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Messages - The Iceman

i think the gambling was well known around armagh before he made a public statement on it.  I don't believe 100K is exaggerated either - think about it, whats 100K if you are gambling in thousands? All the serious guys gamble in thousands about Armagh and make sure everyone knows about it, the Maccari's and Gaffneys of this world - only thing is they have the money to lose.

Fair play he admitted it - good marketing tactic - will definitely sell a few more books - and seeing as he hasn't really been paid for his past county efforts then good luck to him making profit from his career anyway he can.
GAA Discussion / Re: New Armagh Manager Announced
September 13, 2007, 04:57:52 PM
Quote from: BroJolly on September 12, 2007, 09:29:34 PM
No offence, but I hope you weren't one of his pupils. If so, not such a great teecher then
haha nice one Bro!
General discussion / Re: IRELAND OR THE USA
September 11, 2007, 08:45:18 PM
heganboy is on the button - think about all the stories you've heard from friends who went to america and australia - i can name countless lads who went to either countries and only hung around with people from either their home town/county or irish in general.  My opinion when you're traveling is to mix with the locals - see the country, experience the country - see the real thing rather than a green tinted version.

My experience here in the states is there are a bunch of irish lads who all hang out together, work construction, drink every night and get in an awful state at the weekends and do nothing but fuel the american notion that every irish man is a drunk a fighter and works in construction.

I try to keep away from those lads - its great to meet someone from home, i enjoy my beers with the best of them but i grew up a long time ago and life isnt about spending your wages in the pub anymore or seeing who the hardest man in your group of mates is.

I think you should come to america - ireland is home and always will be - but it isn't going anywhere - your chance of a better life in america is slipping away from your grasp - take it now - if it doesnt work out - go home.
If it does - you can holiday in ireland and maybe it will still stay as grand as you remembered it to be.

Michael Vick is signing for Tyrone I hear
Quote from: orangeman on August 17, 2007, 05:08:24 PM
What's Grimley's position with Cavan ?

on loan from Armagh

hope he comes back and takes the reins with Geezer by his side helping out with the lads
General discussion / Re: Books
June 12, 2007, 02:30:15 PM
Tuesdays with Morrie

Check it out - one of the best books I ever read

Ireland by Frank Delaney - classic
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
May 25, 2007, 02:06:58 PM
what is the actual story with Toal and the harps? There is a lot of sketchy talk on here but why doesn't someone just come and say so?

Also the same goes for the rumours flying around about a fall out between Joe and Geezer.  What happened?

Quote from: Louis the Red on May 25, 2007, 12:10:49 PM
QuoteI heard last night that Ronan Clarke has had a serious setback and will not kick a ball again until next season 

I heard that myself during the week. Hope it's only a rumour :'(

true all too true I'm afraid.  He has wrecked his knee again and will be in a full leg cast again.  I think the injury was caused during some plyometric training and is a huge set back for the team. 
He has signed himself off the panel as far as I have been told and will not play football until next year at least.....
General discussion / Re: Mid week Ireland break
May 23, 2007, 11:55:50 AM
Horse holiday farm in Sligo (should have a website).

Bed and Breaksfast, great wee town nearby for drinking, horse riding through some fantastic scenery and along the beach.  Great value, comfort and food.

Check it out sure - you never know, its something different and might go down a treat.
Quote from: stew on May 21, 2007, 04:35:57 PM

Dear Iceman, I meant it to be patronizing, condescending and dowqnright annoying to be honest, I see it worked.

I filled out the paperwork 11 years ago. I applied like everyone else and I knew nobody, basically i did the right thing and applied legally and got in.

If I had have been turned down I would have kept my business and lived in the north because i was not going to go to the states illegally.

I dont have a chip on my shoulder about illegals being in the states, I just think it is wrong, just as I believe it is detremental to my own Country. Tell me this iceman, who is stopping these people from going home to see their loved one's???? it is their own selfishness that stops them , they put themselves in that position and nobody else is to blame so why should I give a damn about some ballix that hasnt got the gumption to go home whjen a family member needs them?????

Ireland is far from a joke, if you think that you know nothing about economics and the fact is the economy has been predicted to go into recession/depression for quite a few years now and the crash still has not happened.

