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Messages - Dougal Maguire

General discussion / Re: Horslips ride again
November 28, 2009, 10:09:44 PM
Yeah, I was dead lucky to be there. It was a fantastic gig and I can assure you that if the Odyssey gig is half as good it'll be a belter
General discussion / Re: Drink Bargins
November 28, 2009, 05:39:13 PM
Well I certainly have no appreciation of the so called quality beer drinkers. It all goes out the one way whether it cost 50p per tin or £2.00. Mind you if you're ever in a supermarket in Italy or France you'll see Tennants standing proudly on the shelves there too and I'm sure that as we speak some sophisticated Italian ponces are discussing how much Peroni and Nastro Azzurro tastes like piss and how the Scots brew such superior beers. It's a funny old world
General discussion / Re: Drink Bargins
November 28, 2009, 04:24:23 PM
I love to listen to those pretentious tosspots who think they're sophisticated because they drink stuff like Franziskaner or Peroni or Neff or any other of those ponce beers at about £2 per bottle. Me, I'm a bucket of Tennants man and it gives me great enjoyment when I pick it up at 3 cases for £20 when it's on offer, that the aforementioned pretentious tosspots are subsidizing my supping.  Long may it last.
General discussion / Re: Horslips ride again
November 28, 2009, 10:07:45 AM
I was at that practice gig last night as well. It was fantastic, they sound as good now as they did 30 years ago and boy did they put on a great show. That stuff on the Late Late Show was stoic compared when compared with last night. If anyone had reservations about going, don't have, these will be some gigs. Johnny Fean's brother on drums gives a great dimension because with his goatee and long hair he looks like a retro member of the group, and boy can he drum. My only disappointment is that I can only get to the Odyssey gig as I'm out of the country at the weekend otherwise I'd have gone to the 02 as well.
General discussion / Re: Back-pay for low-paid Catholics
November 24, 2009, 07:46:15 PM
Whatever you think yourself
General discussion / Kenny confronted on Frontline
November 14, 2009, 10:29:46 AM
Don't know if there's a thread about this already, if there is I apologise. Sad thing here is how the audience treated the protester. The guy deserved a standing ovation.
GAA Discussion / Re: Kerry v Cork All Ireland Final 2009
September 20, 2009, 09:04:19 PM
Despite the fact that he was wearing an Armagh jersey, my 14 year old son managed to get Paul Galvin's boots and Kieran Donaghy's gloves after the match was over. Full marks to both guys for this
No harm to the bride but she's no looker. Mind you neither were any of the bridesmaids
GAA Discussion / Feile 2009 Co Kildare
July 02, 2009, 10:57:51 PM
Good luck to Sihane O'Neills U14 Girls  representing Co Armagh in the 2009 Football Feile at the weekend
General discussion / Re: Horslips ride again
July 02, 2009, 01:59:51 AM
God this is great news all together. Its been a long time coming but hopefully it'll be worth the wait
Or does Ireland have a less rigorous drug testing system
General discussion / Re: Jade Goody
May 01, 2009, 10:59:05 AM
I see Jade has a new book out.  Gives new meaning to the term Ghost Writer. It's called My Battle Against Cancer. Now I don't want to spoil the ending but...