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Messages - Armagh Girl

GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 2 - 2020
March 09, 2020, 07:42:41 PM
Hopefully Fermanagh will get it together for the next few games and stay up!  We had 3 lovely Belcoo fellas beside us for the Match who had nothing but praise and good will for Armagh, and we wish them and Fermanagh the best for the remainder of the league.  On the match itself, the Armagh Boys gave us a great win in terrible conditions so role on Saturday night at the Athletic Grounds, hopefully the Armagh fans fill it to the rafters.  Armagh Abu!! 
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 1 - 2020
February 23, 2020, 08:39:37 PM
Awful Injury to McShane....hope he recovers soon.
General discussion / Gift Cards
April 29, 2019, 04:26:34 PM
To Any of you out there who are thinking of buying Gift Cards for any of your friends/family BEWARE!.    I had a horrendous experience in Belfast this morning when I went to purchase clothes in Fat Face using a Gift Card that my sister had given me for my Birthday a few weeks ago.  When i produced the card i was told by the Shop Assistant that there was no money on the card, I looked at it and pointed out the receipt that my sister had left in it.  She then stated that is had been used, and there was definitely no money on the card.  I stated that there had to be and that i was not leaving until i got the value of what was on the card.  I told her it wasn't  used as i live almost 40 mile from Belfast and have not been up there since getting it.  She then took my card and receipt and went off to an area that i could neither see nor hear her to call their Customer Services.....I don't know why the call could not be made in front of me!! Eventually she returned more than 10 mins later and just merely stated "Technical Fault".  I produced £2 which i needed to add to card and said  i would not be shopping there again as i had been treated like a THIEF,  her colleague who was dealing with the only other customer in the shop started to shout at me.  I needless to say took my stuff and left, my sister then went into the shop to hear me being lambasted by the Staff to the only other customer there!   On arriving home i contacted their Customer Service to ask what the issue was only to be informed that there had been NO Technical problems with Gift Cards today and that they had not received a call from the Belfast Office.  I think they thought i was stupid enough to believe the card had no money.  BEWARE of this store.  If this is the manner in which these "shop assistants" treat their Belfast Clientele they can keep it for them, I will not be going 40 miles to be treated like a common thief,  and people wonder why the High Street Shops are dying!!!!    ???
GAA Discussion / Re: 2019 Season Ticket
January 23, 2019, 09:11:44 PM
yes we got our today also! so all good for Sunday.
GAA Discussion / Re: 2019 Season Ticket
January 22, 2019, 08:23:56 PM
We ordered our tickets also mid December.  I contacted them yesterday and apparently the printer had broken and held up production - they advised that tickets should be here today, and if not to contact them.  Still not arrived and have advised them, so awaiting further instruction.  Hope that helps!
General discussion / Re: Ireland’s Fittest Family Final
December 16, 2018, 11:27:38 PM
Had been watching this from the start and fancied the Coney's all along.  Well done to Boys and also especially the Mother who showed great strength and support throughout.  Fully deserved Winners!    :)
General discussion / Re: The ulster rugby trial
February 04, 2018, 06:31:20 PM
What a load of rubbish from Rory Best, (it is obvious that the IRFU made him say something as it wasn't going away) if you were going to give a Character Reference, that's exactly what it is A Character Reference of someone whom you know, he did not need to go anywhere near the court to be able to do so.  Whilst anyone can go to the Public Gallery, I personally believe he was stupid to do so, given his position.  Had Ireland been beaten yesterday, Rory would been under pressure to have been stripped of the Captaincy as the Media would have been baying for blood.  This Trial is due to last another 5 weeks and should end just before St Patrick's day so the English Media will no doubt be focusing on his actions again.  Innocent until proven guilly, but even if they did not rape this girl, their actions were disgusting for Glorified Sports Stars : :(  Not My Captain...Rory..
GAA Discussion / Re: Armagh v Cavan Sun 8th June
June 09, 2014, 08:43:01 PM
As someone who was at the Match yesterday, had the Band Member had the Flag in the correct place to begin with or moved the flag when she was asked by both McKeever and her band colleague the problem would not have arose. Cavan ran in and started throwing their weight around and the talk before the match with Cavan supporters was that Dunne was not starting anyway???  Coincidentally Brendan Donaghy received stitches to a head wound immediately after the brawl, he must have hit himself!  It ironic that most of the posts that are disgusted by what happened are from Tyronies, the same ones who nearly blinded Brian McGuigan at a club match and the same Team who would dive and feign injury to get anyone sent off!  Only good thing that can come out of this is that this will hopefully end the Fermanagh Band parading around at Ulster matches!