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Messages - gallsman

GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
May 21, 2011, 09:33:24 PM
Quote from: hardstation on May 21, 2011, 09:27:27 PM
Looks good for scores but things they could add in:

- A function for putting in the attendance so that the phone user could count the people and insert the figure he gets.
- A function for displaying which team is playing with the wind.(St. Eunan's <10mph Glenswilly)

I'll try and think of some more.

Submit whatever suggestions you want:

It's just a guy in college during his exams. People have asked him to include all sorts of stuff like wides, frees, cards etc. After a while you just run out of space on a mobile screen.

I think there's more iPhone users than Android on here, so hopefully it can be ported. Would be good for club matches up and down the country.
Dunno, we all saw what happened Tipp at this stage last year. Fancy them to win, but not as much as you might think.

Hope they lose to make up for me having watched this :
GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
May 21, 2011, 09:11:25 PM
Quote from: hardstation on May 21, 2011, 09:10:20 PM
Was it really 1-15 to 2-12 between Naomh Adhamhnáin and Gleann tSuile after 33 minutes 21 seconds? That sounds like some match.

Well, according to twitter it was 2-3 to 2-3 between test and test after 24 mins, so you never know what can happen!
GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
May 21, 2011, 09:02:53 PM
Evening. For all of you with Android phones, there's an app out there called "GAA Scoreboard" that allows you to keep track of scores at matches. The app can be connected to a Twitter account that automatically broadcasts the teams, the time and the score when the user chooses to do so, accompanied by the #gaa hashtag.

Instead of (or in addition to) potential users tweeting from their personal accounts or club accounts, I've set up a Twitter account that could be used to tweet all scores of interest to gaaboarders (not trying to put drici out of a job!), rather than having to follow every individual who might be using it: @gaalivescores. If anyone is interested in using it, let me know and I'll pm them the password.

Hopefully there'll be an iOS port or else an equivalent app soon.

Nally, for once cut the Free State shite out, you lower your own (and eveybody else's) argument by throwing that out there. There are many on this thread from south of the border who agree with you.

MGHU, it is not a question of what you boasted about at all. You initially started out by saying the fate of the hungerstrikers was their own fault, then you told us they were common criminals and thugs. When it was put to you that they were in the exact same position as Michael Collins (and other republicans of that era) you tried to squirm out of it by talking about 1918 when you knew you reference was to the Easter Rising. Then you refused to give a definitive response. You are a hypocrite of the highest order. An embarrassment of an Irishman who picks through and talks history as and when he pleases and ignores the rest.
GAA Discussion / Re: GAA Scoreboard App
May 21, 2011, 08:50:01 PM
Quote from: ck on May 21, 2011, 05:04:33 PM
Are these not available on iphone?

Not currently, although the developer on boards said he'd give it a go but he doesn't have a Mac for the required development kit. A lot of these apps come from students and people doing things in their spare time, so with exams and the like, there are often understandable delays.

I've set up a twitter account that could be used to tweet all scores of interest to gaaboarders (not trying to put drici out of a job!), rather than having to follow every individual who might be using it: @gaalivescores

No idea if it would be used but ynyone with an Android phone with an interest, PM me for the password.
Quote from: paco on May 21, 2011, 08:36:46 PM
What happened Morrison? Didn't know he was on Twitter, seems a bit of a character, must follow him! I can't help but feel that Fergie would be a lot more outspoken about this if it had been some other, less established player.

Not much, came out and said the awards dinner was a pile of shit and took some stick about it. Hastily retracted his comments and said it was because he was angry at the time.
Please answer the question about Michael Collins MGHU. We're all waiting to see how you differentiate between the two.
Quote from: paco on May 21, 2011, 07:57:52 PM
I wonder what Fergie makes of the whole thing. He was criticising Twitter during the week and, in the build-up to the Champion's League final, I'd say this is bound to be causing a bit of an unnecessary distraction within the camp.

Rooney and Ravel Morrison had a bit of trouble on it during the week too. People like Ferdinand seem entertaining and more than capable of handling the abuse a platform like Twitter allows people to hurl in their direction. Not sure about the likes of Rooney or Morrison.
GAA Discussion / Re: GAA Scoreboard App
May 21, 2011, 11:33:47 AM
Just came across this app today on boards. Won't have a chance to use it until Thurles next week as I'm out of the country but appears to be incredibly simple to use.

