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Messages - Jinxy


Sean Cavanagh, a three-time All-Ireland winner with Tyrone, said despite some players not wanting to go to Mass before a big game, no-one objected to their devout Catholic manager's wishes of attending Mass before every championship game.

While admitting that he thinks religious beliefs should be private, Cavanagh, a practising Catholic, made it clear that he had no problem with Harte sharing his faith with the team and acknowledged that it actually helped bring the team closer together.

"No-one on our team objected to it," Cavanagh told Irish sports journalist Paul Kimmage in an interview published in The Sunday Independent.

"Did everyone want to go to Mass before big games? No they didn't, but it maybe suited us at times in that it brought us closer together," he added. "I'm a practising Catholic so it didn't bother me but I can see how others might have an issue with it. I think religion is a private thing, I would never push it on anyone."
GAA Discussion / Re: Gaelic Football RIP
September 14, 2018, 03:31:10 PM
Zero knee cartilage between the whole lot of them.
GAA Discussion / Re: Gaelic Football RIP
September 14, 2018, 02:28:28 PM
Quote from: grounded on September 14, 2018, 02:13:06 PM
Quote from: Jinxy on September 14, 2018, 01:59:44 PM
Colm Coyle was the thinking man's hallion.

His 'performance' in the 96 final merits automatic inclusion.

And he would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that pesky umpire.
GAA Discussion / Re: Gaelic Football RIP
September 14, 2018, 01:59:44 PM
Colm Coyle was the thinking man's hallion.
We used to sacrifice a goat before games.
Ye don't have to compete with the internet.
I always wondered how the whole praying before/after games in the dressing-room thing works in American Football, given that there are quite a few muslim players in the NFL.
GAA Discussion / Re: Row in Mayo LGFA
September 14, 2018, 11:11:39 AM
In this day and age that's not a stretch at all.
Because we're worth it.
GAA Discussion / Re: Row in Mayo LGFA
September 14, 2018, 09:12:03 AM
Can't listen to that Nathan Murphy lad at all.
HQ needs to fund a programme to deradicalise the children of Dublin parents that have moved to the likes of Dunboyne, Ashbourne etc.
Break them down and build them back up in a culture of manliness.
Then deport their parents.
GAA Discussion / Re: Mayo manager resigns - for defo.
September 13, 2018, 10:13:13 PM
Very good panel in general with Andy, Joe Canning & Michael Quinlivan and Joe Molloy as MC.
As always, he knows when to ask a question and when to back off and let the speaker gather their thoughts.
Andy made some interesting points about the Newbridge affair from the actual playing perspective.
Joe Canning clarified that he was 100% going for a score with the last free that dropped short in the final.
Just tried to hit it too hard and ended up forcing it instead of relaxing and getting a cleaner strike.
GAA Discussion / Re: Mayo manager resigns - for defo.
September 13, 2018, 08:33:26 PM
Andy Moran being very diplomatic about the Rochford thing on OTB now.
I get the feeling the players are not overly cut up about him leaving.
Full of praise for Donie Buckley though.
GAA Discussion / Re: Time to Split Dublin
September 13, 2018, 03:39:42 PM
I don't want Dublin to be split.
Yes, they have a massive population but without a significant increase in the number of clubs, their playing numbers at adult level will stay broadly similar.
It does mean that the adult first team squad of 30 in every club is drawn from a larger talent pool, but in absolute terms they don't have a massive advantage in playing numbers relative to other 'big' counties like Cork.
The natural advantages that Dublin has over other counties does not make them invincible.
The unnatural advantages however...
GAA Discussion / Re: Row in Mayo LGFA
September 13, 2018, 03:18:23 PM
After seeing how the Serena Williams incident in the US Open was somehow spun into a sexism issue, I can understand why everyone in Mayo is treading very carefully around these allegations.
If you are overly forceful in rubbishing them, then that becomes the story.
Sounds like Leahy struck the right tone in his interview.
Let the media glare focus on the Carnacon players now and the obvious questions should follow.