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Messages - Main Street

General discussion / Re: iPod & iTunes help
August 11, 2008, 01:37:43 PM
Quote from: ildanach on August 11, 2008, 12:49:25 PM
got a new lap top and i want to transfer itunes library onto it from old laptop. anyone know how i can do this? Thanks

I know how I would do it on the Mac, just use the Migration assistant tool.

Assuming you have Windows OS
can you connect one laptop to the other using firewire cable so that the old laptop just shows up as a hard drive on your new laptop?

If not, copy your entire iTunes Libary folder onto an external hard drive or one/many dvd disk
Rename it any name you want
eg  Itunes 1

On the new laptop open up my documents, and copy it into the itunes folder

Open  Itunes up on the new laptop
Go to  File,  -   add folder to library,
Browse for the iTunes 1 folder  and tell  Itunes to import it.
Then it is imported into Itunes library.

if you want to get your playlists into the  new Itunes
then you need to do a few more things, just ask if you need that.

GAA Discussion / Re: Corcaigh v Cill Dara
August 11, 2008, 12:43:48 PM
A bit more focus from Kildare would have been good fun. Although Cork had a bit of panic they had some cool heads at the end.

4 subs before 25 minutes had been played tells me that the Kildare coaching staff hadn't much of a clue as to what the best starting 15 was and that was at an AI QF. On the other hand maybe there is the capacity to improve in a lot of those areas.

Quote from: Hardy on August 11, 2008, 12:05:42 PM
. And in Football we get know-nothing, inarticulate spoofers like Spillane, Lyons, Davis, McStay, Carney etc. It's almost as if they're deliberately making fun of us.
Those guys are grand, it is that spoofer (O'Rourke) who you did not name who brings punditry  down to the silage pits.  ;D

Coughlin and Kiernan are a class act at the Olympic punditry
General discussion / Re: Georgia/Russia
August 11, 2008, 11:14:00 AM
Quote from: Pangurban on August 10, 2008, 08:30:45 PM
Despite the attempts by NATO countries to put a spin on this, it is becoming abundantly clear that Russia had no choice other than to take the action they did. Failure to do so would have resulted in Genocide. This was a naked land grab and ethnic cleansing operation, pre-planned and launched by Georgia, with the connivance of the Americans. In an all out war there can be only one victor, Russia has to date shown remarkable restraint in not pressing their advantage
Sounds like something from Russia Today (which is Fox news x 10).
Where is the evidence for this definitive opinion on genocide, land grab  and ethnic cleanse.

Isn't it also possible that the Russians had (totally) selfish motives for actively supporting armed insurrection in this troubled province?
Quote from: MW on August 10, 2008, 11:13:15 PM
Actually, we only adopted the grandparent rule in 1993 so your claim that players didn't want to play for us is simply a steaming pile of garbage.

The IFA didn't even allow the mother's birthplace to count for eligibility until the mid 1980s.

So, basically you're talking about a few years after the mid-1990s. And you're not even doing that terribly well.

Do you dispute one of the names of the Plastic Willies that I gave?
or one of the names of the limp Willies  that I gave you who weren't good enough?
Or that the IFA did not ask around for other players?
Or that players refused the invitation to become Plastic Willies?

Would you ever cop on with your ethnic born on the soil superiority hypocrecy -   'we had less plastics than you' -  playground nonsense.

Or the sanctity of  that you only considered to recruit Plastic Willies   en masse - after 1993 UK Association Agreement.

The BBC were quite complementary about 3J 's boxing skills and did remark during the 4th round about some of the clear connections from the Hungarian were not scoring.
Overall just normal coverage of an athletic performance.
Why can't the RTE guy just cover the medal winning performance of a Brit without tittering stupidly like a schoolboy.

GAA Discussion / Re: Tír Eoghain vs Ath Cliath '08
August 10, 2008, 10:26:18 PM
The only thing Tyrone can hope for is some mercy and I don't see any chance of the Dubs slacking off.
It's going to be a unmerciful romp by Dublin.
So one sided that it won't be a game for the neutrals.

The nation expects and wants a Dublin V Kerry classic.
There is no place this year for cinderellas.

I heard the rte radio sports news on the Olympics this morning, report from Con Murphy, stuck in the end was a report of the Brits first gold, the line could not be delivered without him giving an embarrassed giggle and a reference to - 'I suppose we won't be hearing the end of this'.

Can these dimwits not deliver a news report with some objectivity, respect and drop the small minded shite.

I watched the 3J  fight on the BBC,  I didn't notice any embarrassment there or any begrudging comments.   

Quote from: Chrisowc on August 10, 2008, 03:34:02 PM
I'm not insulting anyone it's called having a bit of craic.  Fcuk me this place needs it sometimes.  Maybe you don't get my humour but I'm having a laugh.

