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Messages - Evil Genius

If someone on this Board was interested in joining his/her local soccer club, went along and saw that there was a memorial eg to three dead UVF men on the premises, would that make him/her more or less likely to go ahead?

Or would he/she just shrug it off?

Either way, I wouldn't want anything to do with such a club, whether soccer/UVF or GAA/IRA.
Quote from: armaghniac on February 07, 2022, 05:35:35 PM
Quote from: Evil Genius on February 07, 2022, 05:13:51 PM
Though I would hope that those Finals weren't used as an excuse to find another few million quid for Casement over-and-above their original allocation from Stormont - at least if an equivalent excess wasn't also available to the IFA (and Ulster Rugby)

The Euro finals are an additional issue beyond regular use, with benefits for hotels, tourism etc. The funding should go to the stadium that makes this possible, not other ones.
The original funding (i.e. taxpayers' money) was shared out fairly and equitably, according to need and own contribution, with the GAA getting far more than the others. Both the IFA and UR managed to spend it, on time and within budget.

Meaning that if the GAA needs extra funding to bale out their own rank incompetence, at the very least IFA and UR should receive an additional extra tranche - otherwise you'd effectively be "punishing" them for their own proper stewardship, while rewarding the GAA for their own lamentable failure.

Which is the basis on which Casement should be rebuilt.

As for the Euro's the original funding was not supplied by Stormont for that purpose, so it is not justifiable to try to apply it retrospectively.

Rather if the GAA can do the job they're being funded for, and get it built in the next five years, then if they choose to make the stadium available for the Euro's, they will be remunerated by rent, just as the same as if it was eg a boxing match or a pop concert. (Though maybe not Garth Brookes  ;))
Quote from: weareros on February 07, 2022, 05:14:33 PM
Bit of a false analogy that. Kids play soccer all around the globe and IFA (even with their religious Sunday football bans) were never going to stop kids of a nationalist persuasion play the game. Even when former manager and current captain of women's team have asked them to change anthem, they have not budged nor will they. They play soccer inspite of IFa, not because of any particular moves to make a nationalist feel more welcome.
Kids having a kickabout is one thing. But clubs in exclusively Nationalist area having IFA-affiliated teams, playing in  completely mixed leagues and cups, and routinely supplying players for NI representative teams at all levels is on another scale entirely and has no equivalent anywhere in GAA i9n the six counties.

Which is because for all our undoubted problems and faults etc, soccer in NI, both at official and unofficial levels, has addressed the issue, with ever more impressive results. (Note how few Nationalist players "defect" to the FAI, for instance).

While GAA has failed utterly to achieve anything like that sort of cross-particupation, preferring (as I see it) to ignore the problem, other than when a few token efforts are made when government funding is on offer..

P.S. There is no longer a Sunday ban, while many (most?) of the NI fans I know would happily replace GSTQ with some other anthem. Which itself is only played at international matches, unlike eg GAA games, where the Soldiers Song is meant to be played at every level, on every occasion, I believe. (Open to correction on that last one)
Quote from: HokeyPokey on February 07, 2022, 04:39:40 PM
Two things are interesting, that the IFA apparently are in constant contact with Ulster GAA and it's also odd that they won't confirm Casement as the host stadium which is the only viable option.
Seeing as it's not the IFA's stadium, it must be for the GAA to offer, rather than for the IFA to presume - good manners, really.

And as for the regular contact, that's not at all unusual. Along with the rugby boys, they and the GAA routinely stage joint events (kids coaching etc). If nothing else, it's pretty much a requirement for funding from Stormont and the Sports Council etc.

Quote from: HokeyPokey on February 07, 2022, 04:39:40 PM
I would think it could be a good thing and would be interesting to see. I would be concerned that despite the IFA's efforts to depoliticise things that the location could make it attractive for fair weather supporters who might want an opportunity to antagonise. I would assume the locals wouldn't mind as long as theirs no trouble and maybe some of the players from nationalist backgrounds might help smooth things.

Your own thoughts?
When eg Linfield or Glentoran fans can go to ganes at Cliftonville, or occasionally to Derry City or Dundlak etc, and NI fans have gone to Dublin without incident, I don't foresee any great problems in attending games in West Belfast.

Besides which, NI would almost certainly have to qualify for the Finals, which is hardly a given. Meaning that I doubt you'd have any trouble at games between eg Spain, Norway, Biulgaria, Switzerland etc (Though the Dutch in those Orange shirts might raise a few eyebrows  ;))

Beyond that, other than the standard GAA pitch dimensions meaning that soccer spectators would be miles from the action, I have no strong opinions either way - fire ahead, I say.

