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Topics - Tankie

GAA Discussion / Dublin V Wexford All Ireland SF
August 11, 2008, 12:27:09 PM
This fixture is hard to beleive but such is life. I still predict anouther hammering by Dublin, it should be interesting to see how many fans will come up from Wexford, I cant wait to hear how they are entitled to 30k or something rediculous!

Anyway I still say Dublin by 10 - 15pts!

Roll on Kerry!
General discussion / Return of third-level fees
August 11, 2008, 10:44:49 AM
QuoteMinister signals possible return of third-level fees Print

Education Minister Batt O'Keefe has revealed that third-level fees may be reintroduced despite the Government's previous promises to the contrary.

The Programme for Government agreed between Fianna Fáil, the Greens and the PDs vowed that college fees would not be reintroduced.

However, reports this morning say Mr O'Keefe has indicated that the promise may be abandoned due to the economic downturn.

He says his department will be conducting a "forensic audit" of third-level spending before making any decision on the matter.

The minister also says any changes will specifically target better-off families and those with incomes well above the national average.

Mr O'Keefe's comments follow an intense lobbying campaign by university heads calling for the return of fees to help them compete internationally.

With this recent speculation about the return of third-level fees by the governemnet what do people think about it? Personally I would be totally against the idea as a country is built on education and also I find it crazy to think that we pay people to do a FAS course but would consider charging college students!!!!!!
QuoteEircom to end domestic league sponsorship
Thursday, 24 July 2008 16:39
RTÉ Sport has learned that eircom will end their sponsorship of the Irish domestic league at the end of the current season.

The telecommunications group began their relationship with soccer in this country in 2000, sponsoring the national side before extending their commitment by becoming title sponsor of the league shortly afterwards.

Both deals are due to expire this year with the company expected to maintain their relationship with the international side but end that with the domestic game.

The news will come as a further blow to the League of Ireland which has seen many clubs forced to make cut backs already this campaign.

This will be a test for theleague to see if there is much interest out there from companies to get involved in the league!
General discussion / Free GNEVIN
July 22, 2008, 04:50:40 PM
This is a thread for the Free GNEVIN campaign, he is a good poster and adds alot to the board. He made a joke and some people took it the wrong way but its not as if he was look for people to be crushed to death at a GAA match or anything crazy like that.

Support GNEVIN!
General discussion / NTL 20mb broadband
July 11, 2008, 12:10:54 PM
Hey does anyone have this or even just broadband with NTL? is the broadband good and reliable? i was thinking of changing a few months back but i decided not to but if they are giving 20mb for €40 i may go for it as i am currently paying €40 for a 4mb line at the moment!

Anyone got any experience with UPC/NTL broadband?
QuoteIreland may co-host 2015 World Cup10/07/2008
THE rugby World Cup may be coming to these shores in 2015 with the Scottish Rugby Union on the verge of making an approach to the IRFU to co-host the event. The SRU is refusing to confirm or deny reports that it is considering a joint-bid with their Irish counterparts to stage the elite tournament in seven years' time.

"We are not ruling anything in or anything out," SRU spokesman Dominic McKay said yesterday.

"What we need to do is consult with other unions to see what is possible. There will also be discussions with key stakeholders."

The lack of a proper stadium structure should no longer be an issue by 2015 as it was six years ago when both countries football unions made a joint bid to UEFA in 2002 to co-host Euro 2008.

The IRFU will have a redeveloped Lansdowne Road and new Thomond Park available while there are big plans to redevelop Ravenhill in Belfast.

Should Croke Park continue to open its doors to rugby and soccer beyond 2010, then an 82,000 capacity stadium would bolster the joint bid process between the two home unions.

However the International Rugby Board (IRB) is already facing charges of "excessive greed" by one of its own members after it emerged that the 2015 hosts will have fork out a whopping €126m to host the tournament.

I heard about this awhile back but I thought nothing of it but it has been reported more and more recently, I know England and Wales seem to be planning a bid too so competition to get this would be tough.

I think it would be a great thing for the country if we can host it. Also incase people are unsure generally the Rugby World Cup runs from Mid - Sept to end October.
General discussion / Car Hire Company's
July 09, 2008, 04:46:42 PM
They are some shambles, i am away for work at the moment and I collected my car rental this morning and they gave me a car with no Sat Nav even though i requested it. The girl says they don't have any left and could probably get one tomorrow. I ask her how do i get to work without sat nav and she tries to sell me a map. totally pissed me off!

One of the other guys asked for a Golf and they gave him a Fiata Punto, like if they can't give what you want they shouldnt be saying they have it and then we could use a different company! dont know any other business that would get away with this type of thing!
I was just listening to Sinn Fein on the radio today talking about how the people should not allow a second referendum take place with just a few 'cosmetic' changes and that a renegotiation must take place. This is all well and good but Sinn Fein are not saying what should be changed, also where have Libertas  disappeared too? I still find it weird that you coundnt get that Ganley chap off the tv before the vote and now he is no where to be found!

