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Messages - Rossfan

Galway qualified for a couple of Quarter finals didn't they.
That should be the aim anyway of teams in the Qualifiers - to qualify.
General discussion / Re: What should Labour do?
May 23, 2016, 12:11:40 PM
Brendan Howlin says he expects the Govt to only last a few months.
We already gave one Junior Minister acting like an opposition leader!
Then a FF Bill gets passed.
He could be right.
Now now Syfín - some are more heroic than others in your worldeen ;D
Strange atmosphereless game which followed the May script of D1 team easily disposing of limited D4 team while not playing all that well.
Some great points by us from play, some awful free taking, totally unable to defend against opponents who run at us, a lot of sides in the 3rd quarter especially.
Excellent performances from Seànie, Fintan, Devaney and Ronan Daly brought a lot to the table.
Some stinkers too incl Syfín's hero.
Anyway we've progressed to the Semi Final with 2 wins under our belts while Galway and Sligo are at the same stage without kicking a ball.
Meanwhile Laythrum go into the All Ireland Qualifiers why I don't know as they won't qualify for anything.
Oh yes now I remember....
They ain't going to be put into any B or 2nd tier competition ::)
General discussion / Re: What should Labour do?
May 22, 2016, 12:49:40 PM
Well said Owenmore.
Time to head to Carrick and join the traffic queue.
Sun, rain and wind.
Best of luck to the lads - let's get the train back on track.
Quote from: Beffs on May 22, 2016, 12:05:01 AM
Why on earth was this on in Croke Park? Utter madness !

Maybe they've revoked your citizenship with all that " Northern Irish" identity stuff you were advocating.
I can see some gaaboarder in the Passport Office saying " Let him go off and get a " Northernirish " one"
Going by our subs list we must be going to make a lot of defensive changes during the game!!
If a concert takes precedence over games then Carlow or Kilkenny was the ideal venue for these 2 games.
Presumably the first priority was to have a Dublin Corporate event to make up for moving their footballers for the first time in 10 years.
GAA Discussion / Joe McDonagh
May 21, 2016, 12:37:43 AM
Iar Uachtaràn CLCG Joe McDonagh passed away tonight.
At lamb dheis Dé go raibh a anam dìlìs.
No doubt him and Jamesie Murray will be belting out the West's Awake in Heaven tonight.
Downhill from here for SF  ;) :-X
He was alright but from nowhere to the 26............ :-\
No need to be so coarse Syfín >:(
Aye that sort of thing will show the Laythrum alright.
Ros Gaels bias coming through and how is that Clann buck one of our 26 best.
Does this mean their TDs and MLAs won't qualify for legal aid unlike sc**bag Murphy?