Though I would hope that those Finals weren't used as an excuse to find another few million quid for Casement over-and-above their original allocation from Stormont - at least if an equivalent excess wasn't also available to the IFA (and Ulster Rugby)
Quote from: 6th sam on February 07, 2022, 04:42:29 PM
I don't know the religion or political affiliation of anyone on the Down team. What I do know from personal experience is that unionists are welcomed in the GAA. Unfortunately, it's probably unionist politicians' continued lack of warmth for the GAA , that continues to discourage GAA involvement from the unionist community. In the Ards area, Down's hurling heartland   Unionists politicians have presided over underfunding and lack of recognition of the GAA, thankfully there are signs that this is changing . The East Belfast initiative is an example of a vibrant snd genuine outreach in a predominantly unionist area. Most unionists I know admire and respect the GAA and many have joined or actively support it. Times they are a changing, thankfully . A friend of mine was chatting to a prominent ulster unionist a couple of years ago, who compared the GAA to the Orange order. Incredibly the politician was shocked by the very obvious answer. The Orange order excludes Catholics from joining, the GAA wants Protestants to join. Whereas one of the reasons the GAA thrives is its Irishness, we must work hard at ways of reassuring unionists they will be warmly welcomed and that Politics in reality is  irrelevant to GAA clubs and members .
I've no doubt you and many other GAA are fans are entirely sincere.

But in your wishes/efforts to persuade people from the Unionist community in NI to give Gaelic games a try, you have completely failed. And have been for decades, with no real sign of anything much changing (East Belfast notwithstanding)

Compare that with the ability of the IFA to get people from the Nationalist community involved at every level, male and female, young and old, on and off the pitch. And that's while up against the counter attraction of the FAI, for which the GAA has no equivalent.

So never mind a few Carlow boys acting the maggot, this is the real "elephant in the room".
Anyhow, this is the real reason I popped onto the forum.

A while back, the Englsih FA decided that they wanted to stage the 2030 World Cup Finals - it is Europe's turn after all, though FIFA is doing all it can to take it elsewhere.

Anyhow, to make their bid more attractive (and ensure 4 extra votes), they investigated a joint bid by all four "home" nations, plus ROI.

But now that it appears that that was never going to succeed due to the politics of football (both small "p" and large "P"), they've decided to withdraw and opt for the 2028 European Finals instead, for which they must have a decent chance.

The problem for NI being that if we are to host games, the 18k capacity at Windsor isn't big enough, nor can/will it be be expanded to the 30k minimun requirement.

Meaning that although they've not said so explicitly, the IFA is clearly hoping that Casement will be completed and available in time to step in - more here:

Thoughts anyone?
Quote from: general_lee on February 07, 2022, 03:57:01 PM
And if there was an actual Protestant or someone from a unionist background stripped out for Down yesterday, what's the course of action then? "Ah don't worry, it's only a bit of sledging"
In the absence of any Prods about the place, I think the Carlow lads are to be congratulated for their ingenuity and imagination.

Just a shame that the Down boys can't show the same qualities in actually getting a few more Prods into their own team.

Or even one.

(I'll leave that thought with you  ;))
Quote from: rrhf on November 09, 2021, 11:56:47 AM
How much do the judicial reviews cost? the GAA and MORA?
No cost to the GAA - the JR is against the Dept. of Infrastructure at Stormont, with their costs being capped at £35k, while MORA's costs have been capped at £10k.

Casement Park: Residents in new legal bid against GAA stadium

A west Belfast residents' group has cleared the first stage in a High Court challenge to a planned new Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) stadium.

The Mooreland and Owenvarragh Residents Association (Mora) was granted leave to seek a judicial review of the decision to approve a rebuild of Casement Park.

A judge listed the challenge for a full hearing over three days in March 2022.

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon gave planning permission for a 34,000-capacity arena in July.

But some of those living in the surrounding area are opposed to the scale of the estimated £110m project.

Concerns have been raised that the height of the stadium as well as matchday traffic, parking and noise could cause significant harm to the neighbourhood.

More here:
Quote from: JPGJOHNNYG on November 05, 2021, 07:17:39 PM
The evacuation issue would probably be solved with the buying of a few of the surrounding houses to help the flow
Assuming a "few" surrounding houses would do it - and I don't know whether it would or not - have the GAA bought them yet?

Or have they the intention - and the money - to do so?

What if the present occupiers decline to sell?

How long would such a process take, esp if it needed CPO's? And with contruction inflation costs continuing to rise, how much would that delay add to the overall cost?

