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Messages - Soup an Samajiz

Quote from: Throw ball on November 02, 2015, 05:44:07 PM
Quote from: Armamike on November 02, 2015, 05:39:28 PM
Quote from: Soup an Samajiz on November 02, 2015, 03:23:07 PM
not overly impressed with Cross yesterday - despite the love affair and the credit to the GAA that some posters have motioned... Caragin could/should have been maybe 4 up at half time, played all the football, thought Cross got a few easy frees in the first half to keep them in it. Thomas McCann was an awful disappointment on the day, wasn't involved in the play at all, pity, last few times I'd seen him play he was the most exciting player on the field every time. Sending off was criminal by the big 14, and I thought Caragin were winning the midfield battle well, Hanratty out on his feet too at the time, no need to put in the challenge he did for the second yellow, in zero danger at the time.
Game was won and lost however in the spell after half time with the first goal and the quick successive points, Caragin were far too open, naïve to let Aaron Kernan have a free role through the middle of the park all day, second half was a farce in that regard.
Funny in that I thought the scoreboard definitely flattered Cross and yet with the missed goal chances in the second half they could have won by more again. ... That's Fudball eh.

If i had one pound for every time i heard that spake about Cross over the past 20 year i would have a lot of pounds. Could have, should have but didn't.

Agree completely. Said the same thing to a Cargin man as I left the match yesterday.

well what do ye want me to say? they were up by 3 or so and then Cross got a few dubious frees in that spell and individual errors that hadn't happened in the first 25mins cost Caragin.
General discussion / Re: Gym
November 03, 2015, 08:56:45 AM
For all the controversy surrounding the leg raises there's a link

Quote from: INDIANA on November 02, 2015, 10:45:30 PM
Quote from: Soup an Samajiz on November 02, 2015, 11:18:07 AM
when we started with the weight trainin with the GAA club the manager had put up a workout to test how you were improving, tried it again during last week for the first time in over a year. Test yourself if you want. Think it's widely known as "The 300 workout". Anything sub-20min is good.

25 pull ups
50 deadlifts @ 60kg
50 press-ups
50 window washers @ 60kg (leg raises to the barbell in the bench position)
50 box jumps
50 Dumbbell clean and press @15Kg
25 chin ups

Your club manager is a clown. One of the stupidest programmes I've seen in a long time. Why would anyone do 50 box jumps?

It's just used as a stamina exercise, not saying it used to directly enhance explosiveness or anything... your missing the point, the routine isn't used every other night to provide gains, it was a session that we went back to monthly or so to measure progress. 50 box jumps is as valid an exercise to do as squat jumps or the likes. He was no clown I promise ye that!
General discussion / Re: Gym
November 02, 2015, 03:46:37 PM
Quote from: screenexile on November 02, 2015, 03:33:50 PM
25 pull ups and 25 chin ups . . . As someone whose max is 12 this would be a complete nightmare and that's before even looking at the rest which look damn tough but probably doable!

the 25 chins at the end are death, do them in sets of 3 even or whatever, just get ur chin above the bar.. trust me im definitely not banging out 25 pull ups with no stops  :-\
General discussion / Re: Gym
November 02, 2015, 03:44:05 PM
Quote from: The Iceman on November 02, 2015, 03:36:50 PM
Gaining or draining?
I don't think that workout would help long term with gains...

yeah I agree, that's what I was saying, we used it maybe a month apart to check progress.. bit of an competition/incentive just at the time
General discussion / Re: Gym
November 02, 2015, 03:26:59 PM
Quote from: gallsman on November 02, 2015, 02:47:04 PM
Quote from: Soup an Samajiz on November 02, 2015, 01:41:47 PM
Quote from: gallsman on November 02, 2015, 01:27:42 PM
Quote from: Soup an Samajiz on November 02, 2015, 11:18:07 AM
when we started with the weight trainin with the GAA club the manager had put up a workout to test how you were improving, tried it again during last week for the first time in over a year. Test yourself if you want. Think it's widely known as "The 300 workout". Anything sub-20min is good.

