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Messages - lawnseed

GAA Discussion / Re: Gaa Managers getting paid
March 03, 2010, 10:16:50 PM
do they keep the money or is it donated to some worthy charity??   :o :o
whats up with vernon is he injured. i also want to see the back of hearty he sends his defence into spasms when hes under pressure and the new square ball rule is going to freak him out even more,,, (sorry paul)
GAA Discussion / who changed football?
March 01, 2010, 10:37:51 PM
i see in todays 'star' both mickey harte and joe kernan being credited with changing modern gaelic football? what ever harte did,. armaghs blanket defense and style of play was in place under the two brians, who if they'd have been allowed spend the same money as joe may have had more luck. joes experience and legendary status as a FOOTBALLER plus his success with cross made him a firm favorite with the orchard fans, but as brian mcalinden has since proven with his sucesses he was no slouch when it came to management. joe took over a team on the brink of success and instilled a bit of belief and we are all very grateful but credit where credit is due. As for harte he simply copied what he saw and with the treasure trove of players at his disposal he couldnt help but have success
laois could be in trouble at mid-field i think i read pauric clancy has quit. he was very awkward looking but very effective. vernon to rule...
is it on tv?
hardy knows what i'm on about. what do yez think darragh wants when he says sexy football? if i knew how to i'd paste a picture of cheryl in a kerry jersey... or megan
GAA Discussion / Re: The new Irish
February 28, 2010, 10:56:52 PM
i can see o'neills doing a range of pointy hoods with eyeholes in county and club colours ;) ;) :D why are you fellas tip toeing around this subject. the foreign kids are usally bigger, stronger and equally comitted. the thing is clubs are run by people who will want sport for their own kids first. how many native irish kids have went to clubs where they couldnt get on and simply were discriminated against but in a different way. its not always the best footballers who get on and we all know it. we here in the north have over a million prods/loyalists and we've failed to attract them for 125years, no point in back slapping just because a few foreigners turn up.
GAA Discussion / Re: mickey harte - dead man act
February 28, 2010, 10:36:44 PM
if any of your clubs are thinking of doing a fight night MARSDEN V JORDAN would certainly be a crowd puller. count me in for starters. my moneys on the lurganboy
It was one of those 'had to be there' times lads. 2 consecutive weeks of poor efforts from youngsters who think football is drinking lucozade sport or some other 'sports drink' while they try to catch their breath. you try to step it up and they want to sit it out, god forbid they break sweat, what i wouldn't give for a few country kids, hardy and willing to kill themselves to get their hands on the ball.                                                                                                                                                                                I'm sick of watching my lot feign injury soccer style and limp off talking about cruciates and what ever they hear on TV. you want to tell them to eff off home but your not aloud to curse. Infact mummy or pa pa will drop plenty of hints that wee johnny isn't used to being pushed. Simple things like fist passing and catching are too hard! HOLD ON!!! didn't we just change the rules so the game can be stopped and the crowd can go emmmm! whowww! when a player catches the ball? ffs its a basic skill of Gaelic football infact its the only thing that makes us different from soccer and we marvel when someone catches the ball.
          sexy? In the next ten years as the game as becomes even more soft basically because the raw materails (kids) are becoming weaker and weaker refs will start to blow everything up its half way there already. I,m not talking about fowling.
        After reading darragh again i think he means make gaelic games more meejah friendly like soccer more wags and stuff but that  costs money and its not in it     
GAA Discussion / sexy football?? whats he on about?
February 26, 2010, 12:46:20 AM
i read now darragh has pulled the plug he feels its ok to have a go at the assoc. that put him on the map so to speak.(irish star) yeah he wants the gaa to get "sexy" i seem to remember that in the early stages of the gpa not many kerry players joined up because they said they were very well looked after. so whats changed. is there a book on the way? a bit of punditry with rte? everybody wants to change the gaa from croke park to the child at under age. i dont see this mood for change and i mean radical change in any other sport. change rules, change more rules we're just after doing 125 years why is it necessary? why does every new generation assume that they are smarter than the one before??? past generations had time to ceile round the country, they didnt know what a mortgage was and they reared 10 and 12 kids and played football. I'm reading about lads on here who cant afford the price of a match ticket and barely have time to watch it on the telly. whats the story? I've never seen so little interest in gaa sport in my life and better than that the kids that are showing up to learn our games are either so over weight or so puny and weak that i think I'll do well to get 2 players out of about 30. fuk it! i know lets make gaa games all virtual to give the fat kids an equal chance before they get a court injunction making sure they get football! would that be sexy. sorry darragh you caught me at a bad time.. i'll buy your book if danny murphy leaves me a few quid or i'll wait til its in the bargain basket  >:(
lets face it the costs of staging the game are the same no matter how many people turn up. if only 1 guy shows they're fukd, what they are hoping is that people will follow trevs train of thought and say sure its only a couple of pound. i think they're wrong. ulster is the only provence where two different economic realalities exist two thirds of the provence have not been effected by the huge jump in wages and the resulting spiraling inflation. in practical terms the euro is equal to stirling therefore i expect that for gates accepting cash this year there is likely to be no allowance for stg. the difference is that in my job i get a paltry £8/hour but a fella in monaghan is on 14euros/hour for doin the same thing. maybe if donegal monaghan or cavan play each other danny can charge the punters more? ;D but when your looking for mejah attention/sponsors there not much point in sayn look at the crowds we're pulling if theres nobody on the stands to throw the ball back in if somebody (eg hearty :)) kicks it over the fence. concentrate on quality product and price accordingly first rule of business. ps and the customer is always right
both my wife and i used to attend all armagh matches league and championship, but with getting kids ready and the expense of a day on the road means that for the most part only i will be going to games this year. so theres half the normal attendance if you look at it that way. my club dinnerdance this year was a none event with less than half the normal crowd its very hard for folk to get motovated to go to games and the proposed hike in admission is just the excuse to say stick it sure its on the telly. wouldnt be the first time the bbc had to dubb in cheering to its sports coverage : ;)
maybe they're panicing? credit crunch? emigration? unemployment rising? its a pity the guidelines dont reflect the investment by a small rural community when so much money is available to pay the 'expenses' of coaches, managers etc ;) ;)
i heard patk og nugent the armagh sec. is on 55000 per annum and hes not available out of hours and his house even if you want to put an envelope through the door is out of bounds. what a bargain that might be a guide as to what kinda bucks the ulster council pay.
GAA Discussion / Re: Club Tyrone goes west
February 24, 2010, 10:53:05 PM
get micky a mach 111 maybe?
i think there are guidelines ultra. but if you've been to gratten pk its hell of a set up the money on offer so far wouldnt pay the electric bill maybe this tyrone game will get the club a few quid they like all clubs need every penny