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Messages - johnnycool

General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
October 12, 2023, 03:44:57 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on October 12, 2023, 01:44:15 PM
Quote from: johnnycool on October 12, 2023, 01:36:31 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 12, 2023, 01:22:04 PM
Quote from: tbrick18 on October 12, 2023, 11:42:39 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 12, 2023, 10:56:58 AM
Quote from: seafoid on October 12, 2023, 10:20:03 AMRachel Riley has all the latest Israeli fabrications to justify carpet bombing Gaza

Seriously Rachel Riley?

Yeah she's been very outspoken for years in support of Isreal and regularly spouts anti-palestine propaganda.
Too much airtime being given to these pro-isreali mouthpieces who just regurgitate the Isreali state propaganda as fact.

I've no doubt Hamas have performed atrocities, but not at the same scale as the Isreali state has against the Palestinian people. There has been a systematic process of ethnic cleansing by Isreal for decades, landgrabbing and murdering, all in contravention to international law.
What does the world expect to happen under those circumstances? Isreal breaking the law, Palestinians suffering under their boot and yet Isreal is backed by the West. People will try to fight back themselves or they will support/elect people who will fight back on their behalf. Not all Palestinians will fully buy into the ethos of Hamas but they will still elect them as they will see them as their protectors. Hamas can only exist whilst the Palestinian people are being treated in this way by Isreal.
Hamas being declare terrorists is like calling the people of Ukraine terrorists for fighting back against a Russian agressor/occupier. I'm sure the Ukrainians have performed despicable acts, but they have the backing of the west (rightly in my opinion) as it's against the Russians. In this case the Isreali's have so much foreign clout that they have the backing of the west even though they are the agressor/occupier.

The people of Palestine have a bleak outlook, in no small part down to the actions of the British since the end of WW2.

The term anti-sematic is thrown out there at anyone who opposes the Israeli state and their actions. That's a despicable view, especially given how Jews suffered in holocaust. It's not anti-Jewish to be anti-Israel.

My point is on Rachel. Who takes her seriously? This is the girl from Countdown? puts numbers and words up on a board?  holy f**k the world is fucked if anyone even gives her the time of day never mind quoting her on current affairs.

If you are looking to be pissed off about something/anything you'll find it in twitter, cesspit

She was one of the main cheerleaders who went after Corbyn and ultimately led to his downfall by sowing the seeds in the red top voters that he was anti-Semitic when he was pointing out the sins of the Zionist Israeli Gov.

The Jewish lobby has a stranglehold on British Politics and Media.

the Israeli/Zionist lobby. you are using anti semitic tropes.

Imo the BOD, Riley, Collier, Baddiel, Tracy oberman, Margaret hodge, Jason Ryan, David Lammy et Al. probably have a reach of over 2/3million on twitter

 continually attempt to conflate Anti semitism with anti Zionists

Not all Jews are Zionists, so how am I using anti semitic tropes or are you proving my point for me?
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
October 12, 2023, 01:43:01 PM
Quote from: johnnycool on October 09, 2023, 08:35:38 AM
Quote from: manwithnoplan on October 08, 2023, 09:15:04 PM
Quote from: Saffrongael on October 08, 2023, 07:28:21 PMThat looked a bad enough row between Ballycran & Laotrim in the hurling, supporters over the fence and into the middle of it

I see Liatroim posted on social media that the game was ruined by the ref. Any neutrals see the game and know what that is about?

Wasn't at it but not surprised as I'd predicted something to happen during the week.  ;)

Liatroim were leading pretty well right into injury time when Ballycran scored two very late goals to win it by two points, it would have been a massive shock for Liatroim to win this one but from all accounts a few decisions didn't go their way at the end or as is the case not given to be more precise.

We'll be very interested in how this pans out considering our U15's along with Carryduff got put out of the U15 championship after our match was abandoned for absolutely next to nothing, two young lads rolling around on the ground, with a few other's pushing and shoving. Thing was over in less than 30 seconds.

Easy making an example of a bunch of kids, but lacking fortitude when it comes to the bigger teams!

