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Messages - DuffleKing


Yip - they're just 2/3 world class players short apparently...
GAA Discussion / Re: Exprimental Football Rules
April 18, 2009, 02:11:39 PM

Most Clubs weren't asked by their county boards. county executives made their own decesions without consulting with any membership.

duffy, daly and o'neill called county chairmen to a meeting in croke park 3 weeks ago to explain to them that they had to ignore the canvassing of managers and players and get these rules through. these change were essential to take the association forward apparently and chairmen needed to show "real leadership" and mandate accordingly.

i am not denigrading everything daly has done for the association but in recent years he is fixating on making money. fair enough but he can't expect that to be everyone's approach.

O'neill is a clown. Again, what is his current position within the association?
GAA Discussion / Re: Exprimental Football Rules
April 18, 2009, 01:55:31 PM
Quote from: tyrone86 on April 18, 2009, 01:34:03 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on April 18, 2009, 12:54:50 PM
I think its ridiculous if the US President who is the most powerful man in the world- ie he decides the world's fate. yet he is elected by a simple majority ie 51%. This two thirds majority thing is an anachronism at this stage.

Well, actually, he isn't. Without getting into specifics (feel free to google away), it's the electoral college system that elects the President.

After several failed attempts to railroad new rules into the games, is there any chance of Liam O'Neill, Pat Daly et al accepting this result? I doubt it

Can anyone tell me Liam O'Neill's position within the association? I've never thought of him as anything other than out of touch.

Pat Daly is interested only in revenue increasing endevours, which makes me wonder exactly what his big interest in this has been
GAA Discussion / Re: Exprimental Football Rules
April 18, 2009, 01:52:56 PM
Quote from: Zulu on April 18, 2009, 01:44:04 PM
QuoteIf I want a game that includes everything from intensity, physicality, score-taking, fouling, tackling I'll take last year's rules thank you very much.

We all want that but we surely want them in the right proportions i.e. high intensity, real physicality, plenty of scores, few fouls and genuine quality tackling. Games with lots of fouls tend to be low in intensity, lack real physicality, are low scoring and are riddled with poor tackling. This was an attempt to address this and in our wisdom we decided not to give them a good look, instead some think they can predict the future based on a handful of games.

QuoteAfter several failed attempts to railroad new rules into the games, is there any chance of Liam O'Neill, Pat Daly et al accepting this result? I doubt it

Yes trialling new rules and offering the membership the chance to vote on them is 'railroading' them through.

I'll ask again - how did you vote on this?
GAA Discussion / Re: Exprimental Football Rules
April 18, 2009, 01:11:21 PM

What way did all you guys vote during your clubs' debate on this?
GAA Discussion / Re: Exprimental Football Rules
April 18, 2009, 12:55:09 PM
Quote from: Hardy on April 18, 2009, 12:47:39 PM
Quote from: carnaross on April 18, 2009, 12:37:26 PM
Motion lost by 8 votes

Is this true?

Wonderful news if it is.

Wonderful news is right.

The only people i see talking in positive terms about this experiment are these bigwigs in headquarters (o'neill, duffy, brennan, etc.) and county board officials.

Since the middle of the league, county managers have consistently argued against them. the county players, who are the people actually trying to chang their games to suit, voted 82% to bin the. coloqueal (sp) evidence suggests that a vast majoriy of gaels are opposed.

There should be an enquiry here as to why croke park were able to bypass the membership on this occasion and strongarm a decision of this magnitude to only 8 votes from a 2/3 majority when in reality noone wants the change

It'd be great to win the fa cup but it can't be a priority now. there'll be men rested tomorrow
GAA Discussion / Re: Exprimental Football Rules
April 18, 2009, 11:55:11 AM

The only thing that these experimental things have introduced is a hugely increased likelihood that you'll be sent off for genuinely attempting to make a tackle.
Quote from: longrunsthefox on April 18, 2009, 10:20:58 AM
Name the European cup medal winner whose brother managed at team to an the All Ireland final? ..better still name the brother!

Martin O'Neill's brother Gerry managed armagh to the 77 all ireland final
GAA Discussion / Re: Exprimental Football Rules
April 18, 2009, 11:18:29 AM

give me an experimental rule that will improve the game
Quote from: AFS on April 17, 2009, 04:19:19 PM
You 'know' they walked, as do quite a few on this board and others. When questioned about how you know you refer to 'a very good authority' - in other words, your mate sent you a text or some bullshit. A whole pile of complete and utter shite being written on this thread, but then again we wouldn't be Irish if we didn't like a good gossip.

As I've already stated, lads like Neil O'Rourke and Barry McDonald were never likely to get anywhere near a championship team no harm to them. They are lads that were only retained from the McKenna Cup panel because we were missing 7 or 8 guys out with Cross and injury. Once the Cross guys and lads like Toner and Donaghy, who had been injured, returned the services of those 6 or 7 retainees were no longer needed. FFS Barry McDonald and Mal Mackin have been playing in the McKenna Cup for us for years now before usually being dropped well before the championship. I suppose you can add lads like Gareth Smyth to your list of 'walkers'  ::)

On Paddy McKeever - I wouldn't be surprised if he was dropped, however its more likely that he was given a hint or two that he wasn't much needed this year and decided to go out of his own accord. McDonnell obviously doesn't fancy him, he used him very sparingly last year and despite having him available, he only used him as a sub once or twice in this year's McKenna Cup. Too many miles on the clock I'm afraid, and plenty of significantly younger players capable of offering just as much at the minute.

I asked one of the players. He says its haywire at the minute.

Fair enough if you think those players are not good enough but who are you to decide? There's something wrong when so many players are walking at the same time. Gareth Smyth should indeed have been on that list.

Nice of you to stick the boot in paddy McKeever when you haven't the faintest idea why he left the panel.
GAA Discussion / Re: Exprimental Football Rules
April 18, 2009, 10:19:47 AM
Quote from: Zulu on April 17, 2009, 07:43:51 PM
I've only just sat down and read the posts since my last one now and if ever there was argument for retaining the rules you boys have made it. Anyone who declared opposition to the rules in the last two pages has done so in the form of bluster and bullshit, I have yet to see one rational, coherently made argument against the rules based on any facts. According to ye, the new rules are being pushed through by administrators, they'll take the physicality out of football, O'Neill is basing his run for presidency on it, small clubs will be ruined, administrators are more interested in entertainment (perish the thought), lads who travel bacjk from the states for a match must be considered and best of all ye say the refs aren't implementing them anyway, so what the hell is yer problem. Not one argument was put forward that the football has been poor or that games have been decided by the rules, or any such thing.

Nobody on this board has been able to name one match ruined by the rules yet yer up in arms, I hope these rules get through because I want to see where they'll take the game, if it isn't in a positive direction then we can get rid of them but lazy tackling, negative tactics (blocking the runner) and cynical fouling aren't being punished severly enough. This is an attempt to do that and as such it is worth a futher look. 

Noone has made a single coherent arguent for making these rule changes
The second part was aimed at AFS

What has happened to shane ryan's standing?
GAA Discussion / Re: Exprimental Football Rules
April 17, 2009, 03:42:41 PM

cork and dublin also yes. other probable yes votes include all living presidents and central council members.