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Messages - Nemo

August 11, 2009, 11:47:24 AM
Quote from: hatchetfield on August 11, 2009, 11:41:17 AM
So lads, whats this Cushendall team like!!  ;D  ;D  ;D

Going by what i watched on Sunday, pretty Poor
August 11, 2009, 11:02:16 AM
not another bodie crying persecution
August 11, 2009, 09:37:11 AM
i agree that a small dig in the back is a very cowardly act, but wether it warrants a suspension im not sure, but when two players react like i saw in the video, one hitting with force enough to break his stick then that does warrant a suspension.

i would prefer none of this went on at all, but i also wish supporters and club officials would take responsility for the actions of their players when it comes to incidents like this instead of blaming everyone else around them.
August 10, 2009, 04:13:32 PM
back to the matches at the weekend

paid £15 into three matches and feel like i was robbed, i know some teams where understrentgh and plenty of excuses, but the standard of hurling was awful to say the least.
August 10, 2009, 04:11:25 PM
Quote from: north aontroim gael on August 10, 2009, 04:06:40 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on August 10, 2009, 03:32:40 PM
Quote from: north aontroim gael on August 10, 2009, 03:25:17 PM
Well if that was the case then it would of opened a serious can of worms as most teams now use video analysis and if this case had of stuck then we could of been looking at incidents every week.

Be interesting to see what comes out of it if the rumours are true.  This is the first I had heard of it although I was aware Paul Gillans suspension was lifted.  I was at the game myself and the scuffle which took place seemed to be handbags for Lavertys sending but i'm not sure which particular incident Gillan was suspended for.  Wasn't really a dirty game.

If it was the case that he was acting on someone else's behalf then im sure theres a few boys sweating to see if he takes it on the chin or takes a few with him!  Im sure Loughgiel officials aren't very impressed and rightly so

Theres a vast difference in two players niggling at each other shoulder to shoulder with minimal movement of the stick (if you get what I mean :-\) and  I have no real problem with that but one player running towards another player and driving the stick into his mindrift with full intent and force . Skinners sending off was warranted and was in full glare of the referee who was 10 yards away looking straight at him.

My post maybe wasn't the clearest there. Agree Laverty should of been sent of but think if you send Gillan of for what he done then there would of been a further 3 Dunloy and couple more Loughgiel dismissals if video to be used from now on.  Wouldnt even of been mentioned had it happened in Munster.

didnt they do the same thing  ???  ???

anyway, i will stay out of it as i can see the rose tinted glasses are on both of yous. also it has little to do with me or less do i care to be honest.
August 10, 2009, 04:08:49 PM
Quote from: anailís on August 10, 2009, 04:02:24 PM
Yes Nemo, sounds like You were watching the video North Antrim tried to suspend Ding with too. Let me suggest you keep an eye out for the video taken from the same side of the pitch as the incident, taken by Glenarm club. Much more accurate, rather than Jamie Quinn's from the far side of the field, which i believe is the one which North Antrim used as evidence.

nope, i think its the glenarm one i watched, havent seen the north antrim one, whichever one is on the web and it doesnt sound much like you described
August 10, 2009, 03:59:35 PM
Quote from: anailís on August 10, 2009, 03:53:31 PM
I agree with you to an extent skull, which is why he was sent off, and why he served 4 weeks. But i can think of James McKeague hitting Ding with the heel of the stick in the midriff off the ball in the leadup to that incident, and then hitting skinner in the back with the heel of the stick, directly after that incident, and i can also think of cathair cunning hitting ding with the heel of the stick in the back also in that incident, and also since we're at it, Rab being the third man in, and pulling Skinner by the helmet, swinging him around by the faceguard so violently he actually pulled the plastic lug off the helmet! If we're going to look at an incident, let's look at it all, and not be too selective.
I think Skinner deserved to go, but i can't see how they could pick only one Loughgiel man out of that incident and not see any other infringements. It obviously went to the County Hearings Committe, they watched it and came to the same conclusion as most who were at that match, ie that it wasn't that serious an incident, and didn't bear further investigation.

;D  ;D  ;D  - i must have watched a different video.   ::)  ::)
August 10, 2009, 03:49:19 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on August 10, 2009, 03:32:40 PM

Theres a vast difference in two players niggling at each other shoulder to shoulder with minimal movement of the stick (if you get what I mean :-\) and  I have no real problem with that but one player running towards another player and driving the stick into his mindrift with full intent and force . Skinners sending off was warranted and was in full glare of the referee who was 10 yards away looking straight at him.

i have to agree with you skull, it can be clearly seen on the video. i wasnt at the match but only saw it recently via the Good auld world wide web, and imo both players should have been sent off / suspended. 

are you saying gael, if he had of broken the other players ribs, only then he should have been sent off.