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Messages - Uladh

General discussion / Re: "fifty Dead Men Walking"
March 11, 2010, 11:00:02 AM
Quote from: Hardy on March 11, 2010, 10:16:32 AM
But if you're that stupid you can hardly be a willing participant. However, not to be facetious - allowing your contention that people rebuilding army barracks were actively facilitating the British presence and thus could be deemed to be as deserving of murder as actual combatants, it's a bit of a stretch, is it not, to include cleaners and vending machine contractors as enemies of the Ireland of Equals?

What did you do in the war, Daddy? I blew up a Mars Bar salesman, son.

It's the same as taking barracks in the war of independence for arms.
There were troops to be fed.

Jaysus. Be some yoke if it records.
Does it record?

Well the board has progressed anyhow. First time i've seen naked marketing embraced here.
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
March 10, 2010, 09:20:55 PM
Quote from: illdecide on February 27, 2010, 12:40:52 PM
Quote from: Uladh on February 26, 2010, 11:23:45 PM

Cos of you...

"Will blow me down" where have you been saan


Life is like a box of chocolates

How do you get yourself qualified to express an opinion on the GAA around here. Obviously Darraghboy wouldn't have a clue and has no right to answer reporters' questions.

Who would be qualified to express an opinion? Or maybe that can only be decided depending on the opinion expressed?
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
February 26, 2010, 11:23:45 PM

Cos of you...
GAA Discussion / Re: A la recherche du temps perdu
February 26, 2010, 11:20:17 PM
Quote from: Bord na Mona man on February 25, 2010, 08:44:57 PM
Quote from: ziggysego on February 25, 2010, 12:30:22 PM
Quote from: ONeill on February 25, 2010, 12:24:55 PM
Ziggy, how do you find those old pages again?

However the seach function won't work (within the gaaboard that is)
An earlier incarnation of the board is here.

Believe i was posting as cuchullain at that stage. dem wer de days
Quote from: lawnseed on February 26, 2010, 12:46:20 AM
i read now darragh has pulled the plug he feels its ok to have a go at the assoc. that put him on the map so to speak.(irish star) yeah he wants the gaa to get "sexy" i seem to remember that in the early stages of the gpa not many kerry players joined up because they said they were very well looked after. so whats changed. is there a book on the way? a bit of punditry with rte? everybody wants to change the gaa from croke park to the child at under age. i dont see this mood for change and i mean radical change in any other sport. change rules, change more rules we're just after doing 125 years why is it necessary? why does every new generation assume that they are smarter than the one before??? past generations had time to ceile round the country, they didnt know what a mortgage was and they reared 10 and 12 kids and played football. I'm reading about lads on here who cant afford the price of a match ticket and barely have time to watch it on the telly. whats the story? I've never seen so little interest in gaa sport in my life and better than that the kids that are showing up to learn our games are either so over weight or so puny and weak that i think I'll do well to get 2 players out of about 30. fuk it! i know lets make gaa games all virtual to give the fat kids an equal chance before they get a court injunction making sure they get football! would that be sexy. sorry darragh you caught me at a bad time.. i'll buy your book if danny murphy leaves me a few quid or i'll wait til its in the bargain basket  >:(

Are you talking about changing the GAA or changing the playing rules of 1 or 2 of its constituent sports?

If it's the association itself you're talking about then i'd be very worried if it were not changing all the time. A vibrant, healthy organisation will be adapting to its environment and improving all the time

Its a secretary in Ulster too - Danny Murphy - and he's had his say this week too. from memory he was giving out to LG in the north for their lack of provision for Gaelic games, giving out about messing about with the rules and announcing he's put championship ticket prices up.

Murphy is most definitely a (very well) paid full time employee but i can't comment on the the other provinces.
General discussion / Re: Official Man Utd Thread
January 03, 2010, 05:19:12 PM
Quote from: Minder on January 03, 2010, 04:15:24 PM
Was that interview not with MUTV ?

Edit - Just saw it was. So he didn't come out to speak to the press, just the clubs tv channel.

He was interviewed on my telly and i only have a nail stuck in the back for reception.

Could i be getting mutv with that?

I tought for a minute you were going to give an example of armagh going to the DRA. I expected too much from you obviously

I hate to rain on your parade but i don't believe armagh have ever gone to the DRA
General discussion / Re: 2009 6 Nations Thread
March 21, 2009, 11:32:28 AM

By Hugh Farrelly

Saturday March 21 2009

WARREN GATLAND fired another broadside at Ireland yesterday when he accused their coach Declan Kidney of resorting to "cliches and nothing."

Wales take on Ireland in the Millennium Stadium this evening (5.30) when they will attempt to deny the Irish a first Grand Slam in 61 years and secure a Triple Crown and Six Nations title in the process.

However, the build-up to the tournament decider has been dominated by off-pitch matters following the Wales coach's claims that his players dislike the Irish more than any other country in the Six Nations and his assertion that the Ireland players had celebrated in their dressing room for an hour and a half after beating Scotland last weekend.

The Ireland camp refused to be drawn into a slanging match this week beyond team manager Paul McNaughton dismissing the accusation of celebrating for an hour and a half as "nonsense" and "completely wrong."

However, Gatland threw further fuel on the fire yesterday when he said his comments had worked to his team's advantage before adding that: "Perhaps in future I should take a leaf out of Declan Kidney's book.

"That's probably the way to go in future, and then you get cliches and nothing.

"Maybe it has had the desired effect," said the New Zealander, who coached Ireland between 1998 and 2001.

"The great thing about this week is that that's been the issue, there have been no match-ups, big feature articles on our players -- so there has been no pressure on my players this week.

"Perhaps it had the desired effect but perhaps I should have been a little more tempered and said that, out of all the teams in the Six Nations, the team that the Welsh want to beat is the Irish. It's nothing personal against the Irish, I've some great friends there, my daughter was born in Ireland. Please don't take it personally, I spent a long time in Ireland."

When quizzed on his comments about Ireland's reaction to beating Scotland, Gatland said he had been told by a journalist he "trusted" that the Irish team had been singing and celebrating for an hour and a half, but said: "If I've got that wrong, I can only apologise."

At Ireland's press conference yesterday, Kidney and his captain Brian O'Driscoll would not get involved in the controversy, preferring to focus on their Grand Slam tilt.

"I haven't picked up too many newspapers this week, so I've left that up to others to decipher and pick out what was what," said O'Driscoll.

"I don't really personally have anything to say about it. I'm sure they can show their dislike on the pitch tomorrow and we'll show them the respect they deserve."

- Hugh Farrelly

An Aston villa thread indeed.

Raises issues of dereliction of duty amongst the mods
General discussion / Re: 2009 6 Nations Thread
March 21, 2009, 10:22:30 AM

Sitting in cardiff as we speak sports fans. Its gonna be a hell of a day. my only concern is the lack of a spark on the bench now that darcy is starting.
the game may end up being decided when bodies tire in the last 20 and we may not have the oomph wales have to bring in.

I have a feeling Geordan murphy might end up being the unlikely hero