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Messages - Main Street

Quote from: MW on August 04, 2008, 11:52:18 PM
You've got a lot of that ass about face.

Lennon was booed by a very small minority of a couple of hundred at most. The great majority of us deplored such behaviour (for my part, I wrote on the subject in the fanzine I was contributing too at the time and actually designed its front cover with Lennon on) - at the next game Lennon received full support and no booing.

Also it was actually a few matches previous to this (2 or 3) that finally the tiny vocal minority that used to sing "party tunes" was completely silenced - by efforts of the fans, not least OWC, and to a certain extent the IFA. The Lennon booing was already a throwback when it happened at that Norway game.

Despite attempts to minimize the accounts of the booing I do prefer to quote Lennons own account especially when it matches what I heard.
If you want to play down the bravery of Lennon then so be it.
The main significance is that the dignity of Lennon in the face of such abuse and hatred out in the society towards him and his determination to carry on playing for NI, was the catalyst for change. A real lion in the face of ugly death threats.
Not forgetting of course to the dignity and bravery of Jennings.

Quote from: nifan on August 04, 2008, 10:37:08 PM
Quotesome persistant sick taunts over the years

excuse my ignorance but what persistant sick taunts did he have over the years?
Nifan You should know more about the abuse that Neil Lennon has had to put up over the years since he signed for Celtic.
Wherever he went he was the target of abuse, which even by Scotlands standards was ugly.

While with Norther Ireland, even after the Norway game, half hearted wish washy support from his manager /IFA and general hangmans noose type hatred expressed to him out in the society, he clearly expressed his willingness to continue to play for NI.
That example he set was astonishing and an inspiration for change amongst the NI support.

General discussion / Re: For the attention of OWC'ers
August 04, 2008, 11:26:21 PM
It has the feel of a harmless publicity stunt as the thread title indicates. - 'Oh look at how inclusive the GAA are, are we not goody good'?

I can't say that I have any ideas how institutionalised attitudes in schools against GAA sports can be broken down. It would appear that what passes for an intelligentsia in NI  just pass the buck and blame the GAA. What a cop out.


Quote from: Rossfan on August 04, 2008, 09:36:43 PM
After all 80% of us dont particularly want Ireland divided but we voted for it to continue as part of the GF Agreement.
Voting for the GFA in the North was partly a vote for the continuing of the end of the Unionist veto
and the right to have a referendum on Irish unity with a simple majority needed to effect such a change.

I don't quite know what the constitutional significance of the plebiscite on the GFA by the Southerners. Not a lot i'd imagine.
There was a separate plebiscite on the constitutional change.

Ah sure´tis merely a bit of black humour coming from the North Koreans.

How about GAA Bigot Board, I think that one gets a bit of milage from the intellectually challenged.

Let's not forget that the changes to the NI support were, in the main, made possible by the impeccable conduct and generosity of great players like Pat Jennings and Neil Lennon.

Actually most of the kudos should go to a player like Lennon who always kept a dignified head above the muck pile despite being the target of some persistant sick taunts over the years, to shame the OWC into getting their house in order.
And in times past, Pat Jennings has spoken chillingly of what he had to endure at Windsor Park.

Agreed,  Tony you are way too hardhearted.
You could have donated one of your prize winning letters, framed and signed, to be used as one of the prizes.
GAA Discussion / Re: Kerry v Monaghan part 2
August 04, 2008, 07:41:29 PM
Didn't Walsh just come back on for Donaghy?

Banty says he is going off for a holiday to muse over future.

'After four years of "giving everything" McEnaney said he would take time before deciding if he would make himself available to continue.'

"I've given this job four years of my life. I have a young family and I have a lots of businesses in Monaghan. I'll take two weeks and go away with the family and I'll decide in five or six weeks."

However Colm Keyes thinks
'McEnaney is bound to return however and continue the pursuit of silverware, particularly a much coveted Ulster title.'

This 2nd gear Kerry jibe is a joke of an opinion.
I would put the Monaghan performance into another perspective.
I think we all witnessed a supreme football character performance from Kerry. One that no other team has sustained in this Championship over the 70 minutes against an opposition that did not lie down.

Quote from: carribbear on August 04, 2008, 01:52:31 PM
Quote from: nifan on August 04, 2008, 10:05:38 AM
Quote from: stew on August 01, 2008, 08:30:08 PM
Ok, I understand that there tubes that follow every sport you mentioned, that said there are far more issues with soccer fans than there are with either rugby or gaelic, how do you explain that nifan?

Im not sure. There is certainly an element of sc**bag supporters, some of whome are involved with rival paramilitary groups whichy leads to aggro for example. I have no problem condemning these sorts, but sometimes people like to make general comments on "soccer fans" as a whole which i find ridiculous.

Rugby and GAA also have a issues to overcome - look at the thread on racism in the gaa in the main section.

General sweeping comments, soccer fans are usually lower class trash. and king billy sucked corks.

I thought this was a GAA board, who let the funny handshakes on?
Yes it is a GAA board and stereotypical prejudices are not funny. Your attitudes verges on racist.

