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Messages - Maiden1

Quote from: Tony Baloney on March 05, 2009, 10:56:19 PM
Donagh is getting an unfair deal here. Robert McCartney's sisters did weigh into the controversy over the name so Donagh's comments were fair game. They should get on with their quest for justice if that's their aim but it's unfair to keep sullying the name (whatever it may be) of the bar when it's hard enough making a go of a business at the min.

Donagh's first post on this topic was Life moves on, get over it... , which shows Donagh does not have much sympathy with the family.  If you prang your car you can move on but when your only living brother is murdered in cold blood and his young children left without a father it's not as easy to move on especially when his murderers are still walking the streets freely as no one in the bar that night is prepared to say what happened.

The new owners where extremely naive to buy McGuinesses bar after what happened, I do feel sorry for them that it is not doing well but I doubt it will ever be as popular as it was.
Stick your money on United to win the premiership if you fancy a gamble.  10% return on your money (if they win) and probably as safe a bet as buying shares in a bank at the minute.  Unless you know what you are doing buying shares in any bank is risky at the minute.  They may be cheap because they are in severe danger of being nationalised, in which case your shares would be worth diddly squat.
Any parent who buys there child a pellot gun for Chrismas should be shot between the eyes from close range with it to teach them of the dangers of such things.
General discussion / Re: Should Sammy Wilson resign?
February 19, 2009, 10:17:23 AM
Quote from: nifan on February 18, 2009, 09:43:35 AM
Quote from: shay on February 18, 2009, 12:17:17 AM
David Bellamy is an eminent scientist,who doesn't believe climate change is man made.

As AFS has pointed out, this isn't Bellamys field, and I actually met him last year and one of the topics that came up was climate change. Interestingly said he "wasn't sure" it was man made - he certainly was not emphatic that it wasn't.

Bellamy aside there are some who dint want to believe in climate change who like to point out the odd "maverick" scientist who doesn't believe in climate change, and try to claim they are the only ones telling the "truth"

How do you know they don't want to believe?  You don't know them personally I assume.  They have made a judgement based on whatever literature or studies they have carried out.  I presume you are not an expert on global warming and are just basing your judge on the opinion of "respected" scientists (copying your use of quotes).

I hate the way people use terms like  odd "maverick" when justifying an argument.  i.e.  everyone knows such and such is an undisputed fact except for a few nutcases who no one should take the time to here there point of view.
General discussion / Re: RTE on Sky
February 16, 2009, 12:33:52 PM
You should really have asked them if rte was included in the package before you signed up.  They will send someone round to your house to suck your d**k if they think it will help convince you to sign up any quicker.  i.e.  they are very flexible in these matters.
General discussion / Re: Worst Sport
February 16, 2009, 11:19:46 AM
Basketball is a great game!  Lots of skill and fast paced.

Soccer is terrible unless it is one of the top teams.  My wife supports spurs and there is nothing worse than turning on Sky Sports and Wigan against Spurs is on and knowing your going to have to watch it.

Cricket has to be the most boring though, watching or playing.  I wouldn't mind having a go at bating but sitting about all day waiting your turn or standing at deep mid on (or whatever it's called) for 4 hours waiting for a ball to come your way.  I know a guy who is the 12th man in a cricket team, WTF he spends all day Saturday going to a cricket match and he doesn't even get on.

Also 1/2 the Olympic sports should be scrapped.  Just have 100 meters (run fast), 10,000 meters (run for a long time), high jump (jump high), long jump (jump far) and a couple other chucking an object type things (discuss, hammer, shot putt .. ).  Most of the rest is bollox that no one has heard of until someone British is going for a medal.  e.g.  Cycling BMX.
General discussion / Re: RTE on Sky
February 16, 2009, 10:06:10 AM
Rubbish.  Sky do have RTE in the North.  I watch the Tyrone Kerry game on TG4.  I wouldn't have got sky in without them having RTE.  They block the rugby sometimes and the premiership on Saturday but that is it.
General discussion / Re: Should Sammy Wilson resign?
February 11, 2009, 02:15:05 PM
There is an ice age approximately every 40,000 years.  Ireland has been covered in an Ice Sheet a mile high as late as 12,000 years ago and this part of the world has also been tropical in the past, based on this the climate of the earth will change irrespective of human activity, how much human activity speeds up or slows down climate change is not clear cut.  Weather forecasters cannot accurately predict the weather a week from now so there models for 100 years time should not be taken with any degree of certainty and should include other factors like sun spots, the earths distance from the sun etc. when forecasting into the future.
General discussion / Re: Adams has gone away you know
February 09, 2009, 05:59:13 PM
Has to be the worst manager ever.  He took over Wycombe and came rock bottom of league 1 hardly winning a match then gets the Portsmouth job and who where in a decent position when he took over after winning the FA last year.  I can't understand chairmen who don't look at these things when appointing a manager.  Alan Ball, Glen Roeder, Tony Adams, Graeme Souness (not quite as bad) ... they get sacked multiple times for relegating or nearly relegating teams and always seem to get another job.  If I went for a new job and my cv had sacked by my last 3 employers I don't think I would even get an interview.
Anyone here back Villa for the title?  I backed them at 50-1 about a month ago.  Pretty long shot but you never know.
General discussion / Re: Arthur
February 02, 2009, 12:02:13 PM
Quote from: drici on February 02, 2009, 10:34:06 AM
And although that we are single and free
We take great delight in our own company
And we have no desire strange places to see
Although that your offers are charming
You been smoking Phelps blow pipe by any chance?
General discussion / Re: So Michael Phelps...
February 02, 2009, 09:44:49 AM
Quote from: nrico2006 on February 02, 2009, 09:24:36 AM
As mentioned its not performance enhancing so whats the problem?  As for hiding other drugs, I'm sure he is tested rigorously enough (did his coach not come out recently saying he had 1500 clean tests).  I am sure Phelps isn't at this craic every week or when hes in competitive action either.

He smoked Cannabis and it doesn't show up on any tests, doesn't say much for the 1500 tests.  Very suspicious.
General discussion / Re: Australian Open
January 30, 2009, 01:43:41 PM
Quote from: SLIGONIAN on January 30, 2009, 01:30:44 PM
Great match, watching online here in the desert, Verdascos some player, every game going to deuce nearly, its going to be one of the longest matches ever.

Federer must be loving this.
A complete novice trying to score from 45 yards with a hurl and sliother would more than likely swing and miss the ball completely, hurt his toe trying to kick the gaelic ball both the rugby ball and american football could go anywhere though more than likely no where near the goal posts.
General discussion / Re: How to take a penalty kick
January 30, 2009, 01:04:48 PM
Quote from: Mayo4Sam on January 30, 2009, 12:40:21 PM
Quote from: Owenmoresider on January 29, 2009, 06:44:55 PM

1:35 in, an absolute belter from Pressman.
And david kelly near broke the crossbar with his

If i was ever allowed take one it would be toe poke all the way, as hard as i could!

................I'm not allowed past the halfway line much

Was at a sports day last year and was watching the penalty competition, most people where trying to place the ball in the corner but the keeper was fairly mobile and making lots of good saves.  Decided to have a go and just welly it as as hard as I could, scored 4 out of 5 and they are still looking for the ball for the other 1 (no one else got more than 3). 12 yards out into a full size net as hard as you can the keeper is not saving many unless it hit's him on the head.  The biggest danger is doing a Chris Waddle and ballooning it over the bar.