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Messages - Nally Stand

General discussion / Re: Vote
May 22, 2014, 05:55:16 PM
Quote from: cockahoop on May 22, 2014, 04:51:59 PM
jesus dixie you dont agree with sinn fein policy? You dissident you tut tut
Did I call him a dissident? (At least you spelt it right today..."dissendent"  ;) )
General discussion / Re: Vote
May 22, 2014, 02:36:03 PM
Dixie, it's been pointed out to you twice now that DeBrun stood down due to ill health and yet you continue to use that as a stick to beat her and the party with. Not very classy.
General discussion / Re: Vote
May 22, 2014, 12:43:33 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on May 22, 2014, 12:26:57 PM
Quote from: ziggysego on May 22, 2014, 10:32:47 AM
Quote from: give her dixie on May 22, 2014, 10:22:16 AM
The thing about voting for Sinn Fein is that the person you vote for isn't the one that ends up representing you. They abuse the rules in order to run a high profile person, then stand them down and shoe horn in someone that in most cases, has never been heard of before. Nice work if you can get it eh?

Some examples of this strategy:

Euro election 2009:

Bairbre de Brun elected with 126,184 first preference votes

Replaced by Martina Anderson

2011 Assembley

Conor Murphy elected and replaced by Megan Fearon

Michelle Gildernew elected and replaced by Bronwyn McGahan

Paul Maskey elected and replaced by Rosie McCorley

Pat Doherty elected and replaced by Declan McAleer

Willy Clarke elected and replaced by Chris Hazzard

Martina Anderson elected and replaced by Maeve McLaughlin

Francie Molloy elected and replaced by Ian Milne

Plus, lets not forget how Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness as MP's both walked out on the people who elected them in order to run for office in the 26 counties.

So, it doesn't matter who you vote for in Sinn Fein, it's who they choose that ends up representing you.

Democracy eh?

A lot of parties did this to end double jobbing Dixie and in the case of De Brun, she stepped down due to illness.

Double jobbing was as big an issue before the Stormont elections as it was when Sinn Fein stood down their MP's a few months later.

Sinn Fein pulled a fast one here by running high profile people who got elected no problem, and then replaced them with people who were never really heard of before a few months later. Would these 4 people, one of whom was 20 at the time and virtually unknown, got elected if they had of stood a few months previously?

Co Opting is rife among local councils where 1 in 7 are unelected. The DUP and Sinn Fein the biggest offenders. This article spells it out by the numbers:

The reality was, money was the factor.

Here are a couple of paragraphs from a June 2012 article that can help explain it:

"Recently, the party announced four MPs who are also MLAs would stand down from the Assembly to concentrate on Westminster.

The move could prove lucrative. Sinn Fein would have lost more than £700,000 in future expenses had they not ordered its five MPs to quit Stormont.

A redrafting of expenses by the Report of the Independent Financial Review Panel will progressively reduce the £73,583 in office expenses MLAs now receive.

If an Assembly member was also an MP they were entitled to just half the office expenses a non double-jobbing MLA received.

But the amount of Office Cost Expenditure (OCE) payable to MLAs who are also MPs is limited to £27,594 per annum this financial year, £17,844 for 2013/14 and £8,655 for 2014/15, an Assembly spokesperson said.

When the four Sinn Fein MPs quitting the Assembly are replaced and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness steps down as an MP, the party will benefit from full OCE allowances."

Now, if you factor in that once nestled into their new roles at Stormont, they voted to extend their term by another year. Not content with that, they voted to give themselves a £5,000 per year pay rise, taking their salary to £48,000 per year. Before expenses.

Now, isn't that a nice salary for a 20 year old just out of college?

Didn't even have to get elected, yet was eligible to give herself a pay rise and a years extension to her term.

Sinn Fein came in for criticism for fiddling expenses when it was revealed that Conor Murphy only stayed 1 night in a flat that Sinn Fein claimed £5,400 per month
in expenses. The ink cartridges saga both in the Dail and in Stormont didn't help either.

Learning their lesson, they now fiddle the system in a legal and legitimate way based on the current rules. They maximise the profit all the time.

If that means moving the deck chairs, then so be it. To the leadership, the democratic wishes of over 200,000 didn't count, and what we have seen with the Caterpillar fiasco,  neither did the democratic wishes of their members .

