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Messages - blewuporstuffed

GAA Discussion / Re: AISF Aug 23rd Tyrone v Cork
August 24, 2009, 11:33:26 AM
Quote from: INDIANA on August 24, 2009, 11:11:42 AM
We're all entitled to our differing opinions on this but .... in my view

Peaking is a myth parodied by sports scientists who are involved with a winning team in order to make them appear brighter than everyone else. When in fact having the most highly skilled players in a particular code in a particular season with the collective drive and desire to win has actually won them the competition.

I've listened to Dublin talking about peaking for generations now- even this year they didn't start training till april to "peak". Look where it got us. When you haven't the players -peaking is as big a myth as the Yeti in the Himalayas.

Tyrone never won an all-ireland due to peaking -neither did Kerry. Ha d David kelly scored the spot kick against kerry a few weeks back- what use was peaking to kerry then? Observers use a run through the qualifiers as some master-stroke to "peak" at the right time. When in fact they are just playing crap and its more the inepitude of the teams and plain dumb luck that keeps them in the competition.

Tyrone never played at the level they are capable of this season in any game because they were a tired outfit. They never peaked at all this season- as its called.
would agree with that,
momentum is a something that can be a key to a team s success rather that so called peaking
GAA Discussion / Re: AISF Aug 23rd Tyrone v Cork
August 24, 2009, 09:48:03 AM
Quote from: Mike Sheehy on August 24, 2009, 01:53:19 AM
QuoteYou havent a clue sheehy, your level of hatred for tyrone and to a lesser extent Armagh is incredible, you were slabberin a while ago about the pony being disrespected and that the minors would keep that in mind? what the feck was that all about? it didnt do them much good though did it.

Tyrone are worthy champions, they owned kerry for years and you havent the class to admit that. Tyrone are a tremendous team, were a tremendous time any way you cut it and you have been the most negative gobshite on this board on the run up to this game.

I hope Meath bate youse, failing that Cork will hammer ye by 8 or 9 points and i think that would be even funnier. I would have been aneutral in the AI but if you somehow make it I will be hoping that Cork bate ye up and down the field.

be quiet you nutter. You're always liable to go off on your little rants. You,  with your head stuck up Tyrones arses. I suppose you have no choice given the epic failure of your own county..what is it again 1 AI out of 7 Ulsters ? pathetic
i know its against the rules to reveal a posters identity , but it must be obvious to everyone now,
Mike Sheehy IS Pat Spillane
Quote from: longrunsthefox on August 21, 2009, 03:52:14 PM
Ulster Council GAA statement..

Following recent reports of events at Galbally GAA Club, County Tyrone, the Central Council of the GAA have asked the Ulster Council GAA to establish the facts of the occurrences and the involvement of the Association in these events, if any. This process, the Council have already set in train and will issue a full statement of our findings in due course. The Ulster Council have had no direct or indirect involvement in this affair to date.

The GAA is a non party political organisation that is protective of its Rules and Constitution. The Association at County, Provincial and Central level were not aware of the events at Galbally GAA Club until after the events had taken place. The Ulster Council GAA are working to establish the exact circumstances surrounding these events that took place at Cappagh, Co. Tyrone on Sunday 16th August.
The GAA has clear policies in relation to the use of its property for non-sporting events detailed in our Rules which outlines the role of Central Council in respect to the control of property owned or controlled by a constituent unit of the GAA. The Association is a non party political and anti sectarian organisation whose position has been determined democratically by GAA Congress.
blah, blah...

FFS.... is this all to appease Nelson McCausland and his cohorts who would close every GAA ground in the country if they could? It  would be scapegoating of the worst kind if Galbally are punished as loads of clubs hold tournaments to IRA volunteers etc. Also a lot of clubs in Tyrone mentioned the Galbally commemoration in their club notes... should they all be punished as well? If Galbally get punished Tyrone clubs should make some form of protest action.
have to agree with you there fox
Quote from: ziggysego on August 19, 2009, 03:44:07 PM
Sorry guys and gals.

