's not a massive issue. if you're double jabbed within 6 months then the likelihood is covid will not have a big effect on you, there will always be exceptions to the rule unfortunately. it really is as simple as get jabbed and stop reading about case numbers, your life will be much much better.
GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
November 07, 2021, 03:53:39 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on November 07, 2021, 03:38:04 PM
Everything that's wrong about present day "foot"ball on display in abundance.

Just stuck it on, really boring stuff, it's not the files need changed we need teams to throw the shackles off and play football, imagine being a good footballer and training 3 nights a week, giving up a lot of social events throughout the year to go out and play that? Managers need to back players to actually play football not sit in a system
GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
November 07, 2021, 03:06:17 PM
TG4 done the other 31 counties in Ireland a service by not showing the Derry final, brutal stuff glen are a great side but slaughtneil are brutal, zero interest in attacking just trying to contain glen and letting them have the ball even when 6/7 points behind.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 05, 2021, 01:47:04 PM
Quote from: EOC1923 on November 05, 2021, 01:40:22 PM
As above for me, I agree with all that..

We have to draw a line under it and move on, on a final note I called MR2 out to explain things only as I know he is on here. Wouldn't be satisfied with any of explanations. What we scored or missed is irrelevant by the way. Foul counts are also irrelevant. Its the big calls at the big times that decide games.

On a final note just looked through Tyrone and Cavan threads there and I cant see Martin Hurson or Joe McQuillan on there anywhere explaining their decisions or giving a summary on how one team won or lost the game. Ridiculous what goes on here

so to summarise you called MR2 out to explain decisions, when he did you weren't happy with his answers. you then criticise him for trying to give a honest opinion on things by saying other referees dont do it? cant really have it both ways can you?

Fair play for him for not ducking it, referees make mistakes, do you hammer all players for making mistakes in the game, maybe giving away a few cheap fouls or stray passes that lead to scores? ive seen far far more games turn on player mistakes than referees, yet its always the referee getting the crap after. Easier to criticise someone outside the team/ club than looking to those in the circle.