25 pull ups
50 deadlifts @ 60kg
50 press-ups
50 window washers @ 60kg (leg raises to the barbell in the bench position)
50 box jumps
50 Dumbbell clean and press @15Kg
25 chin ups

I don't understand how these window washer things work. Is it just leg extensions but using a bar rather than the machine?

Na na, imagine ur lying on the bench doing a bench press.. press the bar and hold it up there for the duration of the exercise, you then raise ur legs up and down to the bar - keeping the legs straight ensuring your feet don't touch the ground between reps, your shins will touch the bar.. Its just an exercise for your core, probably best to be done slow and controlled although with the purpose of that routine being speed it's kind of contradictory.

Seems a bit mad to press the bar and hold it there? Just lock your arms out with 60kg above you head all for a core exercise? Why not do it with a training bar and no weight on it?

Requires much more strength and core stability with increased weight... tougher exercise.

its meant to hit the lower abs, the weight on the BB helps counteract the weight of your legs
not overly impressed with Cross yesterday - despite the love affair and the credit to the GAA that some posters have motioned... Caragin could/should have been maybe 4 up at half time, played all the football, thought Cross got a few easy frees in the first half to keep them in it. Thomas McCann was an awful disappointment on the day, wasn't involved in the play at all, pity, last few times I'd seen him play he was the most exciting player on the field every time. Sending off was criminal by the big 14, and I thought Caragin were winning the midfield battle well, Hanratty out on his feet too at the time, no need to put in the challenge he did for the second yellow, in zero danger at the time.
Game was won and lost however in the spell after half time with the first goal and the quick successive points, Caragin were far too open, naïve to let Aaron Kernan have a free role through the middle of the park all day, second half was a farce in that regard.
Funny in that I thought the scoreboard definitely flattered Cross and yet with the missed goal chances in the second half they could have won by more again. ... That's Fudball eh.
General discussion / Re: Gym
November 02, 2015, 01:41:47 PM
Quote from: gallsman on November 02, 2015, 01:27:42 PM
Quote from: Soup an Samajiz on November 02, 2015, 11:18:07 AM
when we started with the weight trainin with the GAA club the manager had put up a workout to test how you were improving, tried it again during last week for the first time in over a year. Test yourself if you want. Think it's widely known as "The 300 workout". Anything sub-20min is good.

25 pull ups
50 deadlifts @ 60kg
50 press-ups
50 window washers @ 60kg (leg raises to the barbell in the bench position)
50 box jumps
50 Dumbbell clean and press @15Kg
25 chin ups

I don't understand how these window washer things work. Is it just leg extensions but using a bar rather than the machine?

Na na, imagine ur lying on the bench doing a bench press.. press the bar and hold it up there for the duration of the exercise, you then raise ur legs up and down to the bar - keeping the legs straight ensuring your feet don't touch the ground between reps, your shins will touch the bar.. Its just an exercise for your core, probably best to be done slow and controlled although with the purpose of that routine being speed it's kind of contradictory.
General discussion / Re: Gym
November 02, 2015, 11:18:07 AM
when we started with the weight trainin with the GAA club the manager had put up a workout to test how you were improving, tried it again during last week for the first time in over a year. Test yourself if you want. Think it's widely known as "The 300 workout". Anything sub-20min is good.

25 pull ups
50 deadlifts @ 60kg
50 press-ups
50 window washers @ 60kg (leg raises to the barbell in the bench position)
50 box jumps
50 Dumbbell clean and press @15Kg
25 chin ups
General discussion / Re: Gym
October 30, 2015, 03:06:10 PM
Slept in this morning, bit late for the gym before work in the city.. ended up literally just walking in and getting showered and ready for work. Looked the part walking out with the gym bag and the women coming in though.. see, every little helps
General discussion / Re: Gym
October 29, 2015, 02:39:40 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 29, 2015, 02:27:02 PM
Gyms are what you make them, using it as a place to come in and do a series of weight exercises to build muscle or using the cardio machines to get a level of fitness...

I was always wary of gym's being involved with he club meant I never needed to go to the gym, I wish I had have went when I was playing, have missed out of so much in my view..

