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Messages - Loughshore2022

General discussion / Re: America`s Gun Culture
June 07, 2022, 11:09:50 PM
Incels get blamed for most shootings which is discrimination. The media tried to bring incels into the Texas shooting due to his loner status. All the men in prisons are non incel men with many previous girlfriends yet the media call us the dangerous ones? Only one US shooting had incel roots, Isla Vista in 2014. All other shootings were related to mental illness or racism. What America really needs to do is sort out the bullying in their schools but I don't think it can be sorted as it is a part of human nature to bully the weak.
GAA Discussion / Re: Sam Maguire Qualifiers 2022
June 06, 2022, 06:20:30 PM
In 2005 I recall attending a qualifier double header in Croke Park, 3 Ulster teams and Laois. The attendance was 36000 that day.
GAA Discussion / Re: Foot Block Rule Question
June 06, 2022, 06:03:15 PM
When I played football as a boy and teen I never even knew of a foot block rule or the square ball rule. They just expected you to know the rules, they never actually sat down and told you as a child what the rules of Gaelic football were. The highlight of my career was scoring a goal in Celtic Park in U-14 but it was ruled square ball.

Foot block seems an odd rule given that the game is called foot ball. That would be like not allowing to block with your hands in that European hand ball sport.
The game played no part in my life growing up, my local clubs never had teams. I couldn't even tell you who won the All Ireland last year. I don't think the sport is as good as people make out, yes it is fast but that isn't always a good thing, you can barely see the ball and points seem to be too easy to get for those county players.
I am glad Armagh won but I wouldn't fear them if they reached the QF. The only team I fear is Mayo.
GAA Discussion / Re: Mayo V Monaghan Qualifier
June 04, 2022, 09:57:56 PM
I think Mayo will draw Derry in the QF unfortunately. Mayo are actually the 2nd county I support due to my great grandmother being from West Mayo.
General discussion / Re: TV Show recommendations
June 03, 2022, 03:32:41 PM
I watched Season 1-9 of Baywatch Remastered on Amazon Prime. A very good show that people don't take seriously nowadays. It is interesting to see what became of Jeremy Jackson who played Hobie, he has a criminal record longer than a surf board.
Casement Park was one of my favourite sports grounds. One of my favourite childhood memories is the 2000 Derry Antrim drawn game. However by the looks of the plans it will be a soulless looking stadium losing all of what made it such an iconic place. I also don't like Belfast.
Judging by my research this was the first time all 15 players in an Ulster winning team were from South Derry. I had thought 1958 was the same but it seems Sean O'Connell was on that team. To be fair though Slaughtneil and Glen feel like North Derry in my eyes. Once you hit the Glenshane it just doesn't feel like South Derry to me.
A beautiful experience to witness for a South Derry person particularly a 30 year old like me who doesn't remember the 1998 win. I am still a little bit drunk, I will remember it until the day I die.
Quote from: HokeyPokey on May 24, 2022, 11:59:05 AM
I'm very interested to see how Tyrone react.

They should have no shortage of motivation after the league fixture and many writing them off and calling the hardest won All-Ireland in years as a fluke. Tyrone have played in spurts this year and have it in them still I believe, I think I they were similar last year, but a much different dynamic now.

The home advantage worries me. Tyrone normally have an excellent record, especially in Croke Park, of beating other Ulster teams in the AI series.

How can you call that the hardest won All Ireland in years? They didn't even have to play a quarter final. Also they were able to miss out on playing Dublin. Mayo didn't play up to their usual standards in the final from what I remember.
Hopefully Armagh can beat them. I was in Armagh at the Derry game, I think we underestimate the history of that city, the most important region in Irish history basically. It certainly makes me feel proud about being part of the Archdiocese of Armagh.
The abortion argument is a complex one for me, on one hand I'm an incel bachelor so it is not like they are aborting my offspring. On the other hand the double standards irritate me, if a woman aborts she is praised and called responsible, if a man decides not to pay child support and not be a father he is ridiculed and called irresponsible. Women get a get out of jail card whereas men don't. There is also hypocrisy in the argument about when human life starts. It seems when a woman wants a baby life starts in the womb but when she decides to abort it is only a "clump of cells".

General discussion / Re: Premier League 2021-22
May 21, 2022, 09:47:37 PM
Quote from: From the Bunker on May 21, 2022, 03:57:07 PM
Quote from: Loughshore2022 on May 21, 2022, 03:18:12 PM
I stopped following soccer after all the abuse McClean got from fans, some of the comments I've read about him from English people were troubling. I was a Chelsea fan up until a few years ago and I am embarrassed to say I even went to some of their games. You used to see "No Surrender" scarves in stalls outside the stadium, a horrible club as seen by how they were welcomed to Windsor Park last year by the loyalists. When I was a boy I was attracted to their 2001 team and had no idea of the club's culture. I wouldn't go near English soccer again no matter what club it was.

In fairness McClean is his own worst enemy. He courts a lot of stuff on Social media.

I don't like him as I don't like anyone with a sleeve tattoo. However not wanting to help fund ex soldiers who attacked civilians in your city shouldn't be a reason for abuse. They say the poppy represents WW2 but where do they think the money raised goes? Most WW2 soldiers are dead. I cut that nonsense out of my life, it wasn't hard as soccer is a painful watch anyway.
I have an update on that situation, my father bumped into one of the committee members of the club. It turns out the club were accepting ticket requests from non members anyway. The reason being is because they never got around to selling on my road yet. This means that they do still do door to door membership sales so it isn't all online as you people say.