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Messages - PadraicHenryPearse

General discussion / Memories.....
January 16, 2009, 11:44:59 AM
General discussion / Re: The Big Bailout
January 16, 2009, 09:17:24 AM
what happens to shares that people have in Anglo? I think i may have a couple of hundred shares?
General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
January 01, 2009, 10:53:05 AM
Hardy Moderate people in Hamas have said they accept the two state solution. hamas alos offered a ten year truce after coming into power if israel return to the 67 border.

If hamas stop sending rockets it achieves nothing, they did during the 6 month ceasefire and PA or PLO have done so in the past but israel has never offered anything in return in terms of a just settlement based on international law. Or any incentive to continue aceasefire as more land is stolen during these periods as it is when they fight.

your third point that they should enter the peace process. Was this a joke? the moment they came into power they were ignored by everyone. How can they enter peace talks if nobody talks to them.
General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
December 31, 2008, 09:45:33 AM
they are not claims that Israel is blocking basic provisions. They are and have being doing it Since Hamas won free and fair elections. Everyone turned their back on hamas and Palestine as a result. There was a chance to work with the more moderate members of Hamas and bring about change. Instead Israel and American helped a corrupt Fatah to put an end to Hamas Rule. Hamas the took Gaza and what you Are left with is what you see today.

The Arab League all support Fatah as Hamas is an Islamic Resistance Movement and they don't want to be topple by Islamic fundamentalists in their own country.

General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
December 31, 2008, 09:10:22 AM
no problem Hardy. You probably only looked at the regular posters, or those that disagreed with your opinions. i do this all the time on other messageboards when arguing a point i usually only read the posts that are opposed to my opinions and skim over other posts.

Can i ask you if you can see why Hamas employs the tactics it does? And do you think the Israeli response will do more harm than good to the region?

Considering there has been several ceasefires over the years and the Palestinians have not seen any improvement in the living conditions etc. infact according to the UN and others they are in the worst position they have ever been in. During these Ceasefires settlements cont. to be build and more land taken as Israel try to create facts on the ground. Sharon before the Oslo agreement said what we take now we keep and they increased over 250000 settlers in the Oslo era. They are currently building settlements around East Jerusalem cutting it off from what would be a future Palestinian state.

Muay Thai will have to wait until the 5th before training starts again........
General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
December 31, 2008, 08:33:22 AM
Hardy, I should be added to your list who has condemn the killing of innocent civilians on both sides, i actually went further and condemn all the killings of either IDF or Hamas People. all unneccassary.

i can however see the reasons why Hamas do what they do, all they have is crude missiles from scrap. Gaza is an open prison. That does not mean i agree with their tactics. The reasons for the Israeli assult is something i find hard to understand. Their objective is not achiviable, if anything it hardens the Palestinian resolve.

some information from IPSM

Dear supporters,

The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign has called a National Demonstration in solidarity with Gaza for this Saturday 3rd January. The protest will begin with speeches at 1pm at the Central Bank Plaza, we will then march to the Dail (Kildare Street), the EU Offices (Molesworth Street), and finish up with a rally at the Spire on O'Connell Street - which will feature a live phone-link to Gaza. The slogan we will be moibilising around is simple "Free Gaza: Stop the Slaughter! End the Siege!". We are asking you to help us mobilise for this event - see below for how to help.

Please note: On Saturday 3rd Dec there will also be an IPSC demo in **Cork** - see here:

The death toll in Gaza now stands at over 360 with countless more injuries, and the Israeli Government has vowed "long weeks of action" in the area, with the likelihood of of a full ground invasion. We in Ireland must take action to oppose the ongoing brutal assault on a defenceless people - the IPSC is calling on all political parties, civil society groups, trade unions, and ordinary people to build and mobilise for Saturday's demo.

Furthermore, on Tuesday morning, it is reported that an Israeli patrol boat rammed the Free Gaza Movement boat the SS Dignity which was bringing three tons of medical aid and medical experts to Gaza. The boat - flying the flag of Gibraltar - was in international waters and, according to a CNN journalist that was aboard, it was rammed without warning. The boat began taking on water, and has now made its way to the safety of Lebanon.

What you can do:

1. Encourage as many members of your political organisation, trade union, civil society or community group etc as possible to attend.

2. Encourage your friends and family to come along.

3. Advertise the demo on your website, mailing list(s), social networking sites, internet forums or any other online outlets. (see below for info on how to advertise it on social networking sites - a web banner is also attached for display on websites - you can link to either the Indymedia notice < > or the IPSC website < >).

4. If you work or have contacts in the media, please try to use your influence to advertise the demo via any medium. The IPSC can provide interviewees if needed.

