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Messages - 93-DY-SAM

Ah Gerry sneaked out the back door with the old decoy routine and the dumb feckers fell for it. They really haven't the first ounce.
Quote from: Hereiam on April 30, 2014, 05:02:59 PM
The whole thing is a joke. Typical of DARD, they are a fooking joke

From what I gather whoever takes the land next year will declare it on their SFP form so they will receive the land owners payment. The land owner will in turn want this back so will just add it on to the current cost/acre.

Yup, that's about the height of it. What makes this an even bigger joke is that as those land owners are no longer receiving the SFP they fall down on PPS21 when it comes to planning. Least that's my understanding of it. Too many people ripped the arse out of the planning thing in the past but the response to it with PPS21 has gone far to far the other way. But that's a whole different conversation.
What punishment fits the cases of these two particular individuals?
Quote from: Hardy on April 30, 2014, 03:15:39 PM

As far as I know, there's no legal concept of "absolutely no doubt". The standard is "beyond reasonable doubt". By definition, that accommodates some proportion of cases where there is doubt and therefore some proportion of cases where the executed person is innocent of the crime.

So going on that are you saying that there is the possibly of doubt in every single criminal conviction for child rape/murder ever handed down and we can't say with 100% certainty that any one person committed the crime?

Quote from: Hardy on April 30, 2014, 03:15:39 PM

So, to turn your question around, what level of wrongful execution is acceptable to ensure that all child/baby rapists and killers get executed?

None what so ever.    How many way's do you want me to phrase it - I believe it's acceptable only where there is no doubt in any way shape or form. 

Quote from: Hardy on April 30, 2014, 03:15:39 PM
To answer your question, my conviction is as stated by give her dixie - to kill as a demonstration that killing is wrong is self-evidently not only barbaric, but ridiculous as well. The only reasonable penalty a civilised society can impose is deprivation of liberty and some level of recompense, say in the form of forced work for those able to perform it as well as confiscation of material and financial assets.

I can understand your convictions but no one has suggested what is a suitable level of punishment for these most violent and vile crimes.

Fair play to that mother in Iran but if it was a child of yours could you walk up to the likes of a Charles Warner and said I forgive you?  I know I couldn't.  If that makes me a bad person or someone who is as bad as him in your book then that's the way it is.
What punishment for child/baby rapists and killers (again I emphasise where there is absolutely no doubt in any way shape of form who did it) would those that oppose the death penalty (Edit: in those circumstances) like to see replace it?
Quote from: deiseach on April 30, 2014, 01:34:00 PM
Is there any level of torture punishment you wouldn't tolerate?

When it comes to a sick & disgusting crime like this against a child and there is absolutely 100% no doubt in any way shape or form about who did it, then no.
When you get into a debate like this people automatically wheel out the arguments about what if this person or that one had the death penalty applied.  Life isn't that black and white and each case is unique and has it's own specific set of circumstances.  I wouldn't advocate the death penalty in most cases where it is currently applied however when it comes to crimes like that committed by a sc**bag like Charles Warner I think the death penalty is fully deserved if it's proven beyond any doubt that they committed that crime.  What he did to an 11 month old child is utterly sickening. If you can stomach it imagine being that 11 month child for a split second and then ask yourself why should someone who can do that to a child deserve the right to live?

Just curious if anyone has any sympathy for him?  The only shame to me is that the other sick b*****d didn't meet the same or a worse fate.
You need to check your initial lease agreement but after the fixed term (1 year in your case) has expired tenancies generally become periodic. That is they continue to roll on based on the rent period eg month to month, week to week etc under the terms of the initial agreement you signed until either party serves notice on the tenancy. So just because you think you didn't sign anything after the first year doesn't necessarily mean there is no tenancy agreement is place.

Using your despoit as the last months rent is generally not within the terms of a tenancy agreement. I'm surprised they agreed to let you do this in the first place. The deposit is the deposit and nothing else. They might see it that you tried to pull a fly one and avoid losing some/all of your deposit. You need to check the terms of your tenancy agreement to make sure you are not liable for this otherwise you could end up in the small claims court.
General discussion / Re: Flags & Culture.....
March 18, 2014, 01:58:08 PM
A&E's up the left, economy still a mess and my biggest personal gripe is rural communities are being destroyed due to planning policies, but sure why would our politicians gives a f**k about real issues when one of the first things on the Unionist agenda around the discussion on the North's new super councils is how many days a f**king flag will fly.
General discussion / Re: Boobs in Stormont
March 10, 2014, 10:22:26 PM
Saturday was no different than any other day as it's usually full of tits on any given day.
General discussion / Re: Necknomination
February 03, 2014, 01:31:43 PM
Nice way to turn this on it's head -
Paramilitary Wives - that's just too funny.

Bought a copy earlier this morning esp as it is for charity.
General discussion / Re: Poppy Watch
November 11, 2013, 04:20:45 PM
Quote from: deiseach on November 11, 2013, 03:30:47 PM
Maybe he was saying the Angelus and hadn't realised the clocks had changed.

The chances he was saying the Angelus were slim :) Haven't seen too many hop out of their car to say the Angelus either.