In that case, has to be the 2002 Quarter-Final in Croke Park then against Sligo. Thankfully I wasn't at the game, but was watching it in a pub in London with a group of friends. I really though that this was Tyrone breakthrough year.
agree with that ziggy, from a football point of view sligo was the low point.
left dublin that day thinking we were never going to win an all ireland
I'd like to straighten out few points re: this argument.
firstly, the community hall in Galbally where the event took place, is exactly that, a community hall.
It is NOT clubrooms belonging to the gaa.
AFAIK galbally pay rent to the community centre to use the changing facilities for their football club as it is right beside the football pitch.
it wasnt a decision for the gaa or galbally football club to make, as whether to allow the event to be partially staged there.(although i would imagine no-one in the club would have had a problem with it)
Also regarding the men in paramilitary dress,i admit the photos look bad, but what they donot show is that they were part of a reinactment of the troubles that included, prision guards, polices officers and maze prisioner.
They were NOT part of some sort of PIRA propaganda stunt
Quote from: thewobbler on August 20, 2009, 01:04:04 PM
Michael Jordan
Usain Bolt
Roger Federer
Tiger Woods
Don Bradman
Michael Phelps

Statistically and visibly the greatest sportsmen of all time in their respective fields, and each playing a popular sport. Almsot everyone else mentioned on this thread requires subjectivity or a lack of genuine competition to be placed on this list.
agree with those plus lance armstrong
to be honest i dont think there are major rule changes needed, as there isnt to much wrong with the game.
however, alot of rules need clarified and inforced properly.alot of the changes needed are small things

Something needs to be done with the squareball 'rule', like  suggested, maybe making it a no go area altogether would work.

the tackle needs to be better defined and  the rules consistently applied.
i think when a player in possesion of the ball goes to ground ,the opposing player shouldnt be able to touch him at all until he gets up,if he is tackled on the ground its a free, simple as that.the player can stand round him, but cannot tackle him until he gets up.
obviously if the player in possession holds on to it to long, its a free against.
I think this would take some of the uncertainty out of whats legal and whats not and i know a few referees that already apply the law like this and it seems to work well.
too often a player wins the ball, whether from a high catch or out in front of his man and goes to ground wile doing it, only to get battered on the ground while trying to get up and then gets blown for over carrying.

another rule which is a very small thing which i feel is silly is if a player takes a free too short, it is a free the other way, wereas if he takes it from the wrong place, its a hop ball.why are the two punishments different?i have seen it where a defending team has a free out and taken it too short (a foul fair enough) but then the referee awards a free in which leads to a handy score and seems far too harsh of a punishment to me for a technical foul like that.
the taking a free from the wrong place needs cleard up as well, some refs hop it, some make the player take it again and some do nothing at all!
footballwise i'd get rid of the squareball rule
anyone have any views on more signings before the deadline?it looks like rafa might be finished in the spending
personly i think they need to bring in one more player at least, but al seems to be quiet now the alonso saga is over.some of the players being cleared out at real would fit the bill, van der vaart, robben or negrado.
General discussion / Re: Top 10 Childrens Questions
August 13, 2009, 06:50:16 PM
my little 4 year old cousin asked his dad at the weekend,
'whos funnier, me or god?'
Quote from: Leo on August 13, 2009, 01:25:14 PM
Glencolumbcille- stunning.
yeah agree with that, was down there during the week
General discussion / Re: Pearl Jam
August 12, 2009, 10:20:08 PM
one of my favourite bands,eddie has a great voice and is a fantastic songwriter imo.
Got tickets to see them in london next week, so cant wait.
like the new single, but is maybe a bit 'poppy' for them :-\
looking forward to the new album in sept
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
August 07, 2009, 10:51:32 PM
Quote from: hardstation on August 07, 2009, 10:32:31 PM
Quote from: Norf Tyrone on August 07, 2009, 10:20:17 PM
Clinker in Newtown tonight.

We led by seven, and Newtown fought back to level.
Extra time- We led by five, but Newtown come back and took the lead in the 20th minute ot ET. Second min of injury time with NTS howling for time, Owen Roes level.

Sixth minute (That's 6 minutes) of injury time in extra time, and Newtown go ahead. Ref blows it.

So by my calcualtions 6 minutes injury time in a ten minute period, woudl equate to 18 minutes in a normal half. Interesting.  :-\
Yis shit the togs....twice. Interesting.  :-\

Quote from: supersarsfields on August 05, 2009, 02:54:57 PM
The only thing is that the league winners are also going to be weaker than last year. Replacing Tevez and Ronaldo will be harder to do than replacing alonso.
Therefore with one or two more buys we could be in with a good enough chance. To be honest the only team outa the top four that actually looks like inproving their squad is Cheski. And to be honest I'd be tipping them to win.

On the Alonso saga, gutted to see him go. He was a player I liked and seemed to have a very quiet workmanlike attitude. It would have be rare to see him mentioned for anything other than his football. But the money offered was great business and hats of to Rafa for not cracking and accepting a lesser sum.
agree with all of that
General discussion / Re: gutter journalism
August 05, 2009, 02:49:39 PM
Quote from: SidelineKick on August 05, 2009, 02:12:42 PM
There is absolutely no way that could be a serious article!
the whole thing reads like an episode of 'Brass Eye'