There is nothing wrong with looking for a better life for your family and yourself, but quit whinging when daddy gets sick and poor you wont take the new grandchild to see him?? that to me is selfish. As for escaping Ireland, if you hate it that much why not move to somewhere in the EU? believe it or not you can do that legally with no problems at all. There is something however wrong with entering a Country illegally, a fact you continue to ignore you lawbreaker you.  :)

As for me being ashamed of myself for not helping Irish people in America, I have done so and I will continue to do so but I really dont give a fiddlers fart where people are from if I can help them i will help them and I owe the irish people in America feck all, what have they done for me??????

I am obliged to pay my taxes and rear my family,I am doing that within the boundaries of the law, shame you cannot say the same.

I am 100% legal.  I currently hold a K1 Finace visa that took over 6 months to get.  I will convert to full citizenship after a lot of paperwork and a lot more waiting once we are marired.
I am only 28 - hopefully when I am your age I will be able to say I have reared my family, paid my taxes and stayed within the boundaries of the law.

I unlike you however do not have a chip on my shoulder about the illegals.

The Irish are renowned the world over for looking after their own - thank God you are not our typical representative abroad.

Europe is not an option for most people on here due to the language barriers.

And your reference about selling your business says it all.  Obviously you had a bit of money behind you and good luck to you - but there are a lot of guys who don't and didn't have that privilege when going to America.

Chosing not to give up everything you have built up over the past 10 years to come home to see a sick relative is not being selfish.  Its a sacrafice.  You think the illegals don't want to visit home? Its not balck and white lad and you need to stop and consider that for a second.


The Iceman
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone v Fermanagh
May 21, 2007, 02:23:15 PM
Quote from: uptyrone on May 21, 2007, 02:20:37 PM
I think The Iceman was referring to the incident before Colm Cavanagh got injured. Cavanagh done a late tackle on Owens after McGuigan had already fouled Owens, Owens then got up acting the hard man and stood face to face with Cavanagh, then Cavanagh just simply walked away from the incident. From what I seen Cavanagh didnt go down holding his face, he just brought his head back in case anything did happen.

I know Tyrone have had there fair share of players feigning injury, but every county is the same i.e in yesterdays game the Fermanagh keeper kept going down with a sore leg after Tyrone were hitting a few scores in a row, and im fed up listening to Tyrone getting getting slagged for something which they didn't do. I suppose we will have to wait to next week to see a clean game with no dirty tackles and no feigning injury from Donegal and Armagh  ;D

come on he didn't put his head back to avoid getting hit - hold the hands up and tell it like it is - he feigned injury and everyone there knows it
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone v Fermanagh
May 21, 2007, 02:21:36 PM
Quote from: Deal_Me_In on May 21, 2007, 02:09:39 PM
Quote from: The Iceman on May 21, 2007, 12:00:43 PM
Colm Cavanagh is a bollocks.  He faked injury from a "headbutt" when a Fermanagh player chested him.  What a disgraceful way to behave and at such an early time in his footballing career - is this what is being drummed into Tyrone Footballers now?

What the f**k are you on about. The lad was injured during an attempt to win the ball. He fell awarkly and hurt his shoulder/neck. I personally think he got hurt by the way he fell and not be the defenders attempt to win the ball. How anyone can say this is faining injury when you have to be stretchered off, and not able to return to the fiels of play is a complete joke. There was no mention of a headbutt from any of the players who actually continued playing when the incident happened. Think you need to look at the incident again iceman before spouting shite like that.

I was talking about something that happened in the 4th minute! Not when he was stretchered off!
This happened at the sideline at the very start of the game.  Obviously the cameras didn't pick it up - but if you had been at the match you would have seen it yourself
So I'm not spouting anything - I'm stating fact
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone v Fermanagh
May 21, 2007, 01:35:00 PM
Quote from: Fuzzman on May 21, 2007, 12:22:28 PM
Iceman don't be coming on here calling the pot black about dirty defenders. At least we can admit when someone is dirty and not go way OTT and make them a Goddess, with their own website etc, just because he makes a habit of it busting forwards jaws.

If your team are renouned for being dirty f**kers then have some wit and shut yer gob about other teams.
I know Tyrone can be guilty of DIVING sometimes but I know NOT to mention it on here to justify that its correct cos others do it.