Looks like I'm right, County Boards big push on discipline comes to a shuddering halt, no suspensions, just a weak fine for both teams and carry on regardless, nothing to see here, yet two U15 teams booted out of their championship for a bit of pushing and shoving..

General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
October 12, 2023, 01:36:31 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 12, 2023, 01:22:04 PM
Quote from: tbrick18 on October 12, 2023, 11:42:39 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 12, 2023, 10:56:58 AM
Quote from: seafoid on October 12, 2023, 10:20:03 AMRachel Riley has all the latest Israeli fabrications to justify carpet bombing Gaza

Seriously Rachel Riley?

Yeah she's been very outspoken for years in support of Isreal and regularly spouts anti-palestine propaganda.
Too much airtime being given to these pro-isreali mouthpieces who just regurgitate the Isreali state propaganda as fact.

I've no doubt Hamas have performed atrocities, but not at the same scale as the Isreali state has against the Palestinian people. There has been a systematic process of ethnic cleansing by Isreal for decades, landgrabbing and murdering, all in contravention to international law.
What does the world expect to happen under those circumstances? Isreal breaking the law, Palestinians suffering under their boot and yet Isreal is backed by the West. People will try to fight back themselves or they will support/elect people who will fight back on their behalf. Not all Palestinians will fully buy into the ethos of Hamas but they will still elect them as they will see them as their protectors. Hamas can only exist whilst the Palestinian people are being treated in this way by Isreal.
Hamas being declare terrorists is like calling the people of Ukraine terrorists for fighting back against a Russian agressor/occupier. I'm sure the Ukrainians have performed despicable acts, but they have the backing of the west (rightly in my opinion) as it's against the Russians. In this case the Isreali's have so much foreign clout that they have the backing of the west even though they are the agressor/occupier.

The people of Palestine have a bleak outlook, in no small part down to the actions of the British since the end of WW2.

The term anti-sematic is thrown out there at anyone who opposes the Israeli state and their actions. That's a despicable view, especially given how Jews suffered in holocaust. It's not anti-Jewish to be anti-Israel.

My point is on Rachel. Who takes her seriously? This is the girl from Countdown? puts numbers and words up on a board?  holy f**k the world is fucked if anyone even gives her the time of day never mind quoting her on current affairs.

If you are looking to be pissed off about something/anything you'll find it in twitter, cesspit

She was one of the main cheerleaders who went after Corbyn and ultimately led to his downfall by sowing the seeds in the red top voters that he was anti-Semitic when he was pointing out the sins of the Zionist Israeli Gov.

The Jewish lobby has a stranglehold on British Politics and Media.

GAA Discussion / Re: RG at arms length
October 12, 2023, 08:16:05 AM
Quote from: Armagh18 on October 11, 2023, 11:56:15 PMWhere do you draw the line on it? Plus the fact is that he hasn't been convicted of anything. If someone has done time and paid their debt to society so to speak should they not be allowed back to play/coach?

Is he even under investigation by the PSNI/Garda?
Quote from: marty34 on October 12, 2023, 07:52:01 AM
Quote from: AustinPowers on October 12, 2023, 12:06:04 AM
Quote from: armaghniac on October 11, 2023, 06:17:08 PMJeffrey is not happy. Quelle surpise.

Surely the IFA agreed  in advance with the other FA's  that the only way NI would be  included in the joint bid would  mean that  casement, and not Windsor,  would host games?

Why  did Jeffrey not have a  dig at them?

The pressure has come on from the no men.

Themmuns get everything mentality.

The IFA don't own anything, Linfield own Windsor.
Quote from: marty34 on October 11, 2023, 08:07:58 PMI hear bad reports from people about Range/Land Rovers.

Seems to be issues with them.

In general yes, poor build quality on the discovery and Evoque I was told, not specific to electric or hybrids though
General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
October 11, 2023, 03:49:20 PM
Quote from: maddog on October 11, 2023, 03:34:03 PMStarmer playing to the right wing there. Can't put a foot wrong with them in the next 12 months

Licking Murdocks hole, that one!
General discussion / Re: The IRISH RUGBY thread
October 11, 2023, 12:29:40 PM
Quote from: Armagh18 on October 11, 2023, 11:18:00 AMWhat's the latest on the injuries?

