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Messages - Armagh Girl

Great game for Armagh, the sound from the crowd all around the Grounds was immense. Hard Luck to Tyrone, but it laughable the ones on here complaining, they were diving all over the show and getting very easy frees in 1st half, at 1 stage Hampsey was on the back of one of our boys......Armagh were unlucky not to have been further ahead.  After the Injury to Mackin (which i hope he is OK) and long delay, Tyrone got a few points but thankfully Armagh kept going, so hopefully they keep this kind of play up for the next game.  Armagh Abu!
We got our Season Tickets for The Stand .....logged in about 12pm yesterday, looks like we are between midfield and 30 metre line......took ages as Ticketmaster kept logging me out. (You had to hit on a week picture of a seat in the best available)..
BH you are an absolute Trouper.......glad you are doing so well, and hope you continue to improve.  Stay Safe too
General discussion / Re: building a house
May 03, 2022, 09:59:55 PM
Just paid around £3600 for NIE to take a cable across land underground 150metres.  Put an application or make an enquiry to NIE as they are really on the ball at getting back to you, they will carry out a survey and also give you a Dual Pricing for Full Works Option and Non Contestable Option (we chose the Full Works as it was most competitive).  We had a fella Mark McConaghey in NIE who dealt with us and he was brilliant from start to finish.  If for some reason you don't go ahead with it you don't have to. It is all very smooth running and everything was done at the time he stated it would be. 
Well Congrats to Donegal they were a better prepared Team than Armagh and certainly had a game plan.  Armagh's decision to keep going backwards with the Ball to GK was just horrific to watch, thought going into the game if we had any chance of winning we needed to be even or ahead at half time.  Then for Geezer to continue with same old and only make 1 change at half time was unbelievable.  Ban Gallagher running right through the middle time and time again, no one near him and Geezer standing in front of us with his arms folded, still keeping his same favourites on.  It was always going to take us to be on our best to get out of Ballybofey with a win, and we were just awful.  Hopefully the Team can pick themselves up from yesterday for their next game. 
Best of Luck to Donegal in the next round as i expect Cavan will be no walkover.  Have to say we had a great wee day in Ballybofey, enjoyed the chat and craic with the locals and even time for craic with the great Brian McEniff, a complete gentleman who had great time for the Armagh folk around him yesterday. 
GAA Discussion / Re: Appeals
April 20, 2022, 09:04:40 PM
Whilst the rule book states "Any video footage as long as it's 'reliable and unedited'. Back and white can be used", this still has to be provided by a proper media outlet, to be credible to stand up to Appeals etc.   Unlike the Social Media evidence that appears to have been used by RTE Sunday Game etc, which not only does it not show the beginning of the Melee but appears to show only parts of what actually happened.  How RTE were even permitted to show this given it was not actual footage from a proper camera at the match also begs questions for the Legal Teams.  Both Teams were entitled to appeal and it is actually laughable the uproar at present from Donegal and other counties......having been at the match and viewed exactly what started it.....Murphy attacking Grogan with a Lines Man right beside them ....  Donegal only took their punishment as they were afraid of video evidence of this being provided.  More worrying for the GAA was the fact that Donegal Stewards pushing and shoving Armagh players to the ground during the Melee, were clearly seen on this Unofficial Video evidence and yet nothing has been said or done about that, which was much worse that the players actions! 
In reply to Ed Ricketts -  Oh Yes £1400 is correct if you are on Employment Support Allowance and getting all the premiums along with the higher rate of DLA/PIP......
Well perhaps if the Benefit System in the UK not as generous and appealing they wouldn't be trying to get in.  When you can get £1400 a month as a single person to lie in your bed and not have to pay or worry about your Mortgage, Rates, etc and your Rent also paid for you, sure why wouldn't you want to get into UK, whilst the rest of us who are working, and have always worked pay for it! I agree with others it isn't just the Foreign Nationals that are not contributing.....there are plenty of Irish and Brits that have never contributed either. 
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 1 2022
March 30, 2022, 04:15:22 PM
Well, the inconsistency is the you all well know, if you are a Team North of the Border, there is no chance the GAA Hierarchy or the Southern Media will forget to mention on every news outlet available that there was a melee.  But if it happens in Kerry or Dublin, it is only handbags, nothing to see here and not mentioned!  Well we'll just watch and see what happens throughout the championship when other Teams are involved. 
Days like Sunday happen when neighboring Ulster Teams go at it hell for leather and the adrenaline is still pumping even when the game is over.  In the past few weeks Armagh have played Tyrone, Monaghan and Donegal where there is fierce rivalry from all of those counties, with each other,  and for which i am glad there is, as it brings to the atmosphere of the game.  Much rather have that than watch Kerry, Dublin, or Mayo beat other counties within their province by a cricket score,  So roll on 24th April Armagh Abu!
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 1 2022
March 30, 2022, 03:43:00 PM
So 3 for Armagh and 2 for Donegal.........don't know how they picked Soupy out of all that was happening in real time, and why only 2 for Donegal......??.  But, we were involved and need to take the punishment and move on, although it is hard to comprehend how out of all that happened, Michael Murphy did not get banned given he started it just at then end of normal time where the Linesman was right beside him!  Time now for Armagh to focus on the game and hopefully this will drive them on! 

GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 1 2022
March 29, 2022, 04:01:06 PM
its pretty rich Eamonn McGee making comment about any type of rough play, given the antics of both him and his brother over the years! How long did Neil McGee last on the pitch after being yellow carded ??   They would both know all about it.  Having viewed the pictures that he has put onto social media, its just a pity he didn't go and put the pictures up of what actually started it ie Messrs Murphy, McFaddan -Ferry, McBrearty along with most of the Donegal Back room Team and a few what looked like Stewards ? (yellow bibs) throwing their weight around. Then to start talking about the Donegal Doctor's warnings( the Doctor who spends most time on the pitch will all these invisible head injuries Donegal seem to have, when the game needs slowed down - Yet no-one ever goes off)!! Actually pretty sad from Eamonn McGee that he has to go back to a time when Karl Lacey was playing to write a story.. Armagh were no angels, but the blatant picking and choosing by some in the southern media is a joke.  Whatever punishment that is handed out needs to be taken on the chin and move on, So Long as the punishment is fair and not just directed at Armagh.  As an Armagh Fan i certainly did not shout for any Tyrone Players to be suspended in that game but Peter Harte's actions (who i like as a player) were much more rough and dangerous that anything that happened on Sunday ! 
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 1 2022
March 27, 2022, 07:10:11 PM
I'm sure RTE will show plenty of Social Media footage later, and from what i saw at the match.....there were definitely 2 Armagh players who could be in trouble along with a few Donegal, 1 Armagh player in particular if a fly touched him on the pitch it would knock him off the ball, we'll await the media circus around it....just like they did with Tyrone a few weeks ago.    But Congratulations to both our neighbours Tyrone and Monaghan for staying in Division 1 also!   
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 1 2022
March 27, 2022, 03:23:29 PM
Well Done Monaghan!  Fully Deserved, after all the easy frees the Dubs were given today !
General discussion / Re: Medical Status of Boardmembers
February 15, 2022, 09:03:32 PM
Great News Ball Hopper, you are truly Inspirational after all that you have went through.  You should be so proud of yourself, and best of luck for the next part of your Journey.  Remember we are all Thinking about you and your family !
GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
February 12, 2022, 09:30:51 PM
Well Done Kilcoo.....didn't play to full potential today....but you's kept going and got over the line.  Eugene Brannigan had a great game once again!!