They've not explained yet how/where they propose to meet the latest cost estimate, never mind what it might be in another year or two. Or three? Four?

Has the GAA ever heard of the Sunken Cost Fallacy?
Quote from: armaghniac on November 05, 2021, 05:56:08 PM
Quote from: Evil Genius on November 05, 2021, 04:56:52 PM

But if it wasn't possible to evacuate the original 38k planned capacity quickly and safely in the event of an emergency, I fail to see how they can now get 34k out, when the original estimate from the safety experts was barely half that.

As there are plenty of stadiums two or three times this size, evacuation is not intrinsically impossible. So it would depend on what exactly the issue was whether it remains a problem.
The issue was that in the event of an emergency, there is only one evacuation route in this location which could cope with large numbers in a hurry, made worse if the emergency was at or near that route.

Does the revised plan incorporate extra evacuation routes which the original plan lacked?
These arguments about floodlights, anti-social behaviour, disruption to residents etc are all very well, but with a bit of compromise and communication (and money!), they could probably be resolved.

But if it wasn't possible to evacuate the original 38k planned capacity quickly and safely in the event of an emergency, I fail to see how they can now get 34k out, when the original estimate from the safety experts was barely half that.

Which is what MORA will surely be concentrating on for their appeal.

Still, the delay which that appeal will surely cause will at least give the GAA more time to figure out how to raise the money needed should the 34k stadium eventually pass.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
July 24, 2021, 06:05:19 PM
Quote from: BennyCake on July 24, 2021, 11:26:34 AM
I'm saying that doctors aren't going to go against what the government/WHO says, as it could mean the end of their medical career. There were doctors who have been struck off for linking MMR jabs to autism.
They were struck off because there are NO links between MMR and Autism you idiot! Meaning that discouraginjg parents from getting their kids MMR vaccinated put the kids at unnecessary risk.

Next you'll be telling us that Harold Shipman was struck off unfairly too, for pursing a non-standard treatment regime with his patients.

General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
July 24, 2021, 05:43:43 PM
Quote from: BennyCake on July 23, 2021, 05:11:51 PM
18-35 group weren't vaccinated back last winter, yet there was no talk of a surge in that group then. Now when the vaccine rollout has filtered down to those ages, suddenly there's a surge. Funny that.
Can't speak for ROI, only UK.

Where back in the winter, it was the Alpha variant, which wasn't so infectious. While everyone, incl the young, were being kept in.And many younger people were getting it, but either weren't getting tested, and/or didn't know they had it (asymptomatic).

Now we have Delta variant which is much more infectious. But while the elderly are well-protected by having been vaccinated, the young are much less so, as well as going out far more now that the restrictions have been lifted and the weather is better. Also, more of the younger population goes to school, or college, or works and so comes into contact with others than older people, esp the retired.

None of which is hard to understand - if you are sufficiently open-minded to think about it, that is.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
July 24, 2021, 05:21:48 PM
Quote from: johnnycool on July 23, 2021, 02:36:41 PM
A lot of EU countries are either catching up or ahead of GB in terms of vaccinated people
As of Thursday, only Malta (166.18 per 100 population) had a higher vaccination rate in the EU than UK (122.3).

Many of the others are closing the gap, but still may not overtake the UK as and when the number of their people willing to be vaccinated are jabbed, leaving only the hard-to-reach/hesitant/opposed/nutters/Bennycake.

For information, some other figures are:
Denmark: 117.28 (closest to UK)
Spain: 113.1
ROI: 108.24
Italy: 105.65
Germany: 105.6
France: 99.5
Poland 87.94
Romania: 48.16
Bulgaria: 28.09

Quote from: johnnycool on July 23, 2021, 02:36:41 PM
... and will overtake them in getting teenagers vaccinated and back into schools.
That's possible if other countries start/keep vaccinating children and the UK doesn't.

My guess is that if the UK can reach herd immunity by their existing vaccination programme, plus unvaccinated people catching it following the latest opening up (esp the young), then they are hoping to avoid vaccinating children.

But if a 4th wave surges nonetheless, BoJo may have a decision to make in the autumn/winter.

General discussion / Re: Weather
July 21, 2021, 07:29:58 PM
Quote from: armaghniac on July 21, 2021, 05:41:59 PM
Quote from: Fionntamhnach on July 21, 2021, 05:28:26 PM
D'north's high temperature record broken again today - 31.3C in Castlederg.

Castlederg also holds the record for the minimum. It is a place of extremes!

Castlederg will now go through to meet Katesbridge in the Ulster Final...