Hansen passed his HIA and slight calf issue and is good, so too Lowe who's eye injury has cleared up.

Ryan misses out and didn't make the matchday squad, Henshaw evidently hasn't recovered from his hamstring injury but there must be hope he'll be good for a semi-final as no replacement has been sought.
Quote from: trailer on October 11, 2023, 10:47:37 AM
Quote from: Eire90 on October 10, 2023, 08:39:06 PMwill all ulster semi finals and finals  be held there will clones become a white elephant

You need to look up what "white elephant" means

When Casement is built it will hold all Ulster Sf and Finals Hurling, Football, Ladies and Camogie
It will also be available hold All Ireland QFs as well.
It will be a modern stadium in which to play our games. Clones will be confined to the bin.

Casement has the one thing it badly needs... a firm date. It is now or never for this project.

There is no Ulster Hurling championship!
Antrim / Re: Antrim Hurling
October 11, 2023, 10:09:08 AM
Quote from: imtommygunn on October 11, 2023, 09:08:20 AMSounded like a bad injury for the Dunloy goalie who is hopefully ok. Don't know about u17s etc.

The underage is interesting this year - Cushendall were so dominant at u15 then got beat in championship, u17 quite open and then Loughgiel beat in u19.

I'd have thought the Glenariffe/Glenravel combo would have been favourites for U17 as Dunloy were well off them at U15 a few years back, no?
General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
October 10, 2023, 03:59:41 PM
Quote from: seafoid on October 10, 2023, 11:51:48 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 10, 2023, 11:04:38 AM
Quote from: trailer on October 10, 2023, 10:51:23 AMHamas is hoping for a brutal response. Bringing the IDF into the Gaza strip and from there who knows where this war will end. It quite possibly could draw other countries and terrorist groups into the war.


ISIS is banjaxed.
They want to bring Iraqi militia and Hezbollah into a wider conflagration.
The Iraqis are ready.
It would be a religious war of Muslims versus Jews.
Israel does not want Hezbollah rocketing Tel Aviv so it can't crush Gaza.
The strategic calculations are very complicated. Hamas are much better than they used to be. Much more organised and much more technically accomplished. Israel has to be very careful.

Israel can't hack anything longer than 2 weeks with limited deaths.

I never could understand the Egyptians in all of this, a predominantly Muslim country with a land border with Palestine but the Arab Spring shone a lot of light on their complexities.
The Muslim Brotherhood win the election, but good ole uncle Sam and the Israelis couldn't have that and help stage a military coup.. The Egyptian military is heavily funded by the US .

Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
October 10, 2023, 03:31:00 PM
Quote from: Ardstick on October 10, 2023, 10:47:42 AM
Quote from: old timers on October 09, 2023, 10:56:16 PM
Quote from: Ardstick on October 09, 2023, 09:19:28 PM
Quote from: Walt Jabsco on October 09, 2023, 07:27:45 PMLiatroim have every right to feel aggrieved in the way that they were disrespected by the County Board and the media pundits who had them written off before the match. The CB appointed an outside referee for the other semi final thinking that it would be the tougher of the two semis. But was it? In the interests of the integrity of the competition that Ardstick is so worried about both semis should have had outside referees appointed. It also raises the question are there no other referees in Down capable of officiating at this level that don't have skin in the game? If not why not? Ask any Ballycran person involved with the team did they welcome yesterdays refereeing appointment, I think the number that did you could fit them all into a phone box! The Ards teams are not whiter than white in regards to transfers and outsiders playing for them and should be playing for their "own" club - McAllister, Sheehan & Prenter. You could make a case for Prenter all right with RGU not having a hurling team. So how do some of the Ballycran players feel about the two outsiders taking their positions, you can't just pin that scenario on just happening in Liatroim, it is not unique to there. I sense a bit of fear in the Ards that there is a threat to their dominance of the SHC so is it a case of wanting those players to return to where they come from and so dilute the threat. As JC has pointed out on many occasions there will be no underage trophy residing in the Ards for another year but I have no doubt that will change sometime soon. 