I use the gym most days of the week, always changing routines.. its a great place for social interaction also, providing you stay at the same gym... My mix would be at the minute... A hiit class on a Tuesday followed by Balance/fusion class.. Wed would be cardio fitness in the morning before work, would be ten minutes on the stairmaster (which is brutal if you have it around 17) 20 minute run (3 miles) and ten minutes on the rower, after that some stomach drills and a good stretch... then that night would go to the pump class, sooooo many benefits to that class!!!! :P   Thursday would be Pilates, Friday morning a mix of cardio stuff and weights.... Saturday I have a double class  in the morning first thing, if I don't do the park run I go to a cardio blast class, its fecking tough and follow that with pump class... Sunday is a half hour pump class followed by Balance/fusion class... Monday rest!! It may seem a lot but morning work outs save you time away from the house and you have the rest of the day to do what's needed around the house.

Using the class means not using a PT, the PT's that take the classes have a lot of time for you and correct any issues they feel you are doing wrong, plus in a class of 23/24 people there generally is only about 3/4 lads, which is nice ;D 

As said above losing weight is simple, stop eating like a feck pig, cut out the pints and clean up your act... the gym will only tone you and give you fitness, it won't necessary lose you weight... and mix it up... hopefully back doing triathlons this year as was too busy last year, started back swimming again and it has given me new aches and pains!! All good, like I say, I wish I was this fit when I was playing!!

Oh I would never pay for a PT myself but can see the benefits of it if you are unsure of equipment or technique

Qwer goin that anyway, recently started morning sessions before work, still doin as many evenin workouts as I would have been before, feeling all the better for it.
General discussion / Re: Gym
October 29, 2015, 12:57:19 PM
Quote from: square_ball on October 29, 2015, 11:37:38 AM
Quote from: Soup an Samajiz on October 29, 2015, 11:04:13 AM
Quote from: gallsman on October 29, 2015, 10:55:14 AM
Quote from: square_ball on October 29, 2015, 10:48:49 AM
Agree with a lot of what is being said. Diet is definitely key. Get the batch of chicken fillets bought from the butcher and prep your meals every few days as it makes life so much easier. If your working in an office its actually ideal as you can bring in your fruit, nuts & lunches etc and you have no excuses really. Also get the water right as well - 2 or 3 litres a day minimum. Myfitnesspal is a good app to use initially just to understand exactly what you are eating.

As the lads have said getting a good strength based gym programme will do you wonders. I'd suggest something like Crossfit as an excellent form of conditioning even though it gets a bad rap (unjustified in my opinion). This time a year you are wasting your time running on roads and treadmills.

I actually enjoy this time of year when you can get on with your own thing before team training begins again in the new year.

Very justified in my opinion. Anything that encourages people to do power or Olympic lifts as quickly as possible in the name of competition is a no no in my books.

Always had an issue with this.. the thing about Crossfit is that it is a sport... this is where people go wrong from what I can see. You should use whatever millions of training regimes that are out there - to then go and compete at Crossfit, just like a Pro Weight lifter would train to then go out on competition day and push to the limit with very real chance of doin damage... but to use Crossfit as a training tool is not smart in my opinion... Absolutely train for Crossfit and then compete if that's your thing, but I wouldn't use Crossfit as a training regime... Unless ur Rich Froning.. then u can do whatever the frig you want

Again I would tend to disagree with that. The crossfit gym that I go to very few of them compete - its a form of exercise they enjoy doing. And I think that's what it is ultimately all about - if you enjoy Crossfit do it, if you enjoy bums and tums class do that or if you enjoy pounding a treadmill for an hour do that. In my experience from a GAA background I found it to be an excellent conditioning tool for getting fitter, faster and stronger. But i would recommend trying it rather than going on what you read and watch on the internet - i think you will find its a lot different that what you might imagine.

I'm actually a fan of Crossfit too, it's just as you say, if the coaching is poor where you have beginners being asked to perform Olympic lifts it is an absolute recipe for disaster. If your going to take part in Crossfit you need a solid background in lifting before going I think.