5. Print out and distribute the leaflet attached to this email. Or display it in your window, car, work noticeboard etc.


Id love to post more on this issue but i am currently in Phuket Learning Muay Thai and i have trainign now for 3 hrs.
General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
December 30, 2008, 03:12:58 PM
QuoteWhile Fatah were stealing money from the Palestinians

Seriously? Have you a link to anything that might back that up?

Just type Fatah and corruption into google and their are plenty of links from Israeli, Palestinian and international sources. Abbas sacked 6 officals after the last election after protests in Gaza about the corruption.
General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
December 30, 2008, 11:15:26 AM
you make peace with your enemies not your friends.

Removing Hamas is not an option it will never happen. While Fatah were stealing money from the Palestinians Hamas was building schools, hospitals etc. Hamas are democratically elected. The pre conditions that were set for them before entering talks would have been like asking the IRA or sinn fein swearing an oath to the Queen, Paisley and Trimble before entering talks.

The rocket fire i believe is aimed to Kill but it has a second purpose to show the Palestinians that they can fight the Israelis like the Hizbollah did and thirdly that it lets the citizens of south Israel know what it is like to live in constant fear like they do in Gaza.

Most People know what the end Solution to the conflict is. 67 borders slightly altered to accommodate facts on the ground, east Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, some sort of symbolic act on the right of return issue.

The question is how many more people will die before it is realised
General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
December 29, 2008, 04:05:49 PM
hardy one dead Israeli makes news it takes more than one dead Palestinian to make the news. this is a reality. We don't hear each time a Palestinian cannot get to his , job or family because Israel has closed a checkpoint or that the wall has taken another metre of Palestinian land or that more settlements are going up around east Jerusalem. But we repeatly hear about the rockets that although over 8000 have been fired only 20 have died. 20 too many but it shows how ineffective these rockets are. in 2 days 300 palestinians have died.

It seems to matter to people that some were Hamas and other civilian but they are all people regardless. Human life, my aunt a nun said at the start of the war on iraq when the figures for dead iraqi civilians and US troops was given on the radio why no mention of the Iraqi Troops where these not people too. That comment stayed with me. It is a cycle of Violance the reason Israel is deemed the bad guy i think is because as said earlier Israel can bring peace not that the region is full of rainbows and happiness peace but it can bring a lasting peace if it ends its Greater Israel policy and goes back to the 67 border which under international law it must.

Obama will be no different on this issue but maybe the change of policy on Iran might help Obama take a more balanced view.
General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
December 29, 2008, 03:26:47 PM
did seem a bit odd of a comment alright, but suggesting he didn´t do anything to contribute is a much worst statement.

Sharon if you look back actually helped Hamas begin as they saw Hamas as a way to Split the Palestinians into differnet grouping therefore making them weaker, particularly the PA or what was then the PLO or Fatah.

Sharon was the reason for the 2nd intifada, when he visited the temple mount therefore stirring tension and Allowing Hamas to show how many Martyrs it had ready to die for the Palestinian cause.

and probably the worst thing he did was the Withdrawal from Gaza and the removal of the settlements. Not beacuse this was the wrong thing to do but because it broke away from the road map to Peace (last chance saloon i suppose, probably wont have worked either) and as it was done without talking to the Palestinians, Hamas could claim that their rocket fire had forced Israel to back down and leave (settlements that were illegal the withdrawal should not have been praised but questions as why it took so long should have been asked). Hamas then went on to win fair elections before the big four turned their back again on the Palestinians and would not accept the results.
General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
December 29, 2008, 02:50:05 PM
bennydorano  please read some more information on sharon before making a comment like you did. This man killed more innocent Palestinians proabably then any other Israeli.

some info



Ariel Sharon: Profile of an
Unrepentant War Criminal
by Jeffrey Steinberg


Editor's Note: This introductory article appeared in the May 17, 2002 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. The following supporting material is drawn from previously published reports:

Ariel Sharon and the West Bank `Landscam' (March 1986)
Make Ariel Sharon Answer to Charges of Genocide (November 1990)

Ariel Sharon: Profile of a British Tool (March 1994)
Sharon Appointment in Israel Makes Death of Oslo Accords Official (October 1998)
Ariel Sharon Ignites New Middle East War (October 2000)
Darbyism in Israel: Ariel Sharon (December 2000)
Mideast War, Sooner Rather Than Later (January 2001)


Ariel Sharon, the Prime Minister of Israel, is currently facing possible war crime prosecutions for two massacres that occurred 20 years apart: the September 1982 massacre of Palestinian civilians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon, and the April 2002 Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) mass killings in the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank.

Sharon is, without doubt, guilty of these crimes against humanity, and others. He is also unrepentant. For him, these mass killings are merely necessary steps on the path toward his objective of a "Final Solution" to the "Palestinian problem," through the mass expulsion and/or extermination of the more than 3 million Palestinians and Arabs now living in Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights. Under various labels, Sharon and a rogues gallery of collaborators inside Israel, Britain, and the United States, are now moving toward the final phase of their "mass transfer" plans for the Palestinians and Arabs.