Their approach can be best summed up in this "Bulls" clip from Colours:

You're suggesting, for example, that in South Armagh, a SF stronghold, the people would rather vote for another party than SF because of Meagan McFearon's age? If they kept the 'old' hands with previous history in the army, you'd be on here lambasting them for that too no doubt. You've been in full scale shinner bashing form these days Dixie. If you're not careful you'll find yourself with a job at the Indo (speaking of is today carrying the groundbreaking story that a former IRA man is supporting Matt Carthy's campaign. I know, OMG, right?!

If I were you, I'd spend the next few days with your head buried under a pillow. You're probably not going to like the news reports. Not one bit.
General discussion / Re: Vote
May 22, 2014, 11:39:21 AM
Quote from: give her dixie on May 22, 2014, 10:22:16 AM
The thing about voting for Sinn Fein is that the person you vote for isn't the one that ends up representing you. They abuse the rules in order to run a high profile person, then stand them down and shoe horn in someone that in most cases, has never been heard of before. Nice work if you can get it eh?

Some examples of this strategy:

Euro election 2009:

Bairbre de Brun elected with 126,184 first preference votes

Replaced by Martina Anderson

2011 Assembley

Conor Murphy elected and replaced by Megan Fearon

Michelle Gildernew elected and replaced by Bronwyn McGahan

Paul Maskey elected and replaced by Rosie McCorley

Pat Doherty elected and replaced by Declan McAleer

Willy Clarke elected and replaced by Chris Hazzard

Martina Anderson elected and replaced by Maeve McLaughlin

Francie Molloy elected and replaced by Ian Milne

Plus, lets not forget how Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness as MP's both walked out on the people who elected them in order to run for office in the 26 counties.

So, it doesn't matter who you vote for in Sinn Fein, it's who they choose that ends up representing you.

Democracy eh?

Bairbre De Brun stepped down on health grounds. Bloody shinners eh?
All of the rest you mentioned were changed due to the policy of ending double jobbing.

A poor effort Dixie. 2/10.
Quote from: trileacman on May 22, 2014, 01:33:37 AM
It may seem appealing to vote Shinner but if you lived up here you'd realise their the same money-grubbing hoors you've been used to all along. You can kid yourselves they're better than Labour / FF / FG or the Greens but in reality they're all the f**king same. Populist gobshites who'll spin you any ould shite of a yarn to get into power and as soon as they get there they'll shit on all the policies and promises they made to you before.

Think of them as Labour but with a green poster.

At the minute I've a SF member of Parliament for the past 13 years but he doesn't attend Westminster in any shape or form and never has. Despite this he still draws down nearly every fund he's "entitled" to as a MP, explain the difference in that to Shatter claiming he's "entitled" to but doesn't deserve either? 13 years and not once has his voice been heard in the office he was appointed to. A well seasoned turnip could replace my MP in the morning and literally I would be no worse represented.

My SF MEP is Braribhe deBrun who's single greatest accomplishment in 10 years is to ensure EU documents get printed in Irish. She quit in 2012 according to Wikipedia which is news to me. I'd say greater than 70% of voters like myself haven't noticed her absence one bit. She rarely give speeches in English, preferring Irish because hey it's better no-one understands what the fcuk your saying rather than have a few understand.

I've 3 Shinner MLA's but they can't get anything passed because Stromont is on strike since the Hass debacle. Most of our European counter-parts and competitors (including the Free State) have implemented a stringent BVD control program to eradicate a significant bovine disease which costs the agriculture industry here in excess of 1 million a year. Initially we were meant to initiate the program with the Irish program. They started in 2012 and we were told we'd start a year behind. Since we were told we'd start in March, then July but still no word or sign of it. As of now we are 2 years or more behind Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. All because our MLA's have been instructed by there parties not to agree on any legislation purely to spite the each other, you wouldn't get such thick, hateful fcukers in a creche never mind a regional democracy.

I've a Shinner Agriculture minister who thinks milk farmers sleep in at weekends and who's previous experience with agriculture would be sniffing the smell of shite as she drove through the countryside. Again FG's Coveney has more than 6 months ago dictated specifically the details of the CAP payment changes for the next 5 years to 2019. As of writing my SF minister has decided absolutely diddly squat. I can show you information leaflets in which the only specific info is that they are "unsure" of the future form of CAP payments. Once again we are the slow fckuers behind the Welsh, Scots, English and Irish.

So lads don't get your hopes up for the Shinners, they'll spin you whatever crock you want to hear but in reality they are as ineffectual, petty and corrupt as the lads you are used to.