Quote from: square_ball on October 29, 2015, 11:42:17 AM
Quote from: No1 on October 29, 2015, 11:00:41 AM
Gallsman & square_ball, I'd be interested in hearing more of your views on Crossfit. I've heard a few different opinions and am still unsure. The only thing I know for sure is that it's expensive!

See my responses to the other posts. As i said its not the be all and end all of fitness but its something I enjoy and worked for me. It does come down to quality of coaching but that goes for anything fitness related. In terms of being expenses yeah i guess it is if you take the figures on their own but compare it to PTs who are charge £20 to £30 per session as well as gym membership on top of that then it isn't really.

I can't get over the prices some PT's are charging to be honest, they range from the extreme to the ridiculous, I was maybe lucky in that I had a few friends that started lifting before me and studied it and I got the benefit from that but I see a lot of people paying crazy money, £15 per person for a 1 on 3 45min session was one such example, which was for a group of relative beginners.. unreal
General discussion / Re: Gym
October 29, 2015, 11:04:13 AM
Quote from: gallsman on October 29, 2015, 10:55:14 AM
Quote from: square_ball on October 29, 2015, 10:48:49 AM
Agree with a lot of what is being said. Diet is definitely key. Get the batch of chicken fillets bought from the butcher and prep your meals every few days as it makes life so much easier. If your working in an office its actually ideal as you can bring in your fruit, nuts & lunches etc and you have no excuses really. Also get the water right as well - 2 or 3 litres a day minimum. Myfitnesspal is a good app to use initially just to understand exactly what you are eating.

As the lads have said getting a good strength based gym programme will do you wonders. I'd suggest something like Crossfit as an excellent form of conditioning even though it gets a bad rap (unjustified in my opinion). This time a year you are wasting your time running on roads and treadmills.

I actually enjoy this time of year when you can get on with your own thing before team training begins again in the new year.

Very justified in my opinion. Anything that encourages people to do power or Olympic lifts as quickly as possible in the name of competition is a no no in my books.

Always had an issue with this.. the thing about Crossfit is that it is a sport... this is where people go wrong from what I can see. You should use whatever millions of training regimes that are out there - to then go and compete at Crossfit, just like a Pro Weight lifter would train to then go out on competition day and push to the limit with very real chance of doin damage... but to use Crossfit as a training tool is not smart in my opinion... Absolutely train for Crossfit and then compete if that's your thing, but I wouldn't use Crossfit as a training regime... Unless ur Rich Froning.. then u can do whatever the frig you want
General discussion / Re: Gym
October 29, 2015, 09:35:24 AM
Quote from: TabClear on October 29, 2015, 09:30:15 AM
I plan on trying to start the preseason at the weekend.  I haven't played seriously for  about4  years and as someone the wrong side of 35 I'm not aiming for supreme fitness.  Just want to keep the weight off and hopefully be fit enough to play some reserve football.

I travel a lot with work so going to try a programme of 2 runs per week of about 7 miles and 3 days a week a hiit circuit regime I can do in the garage that takes about 45 minutes. With work and family commitments 3 days a week in the gym or classes is not realistic.

The diet side will be the hardest.  The freezer had been getting cleared over the last few weeks.  All the southern fried chicken, sausages etc are going and getting replaced by pork chops and chicken. One piece of advice, anyone who tells you turkey bacon is just the same as the real thing is a lying b**tard!  :-X

better men than me would say prepping your meals all at the start of the week is the way to go, iv seen a number of people do it successfully
General discussion / Re: Jamie Bryson
October 29, 2015, 09:14:38 AM
Ulster and Israel.. I just don't know anymore... I would take pity on Jamie's blind stupidity but people are being massacred. 
General discussion / Re: Gym
October 29, 2015, 09:06:05 AM
I've noticed people in the gym regularly over the course of this past 2 years and they're doing the same 6-7 exercises they've always done - don't underestimate the important of changing your routine up regularly, ud be surprised how much it "shocks" the body. Finished on the rowing machine last night towards the end of the session for the first time in months and months after talk of it on the forum here yesterday... buckled.