EIR has "written the book" on Sharon's blood-soaked career for over 30 years. (See 1994 Profile.) As a service to the current worldwide debate on his government's fascist actions, we provide this summary dossier on the Israeli mass murderer. This summary is linked to a compendium of earlier exposés of Sharon and his partners in crime.

The Sharon File
Sharon was born in Kfar Malal in 1928. At the age of 14, he joined the Haganah, and at 20, headed an infantry company in the Alexandroni Brigade during the 1948 War of Independence, during which the Israeli forces drove an estimated 300,000 Palestinians from their land, using some of the same genocidal methods against unarmed civilian populations that were used in the recent IDF invasion of the Palestinian Authority's Area A territory.

In 1953, Sharon founded "Unit 101," a secret death squad within the IDF that committed several mass murders of civilians. In October 1953, Sharon's "Unit 101" massacred 66 innocent civilians during a cross-border raid into the Jordanian West Bank village of Qibya. Under intense machine-gun fire, local residents were driven into their homes, which were then blown up around them, killing the occupants by burying them alive in piles of rubble. The April 2002 IDF massacre at the Palestinian refugee camp in Jenin was, in fact, modeled on Sharon's "Unit 101" operations at Qibya.

On Oct. 18, 1953, the U.S. State Department issued a bulletin denouncing the Qibya massacre, demanding that those responsible be "brought to account." Instead, Sharon was rewarded for his war crimes by having his "Unit 101" absorbed into the Israeli paratroop corps. By 1956, Sharon had been appointed paratroop brigade commander.

Between Feb. 28, 1955 and Oct. 10, 1956, a Sharon-led paratrooper brigade conducted similar cross-border invasions into Gaza, Egypt, and the West Bank in Jordan. At the West Bank village of Qalqilya, Sharon's death squad killed 83 people
General discussion / Re: Pat Darcy v Gregory Campbell
December 29, 2008, 11:59:00 AM
i hate getting involved in these discussions because they always go around in circles and end up off topic and a complete farce. I think Pat was correct to speak out against critics of GAA and Tyrone in Particular, i don´t think there is anyone else in as good a position to do so.

My opinion is that you can find reasons why you dont want to be part of any organisation if you look hard enough. That is what Unionists appear to be doing. I have no idea how many clubs there are in Ireland but to pick a handfull and use these to beat the the gaa with is a joke as far as i am concerned. If they have other hobbies sports they prefer that is fine stick to them but to cont. to say the gaa is open to unionists is a joke. In my club we have underage players from Poland, China, India, Malayasia to name a few, they don´t have any issues but if they wanted to look for reasons not to have jointed like unionists do im sure they could have found them but most (if not all) Gaa players play for the love of the game and not the articles in the gaa handbooks.
General discussion / Re: Absence of Concern
December 29, 2008, 05:29:04 AM
Dear IPSC supporter,

In light of the ongoing attacks by Israel in Gaza (the current death toll stands at over 300, with many more injured) there will be another protest in Dublin tomorrow Monday 29th December. It will be held at the Israeli Embassy in Ballsbridge, and will start at 5pm, and there will be a march to the American Embassy down the road.

There will also be a demo in Belfast starting at 12 noon outside the City Hall.

Finally, here is a report from today's demo in Dublin:

In Solidarity
General discussion / Re: Munster My Arse
December 29, 2008, 04:57:30 AM
Any of the "Connacht" team from Connacht or Connacht outside Galway City?

Gavin Duffy Ballina, Johnny O'Connor Galway, Andrew Browne Galway, Ronan Loughney Galway, Joe Merrigan Galway, The two Muldoons of who Johnny was great tonight are from Ballinasloe, Dave Nolan Galway, Conor O'Loughlin Galway and Daniel Rioradan. Not a bad representation from what lets face it is really a development province.

Conor O'Loughlin is from Athlone. good win nothing to get real excited about
General discussion / Re: ' Lost Posters of 2007'
November 12, 2008, 05:12:40 AM
QuoteThe Board Key Stats currently report that we have 1868 registered members but the members list shows only 1717 without the Mods so 151 have registered and deleted. 

Of the 1717 members:

320 have registered but never posted

173 have registered and posted once

94 have registered and posted twice

158 posted between 3 and 5 times

160 posted between 6 and 10 times

Therefore, 53% of all registered posters have posted 10 or less times.

A further 338 registered members have posted between 11 and 50 times

Another 124 have posted between 51 and 100 times

Would be interesting to get all this info again. I have jointed the 100+ club since then. But i've been a long time reader and don't post that often.