Those Cran players live and are settled in the area, so that's a weak argument. Would love to know the address of the Murphy's in Liatroim and does McCusker not live beside Ballela pitch.

Look all I'm saying is instead of seeking glory hunters we need to keep working on developing players within our clubs instead of looking for a quick fix solution to winning. Taking players away to the detriment of their own clubs Lagos a real lack of class and morals.

With regards the reffing I'm sure if you talked to Ballycran supporters they would tell you all the frees that were missed for them, that's the nature of the game, ref will make mistakes just like the players on the field.

Might also be an idea to cut the Senior Championship to 5 teams, play each other once, top goes into final 2v3 in semi just to keep the quality and standard higher but that's for another day.

Good luck to Liatroim in their finals a win against Rostrevor would be an almighty victory for the parish.

Really newbie ?  bit of back tracking here

Let's have the discussion surely Oldie, however there's a massive different between a legitimate transfer and a self serving transfer. Surely your not suggesting Sheenan should still be taking a 90 mile round trip to play for Shamrocks. Fair play to him for staying with them up to last year.

How did the Murphy's ever get a transfer?? Because their dad manages them??

CB need to have a watertight system to stop clubs exploiting the system. Otherwise let's just have open season and let clubs pick and chose who gets to play for them.

McCusker transferred from Balella to a football only club and is then sanctioned to play for Liatroim, all within the rules but a tad lacking in integrity....

Walt, whilst I think the CB were correct to appoint an outsider for our semifinal they really should have done the same for the other one considering the lad they chose is originally a Portaferry player and regularly gets Portaferry lads to umpire for him including one of the current Portaferry management team.
Perceptions are everything and you see comments on SM from Liatroim supporters saying that they get nothing from referees in the Ards and who am I to argue that.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
October 09, 2023, 04:03:12 PM
Quote from: lfdown2 on October 09, 2023, 03:24:35 PM
Quote from: Ardstick on October 09, 2023, 02:30:44 PM
Quote from: johnnycool on October 09, 2023, 08:35:38 AM
Quote from: manwithnoplan on October 08, 2023, 09:15:04 PM
Quote from: Saffrongael on October 08, 2023, 07:28:21 PMThat looked a bad enough row between Ballycran & Laotrim in the hurling, supporters over the fence and into the middle of it

I see Liatroim posted on social media that the game was ruined by the ref. Any neutrals see the game and know what that is about?

Wasn't at it but not surprised as I'd predicted something to happen during the week.  ;)

Liatroim were leading pretty well right into injury time when Ballycran scored two very late goals to win it by two points, it would have been a massive shock for Liatroim to win this one but from all accounts a few decisions didn't go their way at the end or as is the case not given to be more precise.

We'll be very interested in how this pans out considering our U15's along with Carryduff got put out of the U15 championship after our match was abandoned for absolutely next to nothing, two young lads rolling around on the ground, with a few other's pushing and shoving. Thing was over in less than 30 seconds.

Easy making an example of a bunch of kids, but lacking fortitude when it comes to the bigger teams!

First they stole the players then they went after the eggs.

For the integrity of the competition a Ballycran win was essential. Over a quarter of the Liatroim team shouldnt even be playing for them. (How this was allowed to happen the County Board has a lot to answer) The managers sons are quality players and should be with their own club in Belfast, McCusker should be with his own club, instead of glory hunting, is more suited to intermediate level anyway.

Imagine being a Liatroim player born and bred and then these outsiders coming in and taking your place, and then to stand back and be treated like an idiot. Pathetic stuff.

Having watched a lot of Ports this year was disappointed with their performance yesterday but still fancy them to get over the line in the final.