But really, we voted NO but nobody seems to know what they want changed?
General discussion / Do people deserve a vote?
June 13, 2008, 10:07:05 AM
Just looking at another shockingly low turn out in this election and you have to wonder do some people deserve the right to vote, this is a huge issue that effects Ireland greatly and on 40 - 45% of people decide to vote. And if i hear another idiot saying that they did not understand it so they didnt vote or voted No I think i will just lose it. Are people that focking lazy they cannot ready the booklet that was sent out to them or go on the internet and read about it there? IMO its fairly typical of modern working class Ireland that just read headlines or posters and make up there mind without know what the hell is going on!
General discussion / Hatton could fight in Dublin
May 23, 2008, 12:01:29 PM
Thi could be a good night out:

i take it the pro Rule 42 lads would be giving out stink about this aswell.
GAA Discussion / Hooligism in the GAA
April 21, 2008, 02:05:24 PM
After the recent events in Parnell Park where a senior Dublin player was assalted by a Meath Fan by having a boiling hot cup of tea or coffee thown at him we must ask ourselves where the association is going, a few weeks ago there was a similar incident in Mayo where the player then reacted. Sould these counties be banned to stamp this shocking behaviour out?

i think Meath should be decucted points from this league campaign as we cant have the Hooligans turning a nice day out with the family into an unfriendly atmosphere. And we cannot put players in this enviroment where they feel unsafe and play in the fear of being assalted with boiling water being thrown at them.
General discussion / 18th / 19th of March
March 19, 2008, 05:35:02 PM
Gnevin has metioned that these will be the two most productive days in Irish working industry.

I think they were two of the best days the board has hand in a long time as proper discussion actually took place but i guess we are going to be back to the wind - up and thread wrecking tackics again and rediculous agruements about spelling and grammer. It was nice while it lasted I guess!!!!
General discussion / Queen visit to the North
March 19, 2008, 02:36:53 PM
I was just reading there today that the Queen is up the North today but there is no mention of any nationalist or the Deputy First Minister meeting her. Should Martin and the boys not be making an effort here for cross community relations?

I notice Mary is up there but representing us though.
General discussion / Call Of Duty 4
November 09, 2007, 11:43:08 AM
I see that Call of Duty is out today, downloaded the trailer lastnight and this game looks total class. Anyone planning on getting it?
General discussion / Heineken Cup 2007/2008 Thread
November 09, 2007, 10:49:29 AM
Well lads tonight is the big night we've all been waiting for, finally we can put that shocker of a World Cup behind is and back to top flight rugby.

With a bit of luck Munster will take a whipping this weekend.

Roll On Leinter tho!!!!!! Anyone going tomorrow?
General discussion / Parking in Belfast
October 22, 2007, 02:15:36 PM
I was wonder what some of you guys from Belfast thought about people driving their southern reg cars to Belfast. I wanna head upto the Leinster v Ulster game on friday but not sure if to drive up or get the bus thats going. i would rather drive myself but i was up there last year and Ravenhill seems to be in a protestant part of the city as Big Ians church is beside it and a few of us also got lost and a few of the locals sent us totally the wrong way.

So will my car be alrite if i park it around the ground, i've been up north loads of times and have never had hastle but not sure on this one for some reason.
GAA Discussion / Super Dubs - they just gotta win
August 24, 2007, 12:58:49 PM
Really starting to think this could be our year:
-> from last year but still great
General discussion / The State and Religion
August 24, 2007, 12:10:48 AM
In light of the thread that is running with the gardai and the turban - this really comes down to if there should be a gap between church and state. i think there should be as there are alot of religions and alot of people who are not religious at all so the best way to sort it is to have a complete seperation.

What you guys think?
GAA Discussion / Super Dubs BEST Score
August 22, 2007, 01:20:50 PM
I really love the goals against Laois, but MV's goal had to be great just for the Laois reaction.
As it has become more and more obvious over the past number of weeks there seems to be a lack of interest from fans to see their county team play, this was highlighted with the Cork v Waterford game having a lower than expected turn out, yesterdays all - ireland semi final. This is all of course except for Dublin and to be fair Waterford who had good attendances through out.

But the question is can the Championship survive at this current rate without Dublin? The media only seem interested in Dublin these days which keeps the GAA in the headlines for positive reasons, if you read a paper any day of the week there will be something regarding Dublin GAA.

This meadia attention brings alot of money to the GAA in the form of sponsorship and also the huge gate receipts which are around €10m this Championship alone!

What do you guys think?