If you read the board often enough you would see most people agree Ricey is OTT and although he can be a GREAT man marking defender like Francie, he too often goes OTT.

Do you think high and late tackles are drummed into the Armagh team (NOTE how to spell your own county ya muppet)
I suspect they might be. Especially tactical late 3rd man tackles same to be yer speciality since 2002.

Oh God save us all for not following forum standards as carefully as you fuzzman.  Its called discussion and I am entitled to my opinion as much as you are.  The Armagh was a typo it happens when you don't type with one finger you muppet! And you are one to be talking about spelling.
Less of your shit and calm the f*ck down
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone v Fermanagh
May 21, 2007, 12:00:43 PM
I am an Armagh man but went to Clones yesterday.  Football is football.

Colm Cavanagh is a bollocks.  He faked injury from a "headbutt" when a Fermanagh player chested him.  What a disgraceful way to behave and at such an early time in his footballing career - is this what is being drummed into Tyrone Footballers now?

Ricey? Why is he called Ricey anyway? He is a dirty f**ker.  He openly elbowed a man in the head to receive the black card and is seriously just out to hurt people rather than play football.  Keep on him Mickey - every game and see how far Tyrone get this year.

Full back line badly exposed.  No movement from forwards.  Midfield coming forward and Ger Cavlan won the game.

Quote from: DrinkingHarp on May 21, 2007, 09:48:58 AM
My Ma was born in Armagh and came over here (U.S.) when she was only 18. She had to have 3 teeth removed and wait another 5 years before all the LEGAL paperwork went through before she was allowed citizenship. I was a citizen 7 months before she was granted citizenship. My mother went through the whole dog and pony show to become a U.S. citizen. So why should someone else who decides I'LL stay here for a few years get citizenship because they did not to go through the proper channels, deserve U.S. citizenship?

I served 3 year in the US Army to defend the US constitution and freedoms of all American Citizens both near and wide and I'LL be damned if that helps ILLEGAL IMIGRANTS - Irish, Mexican, Polish or wherever they come from to take advantage of pressure from the ACLU, immigrant right lawyers or kind hearted citizens. The right to become a US citizen from an immigrant has to be earned  the Legal way.

This might blow Stew (republican) away but I am a Democrat who feels Immigration is a privelage and not a concession. I now hold a dual citizenship for the US and Ireland, but again I went through the proper channels to attain this honor. I can not fathom how Irish citizens would just sit back and allow 20 million plus Illegal Aliens to become Irish citizens per year just because they were living there and wanted to stay there.

I guess my point is citizenship has its privilage but ONLY when attained properly.

Besides, half of my friends who were born here in the US would love to move to Ireland to take advatage of the Celtic Tiger but learned how hard it would be to become legal immigrants in Ireland have passed on the thought because of all the rules the Irish government imposses on immigrants.

Remeber the grass always looks greener on the other side.

The Celtic Tiger????? Wise the bap big son.  There is no Celtic Tiger.  The banks own everything!
Tell your friends to sell their 4 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom, basement, swimming pool and house with a garage for $400,000. Give up their life in America and come to Ireland.
Tell them to get it changed into Euros and see what kind of house they can get for their money.

The grass is greener on the other side.  Try living in Ireland and struggling to make ends meet and then tell us all its such a great place to live.  Ireland is the best place in the world - but the economy is a load of shite and driving us all into too much dept.

Things have changed a lot since your "ma" as you call her got legally into America. 

I know your type lad - Irish roots - guaranteed to have a tattoo with something Irish on it, gauranteed to have an Irish flag on your car, gets totally smashed on St Patrick's day and think because you are Irish you have to pick a fight at the weekends - just to uphold the Irish reputation.  You are ashamed you don't have ginger hair and freckles and that your ma didn't call you something more Irish like Seamus.  You listen to Irish punk rock which nobody in Ireland listens to.  You drink Jameson.  You drink bad tasting harp and don't understand that you need to let a pint of Guinness to settle before you drink it. You call bacon "rashers" cause you think its cool. You sing Irish songs but don't know why.  You wanted to be in the IRA when you were growing up.

Don't even waste my time

Don't even waste our time with your grass is greener on the other side rhetoric. Hu ha