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Messages - Rossfan

Quote from: Donagh on July 27, 2007, 11:36:37 PM
No Kildare or Roscommon. The most obvious I would have thought.

We'd be happy to have a manager and some players . :'(
Quote from: Lone Shark on July 27, 2007, 08:27:14 PM
. Wrapping every GAA pitch in a bow and handing them to the FAI.....

Bejasus the FAI would soil themselves with horror if they were handed 2,000 excellent pitches/dressing rooms,clubhouses etc.
I wonder how long would it take them to lose the whole lot. ;D
Mayo must be up there somewhere - they ran Moran/Morrison because they lost an All Ireland Final in 2006. :D
They were about to run Maughan( >:() until he jumped because they lost an All Ireland Final in 2004. :D
Didnt they also push O'Mahony out in 1990 because they lost the final in 1989. :D

Very high standards indeed.
Quote from: magpie seanie on July 27, 2007, 03:06:41 PM
Silke is some f**ker for doing that.

Agreed - but without the "for doing that" bit  :D
A voluntary organisation can have what ever rules it likes. If you dont like the rules then you dont join it.
However if an amateur sports man wants to switch sports he has every right to do so and putting in some rule to ban it will not make much difference.
Of course if GAA went professional (which wont happen)they could charge the Aussies transfer fees ;)
**** **** ya ******** ya
Why didnt all those Irish emigrants for the last 120 years teach their children to play Gaelic Games.
They could have a player pool of millions by this stage.
Quote from: dublinfella on July 26, 2007, 04:49:34 PM
backwoodsmen sprouting the predicitble garbage.

Stop constantly telling deliberate falsehoods on this board and people might take you a bit more seriously. >:(

I love the use of the term "backwoodsmen" - it's usually used by soccerites to describe GAA people who dont think soccer is wonderful. ;)
Quote from: dublinfella on July 26, 2007, 02:38:04 PM

but what gives rover the right to a free stadium?????????

they have put millions into it and own the land.


More absolute lies from this cnut???
They DO NOT own the land - the public throught the local Council owns the land.
Millions of what - they got €1.5 million OUT of it the useless shower of ******s
BEGGARS the lot of them.

Moderators - can this be closed again as there is no need to keep giving this clown space to spout absolute lies non stop and annoy the rest of us in the process.
Quote from: Tyrone Dreamer on July 26, 2007, 01:31:40 PM
I see there's talk in the papers croke park will stay opne beyond 2009 for big soccer and rugby games.
Is this not another Breheny Bullshit non story??
Nobody is quoted no evidence etc just a comment that the extra 30,000 capacity would generate more money for FAI/IRFU and rent for GAA.
Sure why not forget about Lansdowne Road atogether?
Another 65 pages of lies from Shamsfella coming up?
Shamrock rovers plans for Stadium  - HAHAHAHAHA
Sit on their hands f or 7 years and wait for a daft Council and lily livered Minister to spend € 14 m of our money on providing the miserable b*******s with a free Stadium after  paying them €1.5m to get a lease back that should not have been given in the first place till the thing was built.
God give me patience with Soccer beggars. They are well named by the OW"c"ers. :D
Quote from: nifan on July 25, 2007, 04:07:41 PM
Quoteso please,spare me the hypocricy of OWCers complaining about issues like this
Tony, you have often used the term removing the mote from ones eye, and i guess your attitude could . I do feel that SF have put pressure on by wedding the whole thing to the conflict centre - they said there would be no stadium withought it.

Sinn Féin are a major part of Government in the 6 north Eastern Counties so I presume they can influence an awful lot of things these days ;)
Quote from: Evil Genius on July 24, 2007, 04:17:53 PM
the wholly "monocultural" nature of the GAA

The GAA was formed to prevent  Ireland becoming a monocultural British entity.
Methinks we have succeeded. :D
General discussion / Re: Saw Doctors Fans
July 24, 2007, 12:44:57 PM
Sam -You can spit in me tay; steal my pint; go to bed with my lassie ; call me anything you want but 
claim that Ballagh is in Mayo
General discussion / Re: Saw Doctors Fans
July 24, 2007, 12:08:20 AM
Ballaghadereen - RN cars ,Ros Co Council Water and Sewers and Roads,Roscommon/Sth Leitrim constituency, etc etc et bloody cetera.