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Messages - High Wide and Handsome


I hate crusiers who drive round the town in circles which they refer to as laps. I dont mind if ur driving an aston martin or a fuckin ferrari but a corsa makin the sound a elephant does when it shits is not cool. Also what the f**k does a fiesta need a spoiler 4? it doesnt need it to help it stick to the road. it cant go 15mph. also the little shits, who are that small they cant c over the wheel and they are lyin back in their seats with baseball caps on. surely they cant c the road!!! I could do on and probably will at a later date but jesus this does my tits in. get a fuckin life and go out on a sat nite not sit in a car park talkin bout how ur saxo is gettin a "DUMP VALVE". SHITE!!!!

I'm not apologising if i offended some1. I like cars. Nice cars, rallying etc. Not cars which cost £50 and you spend £3000 doing up! f**k IT!
General discussion / Re: Corny One for Friday
June 19, 2009, 04:01:25 PM
Quote from: full back on June 19, 2009, 03:28:32 PM
Quote from: illdecide on June 19, 2009, 03:26:00 PM
To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity

1.At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2.Page Yourself Over The Intercom.Don't Disguise Your Voice!
3. Every Time Someone Asks YouToDo Something,ask If They Want Fries with that.
4.Put Decaf In TheCoffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten Over TheirCaffeine Addictions,Switch to Espresso.
5.In the Memo Field Of All Your Cheques , Write 'For Marijuana.
6.Skipdown the hallRather Than Walkand see how many looks you get.
7.Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat,with a serious face.
8.Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is'To Go'.
9.Sing Along At The Opera.
10.Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because Youhave a headache.
11.When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream'I Won! I Won!'
12.When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards theParking lot, Yelling'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'
13. Tell Your Children Over Dinner,'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.'
And The Final WayTo Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity

:D :D

Agree. Feakin hilarious!!!
LOL I was there. It seemed funny at the time.

Sorry lol
Quote from: saffron sam2 on June 19, 2009, 08:51:18 AM
Quote from: SidelineKick on June 19, 2009, 08:18:16 AM
Quote from: High Wide and Handsome on June 19, 2009, 08:14:39 AM
Derry club game which got heated.

Midfielder and centre half forward have been going at it all game with big hits and off the ball shit.

Eventually it comes to a head when the midfield is shouldered in the back by the CHF then recieves the ball immediately. The CHF is too late to get a challenge in for a 2nd time as the midfielder lays off the ball he fills in the CHF cutting a massive gash across his eye.

As he was walking off the field he is getting dogs abuse and not really liking it. Until an oul man standing at the wire, the type of man that is football crazy where everything goes,  shouts, "Ah f**k it lad, ye may as well get shot for a cow as a calf!"


Not really.


Apologise Saffron and sideline!
Derry club game which got heated.

Midfielder and centre half forward have been going at it all game with big hits and off the ball shit.

Eventually it comes to a head when the midfield is shouldered in the back by the CHF then recieves the ball immediately. The CHF is too late to get a challenge in for a 2nd time as the midfielder lays off the ball he fills in the CHF cutting a massive gash across his eye.

As he was walking off the field he is getting dogs abuse and not really liking it. Until an oul man standing at the wire, the type of man that is football crazy where everything goes,  shouts, "Ah f**k it lad, ye may as well get shot for a cow as a calf!"

GAA Discussion / Re: The Greatest Point
June 19, 2009, 08:08:40 AM

Quote from: Captain Black on June 19, 2009, 01:33:26 AM
derry will be fucked at midfield. murphy is too f**king slow. he doent have the engine. the other options are pish

captain black i think this is pretty harsh! murphy plays week in for his club at midfield and to be honest i think he is better midefielder than half forward. bear in mind that i have maybe only seen him a half dozen times midefeild but he has never done anything wrong on those occassions. midefield in derry club games is always well contested, i dont think i have ever cn patsy bradley, ferghal doc, enda muldoon or the likes dominating that area against my club before. These are counties players supposidly heads and shoulders above the rest. I am not saying they are not all great footballers, as they all are, but I think at midfield its more about contesting and getting stuck in. Its a different story if you have a flying forward on a poor back. There is no contest. Also donegal one 2/3 of kick outs against antrim according to the irish news on monday. didnt do them much use! Still dont think murphy will be walked over if he starts midfield. too smart a footballer for that!

