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Messages - zoyler

GAA Discussion / Re: Tom Daly for President?
February 09, 2011, 03:13:41 PM
I think they may have them in'Blaney but they are not up to modern standards
GAA Discussion / Re: Tom Daly for President?
February 08, 2011, 02:15:41 PM
For the benefit of Rosfan I was at the Armagh/Dublin game on Saturday night when the redeveloped Athletic Grounds were official opened.  It was announced that with its completion it meant all nine counties have a floodlight stadium capable of hosting a 1srt round championship match.  What other province can say this?  Is this not progressive enough for you?
GAA Discussion / Re: International Rules 2010/2011
November 01, 2010, 05:56:20 PM
Was at both games and thankfully Saturday was a big improvement on the first night.  WE lost fair and square but our last quarter efforts restored the players honour and redemmed the series.  Instead of bemoaning our loss and talking sh*** about resurrecting the Railway Cups ( Just as AR fans talk sh*** about reviving Stae of Origin Aussie Rules) we should be learning from our defeat and seeing what we can take from the Aussies outstanding play. 
We can learn from their speed of thought, quick hands, support play, ability to play on from trhe mark etc.
I trust Antony Tohill and his assistants are in the process of writing a report to Croke Park on the subject and also on how selection and preperation of future Irish teams can be improved.  I saw and heard Colm O'Rourkes comments on RTE on the Bigfooty website today and agree with every word.
Also the series is self financing and offers a great chance for clubs to introduce young people to the thrills of Croke Park in a way that can't be done during the Championship.  Long may this continue.

I was in the lowe Cusack and found the sight of six ft goons in donkey jackets keeping decent GAA people of their pitch disgusting.  Where I was several Tipp players game running over to fans and would have clearly been delighted to have beem mobbed by their own!  Ir was clear from the comments around me that the vast majority of fans hated what was happening.  We become more and more soccerised every year and the streamers were the final straw. Cooney and Duffy become more like Blatter with each passing year.
GAA Discussion / Re: International Rules 2010/2011
September 06, 2010, 08:41:06 PM
Thanks Hardy - still one of the funniest things I've ever read - hope you sold it somewhere and made a few bob out of it!

If you've anything else like it where can we find it?
GAA Discussion / Re: International Rules 2010/2011
September 03, 2010, 08:27:54 PM
Your right - it was Hardy - please God hes in the land of the living and can put it up here .  I might also look for it on bigfooty
Somebody referred to the incompetence of the Umpires.  The fact is they were not Umpires!  McAneney has his own squad of them but today they were replaced by Intercounty Refs!!

In fairness McAneney asked them if they were sure to give them the chance to reconsider but the they declined!

Hard on Kildare but Down played the nicer football and as Brolly said Clarke was like some American Football quarterback!

Great row again between Brolly and the little spitter friom Kerry - Brolly objecting to him saying the square ball was the reason they lost - there was more to it then that!
GAA Discussion / Re: Jack Bratton R.I.P.
August 25, 2010, 07:06:45 PM
Truly one of the all time greats.
I remember him playing for the Harps before he went to live in Portadown for a while and we would always look into McGoverns in Thomas Street on our way home from Greenpark just to get a look at him standing behind the counter.  My Da always said that the Harps team of the 50s was the best club side in Ireland and that the great  Dublin side St. Vincents would always check to make sure that the Harps were NOT in a tourament before they would sign up to play in it.  God rest him,.

Apparently as part of the celebrations he went to Scotland yesterday to play the Old Course at St. Andrews and I doubt if he took a cart around the course!  Congratulations!
GAA Discussion / Re: International Rules 2010/2011
August 22, 2010, 03:04:17 PM
Just watched todays showing - the 2nd 1986 Test - Greg Blaney & Jack O'Shea were absolute stars and there was a mixture of great football and criminal fouling! That lunatic Todd was the Aussie manager so it figures!
GAA Discussion / Re: International Rules 2010/2011
August 17, 2010, 08:23:02 PM
Biff, was it you posted a fantasticly funny article on Aussie Rules on Bigfooty a number of years ago?

Have you still got it and any chance you'd put  it up here.  It was one of the funniest things I've ever read and the Aussies who could read words of more the five letters loved it as well.
Is there a prize for the poster posting who brings up the hundreth page?

By the Way it looks like your man O'Neill has tied up the Louth vote in the next presidential election
Mayo - Godhelpus - not me!! Pure Armagh though in exile in the west!
BTW very good article by O'Rourke yesterday which confirmed that there was general disquiet in various county team circles about Sludden - I think I refered to this earlier about concerns in Armagh prior to the Monaghan game - even though in the event he had little influence on that result!
Pure shite - we got what we deserved and could not have done anymore to help Dublin win sort of tieing a pink ribbon round the ball and sending them a gift card with it.
Why must we year after year carry the ball into contact to loose it and pass the ball to the man with no space.
At least we wont be embarrased any more this year - very very disapointing
Looked at a copy & paste job but it wont work.  Benny Tierney also blames Sluddens arrogance - a trait he says is common enough among major refs - in not consulting his umpires and ' Off the Fence' on Thursday also comes down heavily on Sludden and in favour of at least a replay.  Totally agree with Myles - and don't hate Meath- I married one of them!