Hardly one to accuse anyone else of spinning crock. I don't think abstaining from westminster is breaking a promise considering he stood for election on an abstentionist ticket. And why wouldn't SF members claim their expenses from Westminster. They don't attend the House of Commons, but they are still active MPs running their constituency offices, so dry your eyes. Maybe you'd prefer they took the stoops approach: take an oath of allegiance to get into the commons, then become among the worst attendees in it, but occasionally show up for a little nap:

P.s. Bairbre DeBrun stepped down on health grounds. It was widely reported at the time. That you didn't know this says more about you than it does about anyone else.
Quote from: Syferus on May 21, 2014, 11:49:29 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on May 21, 2014, 04:19:42 PM
Quote from: Syferus on May 21, 2014, 04:12:37 PM
Quote from: Lar Naparka on May 21, 2014, 11:25:02 AM
I haven't made my mind up yet but it's a toss up between Sean Haughey (FF) and
the local Shinner candidate.
I wouldn't vote FF at a general election but here it's down to local issues and Haughey has a good track record here. I expect SF to top the poll in my area anyway.
Mary Lou is a big hit with a surprisingly large number of the locals and I think that, if SF comes up with a credible manifesto for the next GF and its policies stand up to scrutiny, they will upset the status quo in a big way.

SF won't upset anything as long as Adams and McGuiness are hanging around.
I think the longer they hang around, it's the numpties in RTE/Sindo etc that they're upsetting more than anyone (and those people who have to be told what to think by said organisations), so they must be doing something right. SF's support continues to soar under their leadership. Long may they continue  :D

I doubt it's soaring because of lad half the electorate believe was involved in a murder. SF need to cut the ties with the top too ASAP if it has serious intentions of being more than hurlers on the ditch in the south.

Not soaring? Look at the level of their support in the past ten or twenty years. It's a story of continuous growth. Half the population believe he was involved in a murder? That says more about how easily led they are than anything else. I wonder how many of those who believe this are as quick to accept Brendan Hughes' other claim that Jean McConville was killed for being an informer? I suspect it doesn't fit the narrative for them. In the meantime, Adams was questioned for four days and released without charge and SF's growth under his leadership continues unabated  :)

To repost a quote from  Jude Collins article recently:

"Finally,  a short Catechism q and a to see if you have a firm grasp on this matter:

Q: Who killed Jean McConville?

A: Gerry Adams

Q: Why did he kill her?

A: Because she put a coat under the head of a dying soldier.

Q: Has her body ever been recovered?

A: No.

Q: Why does Gerry Adams say he wasn't in the IRA?

A: Because he likes telling lies.

Q: Some people claim that Jean McConville was an informer. Do you believe that?

A: I most certainly do not.

Q: Why do you say that?

A: The papers hardly ever mention it.

Q:OK, pick up you BT Certificate of Merit on the way out."
Quote from: Syferus on May 21, 2014, 04:12:37 PM
Quote from: Lar Naparka on May 21, 2014, 11:25:02 AM
I haven't made my mind up yet but it's a toss up between Sean Haughey (FF) and
the local Shinner candidate.
I wouldn't vote FF at a general election but here it's down to local issues and Haughey has a good track record here. I expect SF to top the poll in my area anyway.
Mary Lou is a big hit with a surprisingly large number of the locals and I think that, if SF comes up with a credible manifesto for the next GF and its policies stand up to scrutiny, they will upset the status quo in a big way.

SF won't upset anything as long as Adams and McGuiness are hanging around.
I think the longer they hang around, it's the numpties in RTE/Sindo etc that they're upsetting more than anyone (and those people who have to be told what to think by said organisations), so they must be doing something right. SF's support continues to soar under their leadership. Long may they continue  :D
Quote from: give her dixie on May 19, 2014, 03:05:00 PM
Quote from: trueblue1234 on May 19, 2014, 10:15:56 AM
Quote from: give her dixie on May 17, 2014, 01:54:52 AM
Quote from: trueblue1234 on May 16, 2014, 01:34:49 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on May 16, 2014, 12:42:40 PM
Quote from: trueblue1234 on May 16, 2014, 08:22:48 AM
Dixie, no harm you keep quoting the Dolours Price allegations as if they're proof of Gerry being involved. Had it been the other way about you would be clamering for evidence. You can't have it both ways.

The point I am making is simple.

Woman says Gerry was involved in murders. Gerry says he can't afford to go to court.

Woman says Gerry spoke to a policeman. Gerry hires in the worlds top libel lawyer.

And my point is that your point is nonsense. AQMP has already explained why.

I'll ask a simple question, Do you believe every allegation you hear about anyone if that person doesn't challenge it in Court?