Especially at Main Street :D

Yes Main Street it's a term of abuse.....just like chump.

No harm intended and nothing sinister behind it.

It's good to laugh.
I would not have associated abuse with a bit of humour but
I suppose I have to take under consideration that it is a long and hard road to make the total change from the old accepted ways of WP ethnic banter.
I understand.

Quote from: Chrisowc on August 10, 2008, 10:01:50 AM

:D :D

The only thing limp in here is you.  Numpty!

I didn't write anything of the sort.
Sorry about that quote from another poster that I attributed to you.
Poor mistake.

What is a numpty? a term of abuse?

General discussion / Re: Dublin
August 09, 2008, 12:49:23 PM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on August 09, 2008, 12:08:07 PM
visit guiness and jameson for the tour - quite interesting and free beer/whiskey.
If that were true the queue would go all the way down to Kerry.
Quote from: Chrisowc on August 09, 2008, 07:38:47 AM

it seems my little dig hit a nerve eh Main Street ;)

Your right about one thing though.  Any plastics coming on board now are definately coming for the jolly craic.  It ain't the football :D
What are you on about?
you wrote
'Going back to out 1982 team, for example, every player in the squad was born in Northern Ireland except two - Jimmy Nicholl, born in Canada to two Northern Irish parents and brought up in Northern Ireland, and Chris Nicholl, born in England to a Northern Irish father'.

Then you get informed about all your Plastic Willies and Limp Willies and you pretend you were having a dig. ::)

QuoteYour right about one thing though.

I'm accurate about a lot of things.

Quote from: MW on August 08, 2008, 09:56:31 PM
That's a bit of a wierd comment.

Going back to out 1982 team, for example, every player in the squad was born in Northern Ireland except two - Jimmy Nicholl, born in Canada to two Northern Irish parents and brought up in Northern Ireland, and Chris Nicholl, born in England to a Northern Irish father.

Jack Charlton's Republic of Ireland would never have made it to the World Cup if they'd played with a similar proportion of Irish-born players - or even second generation Irishmen.

And the current Northern Ireland squad is vastly Northern Irish-born too: evey member of the starting line-up the night we beat Spain in the last qualifiers was born in NI; in the previous qualifiers, when we beat England, out of the whole squad of 17, only 3 were born outside NI.
We can't help if our image is sound and players wanted to be with us in the late 1980's and 1990's whereas NI  was a black hole and you were way down in rankings gutter with Guam
Republic =  jolly craic
NI = grim bástards up North

Do your research onto the time that NI tried out  imports who did come in but did not make the grade.
Wood, Sonner, Coote  Whitley  Sanchez  Jenkins  all got capped but were useless at that standard
It logically follows that if they did make the grade you would have used them.

But because they were shite you want to climb on top the moral high ground and pontificate about our 2nd and 3rd gen Paddies who were class footballers and dead keen Irish nationals

Dowie, Wilson, Black, Horlock, McCarthy, Nolan, Williams are all English born and represented the North during the period.
plus Norsk Capaldi and Deutche Maik Taylor.

Add to that those who politily refused an invite to join NI.

General discussion / Re: Attention OWCers
August 08, 2008, 11:03:08 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on August 08, 2008, 07:57:41 PM
Quote from: Orior on August 08, 2008, 05:00:43 PM

I expect no less from owc. What I cant fathom are the dublin soccer heads that agree with them.

The biggest anti GAA bigots in Ireland can be found among 26 Co Soccerites. I know a few Athlone d**kheads and have come across some Sligo townies too and bigotted is a mild description.
Remember the antics of the FAI's party coming back from Belfast after they won qualification for the world Cup singing " You can stick your GAA up your hole".
It's a myth
Thats just a story, a good one, but still a story all the same, invented by one journalist who is prone to such exaggerations for the sake of making a story sound good.

General discussion / Re: iPod & iTunes help
August 08, 2008, 10:57:32 PM
Quote from: downgirl on August 08, 2008, 10:42:54 PM
Help...put a few new cd's onto iTunes this afternoon, put the iPod on to sync, and it never picked it up as being there, nothing synced but it says do not disconnect even though it wasn't picked up as connected on iTunes; chanced it and turned the computer on and disconnected it, its still saying do not disconnect and I can't turn it off...what do I do!!
You must have been thinking of Pints at the time  ;D
You cant undo that thought.

But you will probably be all right with resetting it a few times
This is a minor glitch usually.
Turn off sync, thats just for  the lazy gobs.
After you are done resetting
Try connecting it to the computer and waiting for iTunes to read it  and then eject it from iTunes
wait until iPod say its ok to to disconnect.
Keep repeating until its all working smooth.