Diore abu
At a club game in derry about 6 weeks ago and the game was getting pretty spicy with the crowd starting to get on the disater of a referees back as his point awarding abilities were wayward to say the least.

With our half back being sent of for a dubious challange there was a few off us along the line when the ball game roaring down with an oppostion player breakin his balls to get it! He kept it in brillaintly but a crowd of us start shouting from behind the wire, BALLS OUT!" an oppostion supporter goes clean mad, taking into consideration this is probably the longest commute we have to a game so the reltionship between supporters is generally astranged.

He proclaims " Here get a fuckin honest -------(club)---- man to do the bastarding line! That ball was in by a mile!"

A man repsonse from the crowd. "Sorry! Wont happen again! See honesty is the best policy!"

General discussion / Re: Shoite joke thread
June 18, 2009, 08:24:27 AM
General discussion / Re: Corny One for Friday
June 17, 2009, 05:51:58 PM
Good true story.

After leaving the pub I was well oiled on a sunday nite and started to walk home. I was then lifted by a respectable member of society who usually would not be so fortcoming but decided to let me in on a wee secret.

Conversation as follows,

Well lad hows the form.

Me- Not to bad hi. Just in for a few to take the edge of last nite. Going home here now to hit the hay.

f**k i wish i was young again to be able to do that.

Me- Ah f**k it hi let the hair down.


Then the driver starts to fidget with his trousers and I slightly worry.

Here lad I cant wait til get home.

(Me thinking he has shit himself)

Me- Ok

I cant wait til get home ................. and get the wifes knickers off!!

(I turn bright purple out of sheer embarrassment and nod)

Me Ah rite fair play fella!


Think i ended up near shittin myself with laughter!
Unfortunately it will be tyrone by a goal. A lead they will build up by half way through 2nd half a cruise to victory with that cushion. I think Derry will give it a good go though and show their is plenty of depth and strenght in the county. After all we are missing a good half team of players.

Doire Abu
General discussion / Re: Summer Songs
June 17, 2009, 04:28:00 PM
Quote from: Treasurer on June 16, 2009, 03:03:39 PM
Ok, I know you've all been waiting with bated breath, after a bit of debate here,  here's the final list for the 2 cd's, no doubt it would completely different if we did it again in an hour!  There's a few dodgy ones but democracy rules!!

Bright Side Of The Road
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Let's Twist Again
National Express
Ring of Fire
Bad moon rising
C'mon Everybody
Dreaming Of You
Got My Mind Set On You
Dearg Doom - Horslips
Hotel Yorba
I Walk the Line
Stuck In The Middle With You
Boys Of Summer Don Henley
Glory Days
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
It's Raining Men
Chelsea Dagger
Everybody Needs Somebody To Love
I Am A Man of Constant Sorrow
Brown Eyed Girl
Girls in Their Summer Clothes
Down At The Twist & Shout
King Of The Road
Say You Love Me
The Twist
In The Summertime
Don t Worry Be Happy
Mr. E's Beautiful Blues
End Of The Line
All I'm Thinkin' About
Be Yourself
Sunny Afternoon
Summertime Blues
Let Me Entertain You
Summer Of 69
No Particular Place To Go
Start Me Up
Walking On Sunshine
Little Less Conversation
Suspicious Minds
Galway Girl
Mambo No 5
Here comes the Summer

You really like summer songs!!!

Kid rock all summer long!
Derry took up the group stages last year as it was a load of crap. Senior teams from first divison generally beating 2nd div senior teams. In a group of 4 the last game was usually a waste of space or not even played.

This year though its back door. Have to admit I prefer the back door. It takes more an element of luck out of the scenario and also its not county football, the average club doesnt have the great strength and depth that county sides have. It allows for injuries and also the championship is what players train for, not the league. Having at least 2 really competitive games in a year is what the average man who travels across county every week deserves.

What anyone else think?
Quote from: SidelineKick on June 17, 2009, 02:36:45 PM
Quote from: fitzroyalty on June 17, 2009, 02:04:47 PM
considering the teams invovled, will this be the biggest gathering of inbred heures to be witnessed in one place???

No Tyrone and Dublin managed to fill Croker.

I concur!
Quote from: southderryman on June 16, 2009, 10:16:24 PM
Quote from: High Wide and Handsome on June 16, 2009, 10:15:17 PM
Sean Leo @ Full Back???

Cudnt b serious!

what you on about?

Sorry complete mis read! Though it said SL ffor Sean Leo but was SML for you know who.
