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Messages - Rossfan

Quote from: dublinfella on March 26, 2007, 08:30:34 PM

the land was to be given back to SDCC in return for completion of the stadium. is the PR chorus denying this now? Are you claiming Shamrock Rovers never owned the site? ........
and Rovers sold f**k all. .... you think the club itself sold the ground.
. Rossfan, you clearly arent stupid, how can you be so wrong on this basic tenent of the case after all the press this week?

ONE -SDCC recovered the LEASE on the site they gave a limited company who owned Shams to build a Stadium.They took it back because the thing had stalled for years.
SDCC then went through the Local Authority version of planning to complete the Stadium. This entailed seeking submissions from the public and making a decision in light of the submissions. The end result was the Councillors agreed with the GAA submission that the Free Municipal Stadium should also include the major sport of Gaelic Games. Then enter the Kerry B*******s.
THREE - Shams or their owners at the time SOLD the Milltown lands for money which wasnt put back into the game - unlike the GAA sales you have a problem with.
FOUR - Thanks for the complement - I wish I could return it but you believe an incorrect version of the facts and as for what you read in papers -- FFS man - wise up.
TWO-Shamrock NEVER OWNED THE LAND IN TALLAGHT - they got a lease of a site to build a Stadium.
Quote from: dublinfella on March 26, 2007, 05:18:37 PM
bottlethrower,  i dont live on the internet. not getting a reply immediatly doenst mean im hiding, its just .

Hardy, Rovers have a deal. . They give SDCC the land,

More lying crap -- the land belongs and has for years to Sth Dublin county Council.
Shams SOLD thier land back in the 1980s.
GAA Discussion / Re: Dublin v Fermanagh
March 24, 2007, 08:46:18 PM
About 1-9 to 0-3  - not for Fermanagh
GAA Discussion / Re: keep soccer in croker!!!
March 24, 2007, 08:31:05 PM
It was the best advert for hurling and football I've seen for many a year  ;)
Quote from: dublinfella on March 23, 2007, 01:54:30 PM

....his point on rathcoole is central to the ministers stance.his attitude has always been that the gaa have been given land nearby  .....

For F *** sake cut the crap.
The Dublin County Board BOUGHT land near Rathcoole from the County Council.
PLEASE NOTE B O U G H T[/b] not G I V E N.
I know thats a foreign concept to a soccer eejit like Roversfella.
I understand there is no access to these lands till the Council build a road but they are having trouble doing so as it is intended that the same road will give access to lands they have earmarked for a Traveller Site.
Maybe the GAA should stop paying the rest of the debt and wait till the Minister for Sport rides to the rescue. ;D :D
Quote from: dublinfella on March 22, 2007, 08:41:45 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on March 22, 2007, 08:33:12 PM
Quote from: dublinfella on March 22, 2007, 08:29:03 PM

. however .... rugby, underage and womens gaelic games are welcome.

Since when and says who? other than you of course  :D ;D ;D :D

the minister, the chairman of rovers, even Kennedy from TD

In other words Anybody except the landowners  - (i.e the local Council not Shamrock Beggers >:(
Quote from: dublinfella on March 22, 2007, 08:29:03 PM

. however .... rugby, underage and womens gaelic games are welcome.

Since when and says who? other than you of course  :D ;D ;D :D
Ya half baked eejit - Liam's comments were more than likely drefted a week ago.
Judgement has "been reserved" - which I think usually means the Judge wants to go away and think about it and probably read up on the Law in this area.
A decision will be given "in due course" no doubt.
Quote from: dublinfella on March 20, 2007, 12:29:30 PM

the GAA never partook in the public consultation. 

Absolute and utter LIE .
I have gone to the trouble of reading the Sth Dublin Council Minutes if their meeting of December 2005.
There's a big long report on the submissions received as part of the PUBLIC CONSULTATION PROCESS.
It refers to the submissions of Dublin Co Board and Cumann Tomás Dáibhis who both stated that a Municipal Stadium should be available for Gaelic Games also.
Please stop lying on this saga - opinions are one thing and are to be respected but untruths are another matter.
Excellent article as always from TH.
I think Mr Humphries makes my points much better than I ever could.As for "Dublin"fella(Maybe Shamsfella be more apt???) when are you going to stop spoofing that Shamrock Rovers put money into  the Stadium?
Quote from: dublinfella on March 18, 2007, 08:14:21 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on March 18, 2007, 03:46:18 PM


you are lying. TD arent even suggesting that in the High Court.

the panicked reaction from TD at the last possible point they could object. not during planning etc.

Point one - I'm not lying -why was the builder only paid the amount of the Lotto Grant and left being owed €400k.All he got was the amount of the lotto grant.They might have given a few bob to whoever drew up plans/Engineers or whatever but to the building itself -NOTHING.

Point 2 -you can't object in the normal sense when a Local Authority is proposing something. They advertise and seek public submissions. Either Thos Davis alone or all the GAA clubs in Tallaght(I'm told there are 5 ? a good lot of votes there !!! and one of them is SF "friendly" I believe) wrote in saying that a municipal stadium should be also available for GAA games which led to the Councillors original vote to amend the plans to make the pitch big enough for football/hurling.
Then enter the Kerry  ******ks with his Sham Rovers/Soccer only  - followed by the application to the Courts by Davis's.
Quote from: dublinfella on March 18, 2007, 03:31:53 AM
the council have payed nothing yet.

we need the actual facts of the situation out there, and with respect Rossfan, you arent helping.

The SDCC have paid quite an amount of money on this -I will get the amount from my mate the South Dublin Council official when he's back working next week.
I am obviously not helping your selective opinion on this matter by telling the inconvenient  truth.
As for the original proposal  - THAT WAS _THE COUNCIL GAVE A SITE TO SHAMS ,SHAMS APPLIED FOR PLANNING TO BUILD A STADIUM WHICH THEY WOULD BUILD WITH LOTTO FUNDING AND PRESUMABLY 25% OF THEIR OWN. They were to pay a rent of £10,000 to the Council none of which was paid.
Then the Council took back the lease after 5 or 6 years of looking at a semi derelict site and no rent coming in.
Then the Council went through the Special Planning process for Local Authorities to build a soccer only Stadium. After all the public submissions were examined the Councillors voted to amend the plans that were put out for public consumption to make the pitch big enough to accomodate Gaelic Games .
This was only right as it was now to be a totally public funded "Municipal Stadium" which imlpies that Soccer/GAA/Rugby/Hockey or anyone else could seek to use it -presumably by applying to and paying the Council for its use.
But enter the pompous ass from Kerry -"Soccer or nothing"
As for the Independent having facts - dont make me laugh -that rag ::)
Quote from: dublinfella on March 17, 2007, 02:09:23 PM
[outfit Shamrock Rovers seem to be exempt from that.

. SRFC have put €2m in. .

They get the builder to do €2.3m worth of work - and then got grant of IR£ 1.5m(€1.9m).
The Council had to pay the Builder the other €400k.