No I don't believe any allegation that I hear about anyone, but usually, as a general rule of thumb, if I read allegations of a high profile person been involved in murders in reputable newspapers, then I want to see what becomes of it. Wouldn't you have the same curiosity?

Also, as a general rule of thumb, I have generally found that anyone accused of a serious crime in a reputable newspaper usually challenges the newspaper or the person making those claims in a legal manner.

2 weeks RTE had to apologise to Gerry Adams in relation to a complaint he made as in relation to a failure on their behalf to use the word "allegedly" in a news report relating to the DPP seeking a review of a decision not to prosecute Gerry for withholding evidence about his brother, Liam.

This was their apology:

On the 7th of October, Drivetime broadcast an inaccurate report which was repeated on a number of news bulletins during the programme in relation to Mr Gerry Adams TD.

This report incorrectly stated that the Northern Ireland Director of Public Prosecutions had asked for a review of the decision not to prosecute the Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams for withholding evidence about his brother.

The reports should have stated that the Northern Ireland Director of Public Prosecutions had asked for a review of the decision not to prosecute the Sinn Féin leader for allegedly withholding evidence about his brother.

RTE apologises to Gerry Adams for this error.

Now, i'm sure you have read the full transcript of Gerry's cross examination......

Then, this week Gerry hires the worlds leading libel lawyer to go after the Independent Newspaper group because they reported on the Police Ombusman investigating a claim by his sister in law, Liams wife, that Gerry was briefed in a public meeting by a policeman on Liams case prior to him giving evidence against his brother.

Now, considering the above examples of how Gerry went after RTE because they left out the word "alledged" in an article, and had to issue a public apology, and how he has hired the worlds leading libel lawyer to challenge the claim printed in 2 major newspapers by his sister in law that he was de briefed by a police man on his brothers rape trial, a claim that is been investigated by the police Ombusman, doesn't it strike you as odd that he didn't go after the Irish News, The Sunday Life, or the Telegraph when they printed claims by Dolours Price that he was involved in the execution of Jean McConville and others, claiming he couldn't afford the costs to prove those claims were false?
After all, he got RTE to apologise for leaving out the word "Allegedly" in their report, and if you were to have read Gerrys testimony in the link I posted earlier, you can understand how RTE made the simple error.

If they used the word alledged regarding Dolours alledgations he would have had no legal grounds to challenge them. You're logic is backwards. You are using the fact that he didn't challenge alledgations as proof that they are true. Totally twisted logic and if you can't see that then we'll agree to differ.

Now, could you point out to me where I claimed that the allegations are true? I was merely pointing out that he claimed he couldn't afford the costs to challenge the claims carried in 3 newspapers that he was involved in murder, yet he can afford to hire a lawyer who acts for a member of the Royal family?

Gerry has a long history of threatening to sue over different claims about him. I just found it odd he couldn't afford a lawyer, and merely pointed it out. People can make from it what they want, and you are entitled to draw your conclusions, which I respect.

This is the paragraph in whole where he talks about cost:

Mr Adams today described the Ms Price's allegations as "very, very serious" as well as "untrue" and "false". Asked why he did not attempt to sue Ms Price, Mr Adams said: "Because I don't have the money."

Some examples of Gerry threatening to sue newspapers:

The Evening Hearld

The Sinn Fein leader sent a letter to this paper after we published an interview with Ms McKendry in which she said Adams was "in fact dancing on Jean's grave" by running in the same constituency, Louth, where her mother's body was found in 2003.

Adams's solicitors McCartan & Burke claimed the article represented a "serious defamation" of their client who is "considering all legal remedies open to him". Ms McKendry said today she has never personally got a legal letter from the Sinn Fein chief. However, she added: "We did a programme one time and he threatened then to sue, but it came to nothing."

And when the Sunday Tribune carried the story of his alleged involvement in child abuse coverup, which relates to the story posts 2 pages back,  A Sinn Fein spokesman said:

"The party was considering suing the Sunday Tribune because the "allegations were founded on innuendo and sensationalism and not facts".

He went on: "Gerry Adams and the party refute absolutely any allegation of covering up instances of abuse. Our position on these matters is crystal clear. At all times the welfare of children is paramount...

"If an allegation of sexual abuse is made against a Sinn Fein member the party ensures that the matter is reported to the relevant statutory authorities. The member is suspended from the party without prejudice."

He added: "It is not the job of Sinn Fein to establish guilt or innocence and we will await the outcome of the police investigation."