Quote from: Evil Genius on May 19, 2011, 05:27:25 PM
Quote from: gallsman on May 19, 2011, 09:08:27 AM
EG, quick question - you mentioned that that you were uneasy about the visit to the Garden of Remembrance.
Initially, yes (though as much "unsure" as "uneasy").
In the event, however, I can see the value of it and so have no objection.

Quote from: gallsman on May 19, 2011, 09:08:27 AMWould you be equally as uneasy if she was to visiti the quivalent memorials in other former parts of the Empire, both in and out of the Commonwealth?! I have no idea, but I imagine she's probably visited the Washington monument before.
Sometimes yes, but more often not.
What you've got to remember is that Irish Republican Freedom Fighters/Terrorists (delete as preferred) are a great deal more personal to someone like me than, say, American Republican Freedom Fighters/Terrorists.
And as well as the personal element, you also have to consider the context. With the American War of Independence, it was over 200 years ago, whereas the Irish equivalent was within living memory (just).
Or, with say Germany or Japan, the fact that our wars with them are rather more recent must be outweighed by the fact that both countries are now firm allies, with whom we have been living entirely peacefully for over half a century.

Quote from: gallsman on May 19, 2011, 09:08:27 AMYou can criticise the attitude of people or the GAA for "sham" attempts to reach out to Unionists, but that kind of opinion speaks volumes about how some Unionists still feel about the loss of the 26 counties. Shameful.
As I mentioned earlier, I am sure that the people who are doing cross-community work in NI for the GAA are entirely committed and sincere - in my experience, the people drawn to that sort of work invariably are.
But if you still cannot see how they were undermined by their bosses consciously determining to snub the Queen etc, and what that says about the priorities of those who lead the GAA in Ulster, then there probably isn't any more I can say on the subject.

P.S. If you can't see that last point, then I'd term it a "shame". However, if you wilfully refuse  to see it, then I'd call it "shameful". Take your pick.

I didn't actually express an opinion one way or the other about the attendance of GAA representatives, I was too busy being shocked at the fact that you implied pining for the days where the 26 counties were firmly under the royal boot is quite a regular occurrence even in the fairly liberal strand of Unionism you yourself appear to follow.
EG, quick question - you mentioned that that you were uneasy about the visit to the Garden of Remembrance. Would you be equally as uneasy if she was to visiti the quivalent memorials in other former parts of the Empire, both in and out of the Commonwealth?! I have no idea, but I imagine she's probably visited the Washington monument before.

You can criticise the attitude of people or the GAA for "sham" attempts to reach out to Unionists, but that kind of opinion speaks volumes about how some Unionists still feel about the loss of the 26 counties. Shameful.
Quote from: Nally Stand on May 19, 2011, 12:21:33 AM
It's typified by a couple of recent posts here which suggest that the only apparent reason anyone could disagree with this visit is because such people.are just incapable of moving on. It's an arrogant and condescending argument.

For once I'm in complete agreement with you.
Quote from: SHEEDY on May 18, 2011, 08:56:42 PM
some of the events this week have been a step too far. partition seems to have been copper fastened. the queen has been paraded around like some sort of celebrity with the usual suspects lining up to kiss ass. any dissenting voices are quickly ridiculed as only speaking for a minority. have to say im really disappointed with the down co.board decision to partake in todays sham at croke park. a united ulster non show would have sent the gaa a strong message

There are plenty of dissenting voices - just not very many who want to be associated with the pikeys on O'Connell street yesterday whose idea of protest is to loot building sites and set bins on fire.
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on May 18, 2011, 06:50:34 PM
Quote from: Evil Genius on May 18, 2011, 06:39:10 PM
Or, to put it another way, you have finally got your "Nation Once Again"; the only problem is, it is a 26 county nation, with the hope of acquiring the other sic Irish counties receding with every year of peace etc enjoyed by Northern Ireland.
I wouldn't count on that. Every year of peace builds new bridges between catholics and protestants, and protestants will gradually lose this anti-catholic gaelophobia that pollutes their minds.

Other than a rather dreadful sweeping generalisation there, don't count on that either.