In general these OWC members of the GAA board secretly love Gaelic games and Irish culture and should be made welcome as the good OWC members.
In their main time, they go back to their discussion boards and defend the GAA from scurrillious unjustified attacks against the GAA by more ignorant OWC members who see the GAA as a terrorist support group. ::)

Do not be fooled by the OWC appearing on every thread started by Tony Fearon, that is only an umbrage front to fool the OWC that they are here for the purpose of defending the OWC from ridicule.

Quote from: Chrisowc on August 04, 2008, 11:23:40 AM
It would be a surrender would it?

We have a long way to go if thats the case.

Another sarcasm miss.
It does look like you have a long way to go.
Funny how the "surrender" rankled more than the "defeat".

Most Unionists voted against the GFA and still would. Opponents of the GFA pointed to this fact as a reason why it should not be accepted.
Sorry folks, the Unionist Veto has gone.
You just might have to deal with alien concepts of debate, permission, majority, rather than banging on a table about insisting on what you don't want.
It use to be a fear of Rome Rule, maybe it still is.

Time to stop hating your 'filthy, racist, terrorist loving' GAA neighbours. Shorten the road  ::)

If Tony does not win, then all that would be true.

"OWC Fix"  shocker.
GAA Discussion / Re: Kerry v Monaghan part 2
August 04, 2008, 11:52:05 AM
Q/F for the winners after a rest of 6 days :o
It would have been a hard ask for Monaghan if they had won.

Quote from: unforgiven on August 04, 2008, 01:30:06 AM
The class and skill of Kerry shone through in the game against a workmanlike Monaghan team.  Thankfully the team with the ability to play a bit of football came through with the result.
Don't think Monaghan are any great shakes (apart from T. Freeman) and I can't see them winning any titles in the near future.  Simply not enough true footballers
Another bitter Derry graceless post which can't get over his beautifull team being beaten twice in a row by a better football team.
Now the bitterness is attempted to be guised by this so called objective analysis.


GAA Discussion / Re: Pat Spillane
August 04, 2008, 11:22:25 AM
Quote from: Tatler Jack on August 04, 2008, 12:03:41 AM
QuoteIf you want to talk about smug presenters/pundits lets first address that obseqious little bollix Brolly.

Brolly is not presenting the main GAA programme on a Sunday night - Spillane is. It was an excellent programme when Lyster presented it but since Spillane took over it has gone downhill. He has none of the attrubutes needed to present a programme like this and his smugness and "show me your all ireland medals" does not help. He was an outspoken and occassionally entertaining panellist but that does not necessarily make a good presenter. I thought by now he might have improved a bit but no he has not and he is particualr annoying when it comes to hurling as he seems to have little passion for the sport and limited knowledge.

Brolly's views etc are irrelevant to this debate.
That's about it.
I think Spillane is much better on the radio.

It's an embarrassment to the program to have Spillane as the anchor  staring at the screen like a tensed up Owl with those shifty eyes and his hands gripping his leg, or was that the Apres Match spoof?  they did Spillane better that he does himself.

GAA Discussion / Re: Kerry v Monaghan part 2
August 03, 2008, 08:46:15 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on August 03, 2008, 08:21:39 PM
I apologise to monaghan fans for saying they were shite earlier in the season. they are a fraction away from the bigtime and still a work in progress.
Apology accepted Indiana  :)
it was a real championship game when the the other 3 games were damp squibs.
Even when the quality was lacking in the game, the intensity more than made up for up it.
2 teams who went hell for leather for victory with an almost controlled ferocity.
Donaghy's class on the day was the biggest difference but Kerry were just not going to lose that game under any circumstances.

Quote from: pintsofguinness on August 03, 2008, 02:37:15 PM
QuoteThe GAA letter is without prejudice.
What do you mean?
The GAA letter is a record stating he has not been disciplined.
It is a statement of fact.
It is not a reference of his good character as was indicated by Bud.

Quote from: Fear ón Srath Bán on August 03, 2008, 02:40:57 PM
Discipline or otherwise on the sporting pitch should have no relevance whatsoever to civil law transgressions, and should not be facilitated as submissions in any trial -- consider the reverse, an innocent who is charged with infraction but is damned by a transcript of his sporting disciplinary record.
A judge will decide what has relevence in the documents submitted  on behalf of an accused character.

A prosecutor cannot use a GAA disciplinary record against an accused. So there is no possibility of such a record being used against the accused.

Quote from: Bud Wiser on August 02, 2008, 07:15:40 PM
Yes, it was the secretary of the Kildare Club who gave the letter of support.  Now, can I ask you a question?

If it was your young lad who went in to buy a burger and he was harrassed, (The young lad in question apologized to the staff for what was taking place and left) and if he was followed upmthe street, headbutted in the face, had the head almost kicked off him, and was then stabbed, what would you think of the secretary's letter of support which contradicts the legal decision that these two Gaa Players were thugs????
Firstly Bud you should read the newspaper report more carefully.
The GAA letter is simply stating his on pitch discipline record with the GAA club.
The GAA letter is without prejudice.
The case is before the court and it is the Judge who passes sentence.
The accused is quite entitled to use such records in his legal defense that his violent action was out of character.