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Messages - wherefromreferee?

General discussion / Re: iTunes Party Shuffle
June 04, 2008, 01:49:11 PM
Quote from: Our Nail Loney on June 04, 2008, 01:46:15 PM
how do ya get this option? im an i tunes spa!

Don't talk, I'm an ipod spa.  Had to get my 12yrs old cousin to put songs on at his house, and someone told me recently that now I have to put all my songs on from his computer.  Load a balls.
Are Real still a major force?  Not kidding, I dont know that much about Spanish fudball.
General discussion / Re: LOST (TV Show)
June 03, 2008, 01:04:46 PM
Quote from: nrico2006 on June 03, 2008, 12:56:10 PM
Yeah, crazy how Jack has turned out in the future.  A la the time they met and he begs Kate to go back to the island - who is she talking about when she mentions 'He'll be wondering where I am?'.  Whats the score with Christian on the island aswell?  Hundreds of questions, the flash forwards don't help when you get some that are further ahead in the future than others.  And why does Jack want to go back to the island?  What has he realised that he didn't know at the time?  It will be interesting how the next series follows the people on the island along with the Oceanic 6 as they are now rescued.  There is alot more to come regarding Whitmore and his past etc, and as a poster mentioned I can see Ben gettting Sayid to kill Penny and how will that pan out given Desmond and Sayids friendship.  I suppose up until a few weeks ago everyone was anticipating an end to series 6 as them actually being rescued for good but its all up in the air now and reality is out the window with islands disappearing etc!  The show has gone crazy!

I just assumed she was talking about Claires wain - Erin??
General discussion / Re: Belfast Students
June 03, 2008, 09:34:09 AM
Good points, all well made.  Obviously its something that really grinds your gears.

Green Man
Agree totally, manners is easily carried, and I think thats what it boils down to.  A titter of wit, and a bit of common sense.  Clearly the lads who aimed the water balloon at a lady pushing her pram had none of these qualities.
General discussion / Re: Belfast Students
June 02, 2008, 10:35:33 PM
The thing is Green Man, I do.  Now, in fairness, we've all probably been caught short when 'bursting' on the way home, and it probably wasn't intentional, but I have been in the company of lads pissing in the wrong places.  Clearly it might not be happening these days.

As for the verbal abuse, I'd say that common enough these days, sure you nearly get it coming out of Mass  ;D ;D
General discussion / Re: Annoying Phrases
June 02, 2008, 10:31:16 PM
Lets hit the ground running.
General discussion / Re: Belfast Students
June 02, 2008, 10:20:01 PM
Quote from: nifan on June 02, 2008, 10:10:49 PM
At least orpheus closed down.

Now all the residents need is for Renshaws/Dukes to close and the problem would be sorted  ;)

Lads/Lasses.  i dont think anyone on this thread can defend the Holylands (as a place to live)  nifan is right, it is a complete disaster.  I spent 3 years living in and around the area, but had enough and travelled from the country for final year.  I'm no angel, I drank as much as my mates and have been known til sing the odd song on the way home, and have certainly been in the company of fellow students thinking that it was funny to kick the wing mirrors of every car in the street, but this was 10 or 12 years ago.  I can't imagine what its like for residents now.  Burning wheelie bins, pissing on peoples front doors, verbal abuse, general wrecking - I dont care what you say - its not so nice!
General discussion / Re: one for the boys
June 02, 2008, 02:34:59 PM
Romania are champions again!
General discussion / Re: LOST (TV Show)
June 02, 2008, 02:01:34 PM
Totally agree.  Watched it on Sky last night, and will probably watch it again tonight on RTE.  Great episode.
Anyone know when the next series is due to start?
I have to check the front and back doors at least five times before I go to bed at night, just to be sure they are locked. (even though I know they are) Drives me mental.  On the third time, I'll say to myself 'right, its definately locked, no need to check it again' but without fail I can't walk past the bastardn things without one (two) final checks.

Same with the car...

Setting my alarm can take a while as well.
General discussion / Re: Letterkenny
May 29, 2008, 04:52:36 PM
Bring a gumshield if you have one, it could come in handy at the end of the night.

A wild town.
Sidebottom is some plank..
He said a couple things that I drove me mental today.  Someone else made reference to the fact that he always, when giving out the scores, sais 'plays'.  Fermanaghs 1-03 plays monaghans 4 points.  Drives me bonkers.  Other quotes today went something like 'the games ebbing, flowing, rocking and a rolling!' and some other reference about a shot being like honey dew??
General discussion / Re: Official Gooners Thread
May 22, 2008, 12:56:02 PM
I just think its great that the above discussion is taking place on this thread  ;D
General discussion / Re: Top 5 Websites you visit
May 22, 2008, 12:37:37 PM
That was my 'work' 5
'home' 5 could be different  :D
General discussion / Re: Top 5 Websites you visit
May 22, 2008, 12:34:51 PM