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Messages - Jell 0 Biafra

General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
May 26, 2020, 03:15:46 PM
Quote from: Jeepers Creepers on May 26, 2020, 12:50:48 PM
Quote from: Smurfy123 on May 26, 2020, 12:06:55 PM
Hardstation the South put that plan out 5 weeks ago. Robbie Swan let them know here on Friday. No plan just a press conference
Anyway you are right no need to compare anymore
Interesting statement from WHO that a second wave is looking increasing unlikely
Nothing to suggest anywhere that it will happen
On another note thon Michael Gove is a slippery git
Hope we can all agree on that one

Smurfy, where did you read this?

I'm guessing it's to do with this, where a WHO guy talked about a second peak rather than a second wave being the more immediate problem.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
May 18, 2020, 08:24:35 PM

A related virus affects kids. 200 as of this article from Saturday's NYT.   Small numbers, but very worrying.
What would balanced coverage of Trump's presidency look like?
GAA Discussion / Re: Great GAA Comebacks
May 14, 2020, 03:29:31 AM
Worse was the video of the City fan interviewed after the Spurs CL QF, who had left before the Sterling 'goal' was disallowed by VAR, and was under the impression that they'd won.
The version of neutral I heard was an Olympic village style thing, so that players weren't mixing with anyone else, minimizing risk of infection. 
Almost as if that was the goal all along.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
May 06, 2020, 08:01:38 PM

Children Are Falling Ill With a Baffling Ailment Related to Covid-19

No children are known to have died so far, but several have ended up in intensive care with mysterious symptoms that include enlarged coronary arteries.
General discussion / Re: Depression
May 05, 2020, 03:07:35 AM
This is great advice.   

Lists are good.  They're recommended for dealing with anxiety/panic, as I know from personal experience. I would think they'd be good for depression too. 

One bite at a time.
The German satire site "Der Postillion" came up with a work of simple genius (translated below):

Terrible suspicion: Was Trump bred in a Chinese laboratory to harm the United States?

Washington (dpo) - It sounds far-fetched - and according to experts, it cannot be ruled out: More and more people suspect that Donald Trump may not have come to exist randomly, but was bred in a Chinese laboratory to cause serious damage to the United States.

"The Chinese government is now acting as if it has nothing to do with the situation in the United States," explains a user on the Facebook page Corona Truthers. "But is it really a coincidence that we now have a man in the White House who can hardly speak English and does everything possible to undermine a unified response to the crisis?"

Trump's physical appearance is also fuelling speculation: Some suspect that the US President's unlikely complexion and jumbled hairstyle are due to the fact that Chinese scientists have no precise idea of what people from western cultures actually look like.

Already demands for damages are being issued to China - demands which the People's Republic is categorically rejecting.

Serious scientists are rather cautious: "So far, we assume that Trump was created naturally. However, we cannot rule out 100% his development in a Chinese laboratory," explains biochemist Celine Smith-Garcia from the University of Washington.

A blame-game is inappropriate anyway. "Currently, the most important task for the international community is to contain the consequences of Donald Trump as much as possible and to ensure that not too many people die because of him."
You probably don't want to hear this, but it varies.

If you haven't already, try over the counter anatcids. 

If bloating is a contributing factor, you might try using activated charcoal. I've had good results with that (it absorbs gas and toxins from your system--don't take it at the same time as any other internal meds you take, or it will absorb them too).

If your symptoms persist, you might need a proton pump inhibitor med.

Here in the states the main brand is prilosec, not sure what it is called in Ireland.  I used it for a while and it helped.  Didn't like the idea of being on it every day though, so I switched to Zantac.  Turns out there's a cancer issue with Zantac, so they've stopped selling that here.

The other thing you can do is look at your diet.  Cut out acidic and/or rich foods and see if that helps.

Good luck with it.
In fairness, he must be pretty excited at the prospect of signing checks that don't bounce.
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
March 31, 2020, 02:45:11 AM
Frailty is another great McConaughey movie.
100,000 deaths from a hoax seems a bit high.
I must say I'm surprised how well zoom is holding up, given that every college and university in the US is using it.
Zoom has a whiteboard, which would allow you to work through examples in real time..  You can also share what's showing on your screen, so if you have examples worked out in Powerpoint or wherever, you can share them through Zoom.