My overarching feeling as a Fontenoy over the weekend is immense pride, we were moments away from having 3 codes in adult finals over the coming weekends. The lads hurled brilliantly yesterday and deserved to come away with the result, however that wasn't to be, there is no doubt that questionable decisions put paid to that, however those are to be expected when you head over the water. The positive thing from a east/south down perspective is that the seeds are been sown at underage to develop hurling which can only benefit the county as a whole, whatever the hurling clubs in the ards think. On the previous post, I would have my own personal thoughts on the personnel, however from a club perspective I would argue that any success (relatively speaking, that would be contesting a senior final for us) at adult level can only breed interest at the underage levels, the reality is that the majority of that squad are Liatroim born and bred and the kids along the line yesterday see them at the field every week and as such will wish to emulate that success if/when it can be achieved.

We head in to this week with an intermediate football final and a senior camogie final to look forward to, and a pitch that is hiving every night of the week, so transfers aside I'm content we are heading in the right direction.

I can't speak for our newest member to the forum but I've been on record that the spread of underage hurling championships outside the Ards is good for hurling and a wake up call for the Ards clubs to raise their game and will benefit Down on the whole.
Bredagh are U17 champions, Castlewellan were defaulted the U15 championship with only ourselves from the Ards competing at the A level and Liatroim won the U13 cup competition relatively easily.

I did highlight the flexibility within that area where there's Liatroim lads sanctioned to play for Castlewellan at U15 yet Castlewellan had their own players standing along the line, ditto Liatroim U13's with lads from Castlewellan, Ballela on the field and Liatroim lads standing along the line. I wonder if the short sightedness of winning underage competitions stifles development within the club over the longer term.

It is heartening to go to the primary school blitzes and see teams from all over Down there, Mourne, Warrenpoint, Newry, East Belfast as well as the traditional clubs you'd see at all these types of events.
Long may it continue.

General discussion / Re: The IRISH RUGBY thread
October 09, 2023, 11:20:04 AM
Quote from: Joeythelips on October 09, 2023, 10:13:40 AM
Quote from: trailer on October 09, 2023, 10:03:24 AMIreland's performance on Saturday night was that of champions in waiting.

Can Ireland win the world cup?
of course, they have shown they are more than good enough when at their best.

Will they win it?
F**k knows given they need to win 3 massive knockout games to do just that.
A huge game up next against All Blacks, the fact remains Ireland have never won a knockout game in a world cup so lots of pressure against an All Blacks side who are experts at exposing any chinks in the armour. McKenzie has been one of the best players I have seen at this world cup (albeit against weaker opposition) and he cant even get in the side.
Get over that massive hurdle and will most likely have to tackle a Welsh team on an upward curve, like the Scottish game Ireland would be expected to beat them but it would be a tricky fixture.
Then the final most likely against a French side with home advantage. Hopefully it is Ireland v France as they have been the 2 best sides and would make for a great final. Ireland would have to produce their absolute best rugby for 80 mins to beat them imo.
Still a long way to go and no real point of looking past the next hurdle. Fingers crossed.

The NZ game is one where Ireland need to keep it very tight, should have the upperhand in the scrum, but you'd fear for Ireland if NZ get a load of ball and start stringing the phases together, but Irelands defence has been strong v SA and for most of the Scotland game barring the two breakaway tries.
Ardie Savea will need some watching but not something beyond this current Irish team.

Need Tadgh, Hansen, Lowe, Ryan and Henshaw fit again though
General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
October 09, 2023, 10:00:15 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 09, 2023, 09:48:45 AMHere's what they shouldn't do.. murdering young people women and kids at a music festival.. Kidnapping and parading them around the streets of Gaza

I agree with all of your post btw, but the people of Palestine deserve something better than what Hamas is trying to achieve

I agree with this but the Western world isn't interested in Palestine, they actively turn a blind eye to the IDF's terrorist war crimes day and daily, it's only when the likes of Hamas fight back and yes it's barbaric, the very same barbaric attacks that are carried out on them, but we in the West have a jaundiced eye on this.
The State of Israel is a law unto itself, ably enabled by the Religious wing nuts in the US, British arrogance and German guilt.