Read more:

Still wondering why you're singling out Delours' unsubstantiated allegations over the unsubstantiated allegations from so many countless others with grudges against him.
Quote from: Aristo 60 on May 19, 2014, 12:11:11 PM
33 pages.


The last ten or so mostly made up of lads repeating what they heard Joe Brolly saying about diving.

Quote from: thewobbler on May 19, 2014, 11:23:38 AM
Quote from: Nally Stand on May 19, 2014, 11:14:21 AM
Settle down soccer drones...replay at 12pm, not 7pm.

I'd guess that their computer system needed a time to allow the fixture to be generated. There's way an Ulster championship match would start at noon on a Saturday surely?

I'd say that's probably right enough but sure if it keeps a few lads quiet about the ol' ground ball for a while, can't we just pretend it's at 12?
Quote from: Myles Na G. on May 18, 2014, 12:57:24 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on May 18, 2014, 12:48:52 PM
Quote from: Myles Na G. on May 18, 2014, 12:16:41 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on May 17, 2014, 11:06:17 PM
Quote from: Myles Na G. on May 09, 2014, 07:17:26 AM
Nail on the head there. The Shinners missed a huge chance - they only had to shut the fcuk up for 3 or 4 days and wait until their leader was released and their journey from the political wilderness to mainstream political party would've been complete. Instead, Marty threw a tantrum and set them back about 20 years.

Good man yourself Myles. Top drawer political analysis from you as always!

EU Poll: Sinn Fein to top the poll in Dublin - first survey since Gerry Adams arrest points to rise in party support

Poll suggests SF & Independents' support has increased since 2009 local elections
The 2nd of those polls has 'don't knows' running at 25%, so I wouldn't get too carried away just yet. Both polls seem to have a 26 county focus too. Let's face it, if SF can't improve their vote in a state which has been living with austerity budgets for several years, there's something wrong. Let's see how they do in the north. I still think that Marty, Mary lou and Bobby Storey have between them scuppered their party's chances of increasing their vote up here.
Right!  So a 25% unknown rate and both polls only taking place in the 26 counties but still showing SF gains will mean SF are going to go back to 1994 levels of support? You crack me up!  ;D
Polls aren't election results. Wait and see.
Haha ok Myles! Chat then  :D
Quote from: Myles Na G. on May 18, 2014, 12:16:41 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on May 17, 2014, 11:06:17 PM
Quote from: Myles Na G. on May 09, 2014, 07:17:26 AM
Nail on the head there. The Shinners missed a huge chance - they only had to shut the fcuk up for 3 or 4 days and wait until their leader was released and their journey from the political wilderness to mainstream political party would've been complete. Instead, Marty threw a tantrum and set them back about 20 years.

Good man yourself Myles. Top drawer political analysis from you as always!

EU Poll: Sinn Fein to top the poll in Dublin - first survey since Gerry Adams arrest points to rise in party support

Poll suggests SF & Independents' support has increased since 2009 local elections
The 2nd of those polls has 'don't knows' running at 25%, so I wouldn't get too carried away just yet. Both polls seem to have a 26 county focus too. Let's face it, if SF can't improve their vote in a state which has been living with austerity budgets for several years, there's something wrong. Let's see how they do in the north. I still think that Marty, Mary lou and Bobby Storey have between them scuppered their party's chances of increasing their vote up here.
Right!  So a 25% unknown rate and both polls only taking place in the 26 counties but still showing SF gains will mean SF are going to go back to 1994 levels of support? You crack me up!  ;D
Quote from: Myles Na G. on May 09, 2014, 07:17:26 AM
Nail on the head there. The Shinners missed a huge chance - they only had to shut the fcuk up for 3 or 4 days and wait until their leader was released and their journey from the political wilderness to mainstream political party would've been complete. Instead, Marty threw a tantrum and set them back about 20 years.

Good man yourself Myles. Top drawer political analysis from you as always!

EU Poll: Sinn Fein to top the poll in Dublin - first survey since Gerry Adams arrest points to rise in party support

Poll suggests SF & Independents' support has increased since 2009 local elections
Quote from: Maguire01 on May 17, 2014, 03:21:05 PM
Did the Ombudsman not say the informer claims were without foundation?
And? So are the claims about Gerry Adams. And after four days of questioning there was still no foundation to the allegations. This is about what people choose to believe Maguire. If the ombudsman was so definitive that Brendan Hughes was' claim she was killed for being an informer was untrue, then why are people blindly taking his word on the "Adams did it" part of of his claims? Is it cos it's just what they'd like to believe and nothing more, perhaps?